truth to tell

[truθ tu tɛl][tru:θ tu: tel]


  • Truth to tell I don 't like examinations at all .


  • The child must be taught to respect the truth and to tell the truth

    应该教孩子尊重 事实 实话

  • And truth in menu requires me to tell the truth about the things I 'm serving .

    “菜单 实情”要求我 自己提供的产品进行如实 反映

  • He is very much interested in ' ee - truth to tell . ' Tess seemed for the moment really pleased to hear that she had won such high opinion from a stranger when in her own esteem she had sunk so low .

    很感兴趣 老实 告诉 。听说自己得到一个陌生人如此高的评价,苔丝一时似乎真的高兴起来,因为那时候她自己觉得情绪非常低落。

  • Truth to tell of late years a change has come over England . These words passed down from the ancients will carry me through every adversity and maintain my life in balance .

    这句 ,传自远古时代,它们将陪我度过难关,使我的生活保持平衡。

  • I knew that I must tell her the truth but I couldn 't bring myself to tell it all at once

    “我知道应当告诉她 实情,但我不 忍心一下子都 出来。”

  • Better to tell the truth and comfort their cry than to create pain when you tell them a lie .

    真相 安慰朋友的哭泣,总比承受着巨大的痛苦去 告诉他们谎言好。

  • Truth is such a rare thing it is delighted to tell it .

    真理是这麽稀有的珍贵, 揭示是快乐的事。

  • Sometimes he tells the truth too . Besides I don 't think it necessary to tell lies about this kind of thing . Don 't you think so ?

    有时候他也说 真话,而且我认为他没有必要 这种事情 撒谎,难道你不这样认为吗?

  • Whenever that man says To tell the truth I suspect that he 's about to tell a lie .

    每当那团体说“说 真实 ”的时分,我猜测他就 说谎了。

  • The truth is I do know enough about your circumstances and intentions and abilities to advise you well I can only tell you in a general way what I think .

    事实是我不很了解你的情况、你的意图和你的能力,提不 出使你满意的意见。我只能泛泛地 谈谈我的看法。

  • You must be sensitive to when it is necessary to tell the truth and when it is better to tell a white lie .

    当有必要说 真话 时或最好 无恶意的谎话时你必须要有悟性。

  • And truth to tell I had some serious moral reservations about putting them in the book .

    实际上道德上, 这些引诱术出现在书里,我是有所保留的。

  • If you find the truth too difficult to bear you 'll be controlled by those who tell you what you want to hear .

    如果你发现 现实如此艰难而让人 难以忍受,你将被那些善于 甜言蜜语的人所束缚。

  • And to tell you the truth I feel guilty about this but to tell you the truth I 'm not physically attracted to him now .

    对你说 的我为此感到内疚但 真的我现在的身体对他产生不了吸引。

  • Truth to tell John did not want Veronica at his wedding .

    实在的,约翰不想 韦罗妮卡参加他的婚礼。

  • Esteban : from the truth that I did not have the strength to face . I never had the nerve to tell you that your mother is alive .

    我一直没有勇气 面对这个 事实,那就是&你们母亲还活着的消息,我一直没不敢 告诉你们。

  • But she knows the truth of swimming on Easter Sunday and she wanted to tell you herself .

    但是她没有说明周日复活节那天游泳的 真相,她只 告诉你她自己的事。

  • Truth to tell I feared your benefactor would make me eat my head .
