

[医] 台盼蓝,锥虫蓝

  • Methods : Hematopoietic progenitor / stem cell culture and Trypan-blue detect cell viability .

    方法: 采用 培养及细胞活性计数方法 研究 不同 条件 造血干 细胞 回收率。

  • Cells in logarithmic growth pHase were placed in refrigerator for gradient cooling and then were preserved in liquid Nitrogen ( - 196 ℃) for 2 ~ 6 months the viability of cells was determined by trypan-blue dye cell morpHology were also observed .

    选取处于对数生长期的培养细胞梯度降温后置入液氮(-196℃)中保存4~6个月,进行细胞 复苏 培养,以 2% 确定细胞活力,并观察 复苏 纤维细胞形态学状况。

  • Under the microscope the inhibition effects of T-lymphoma cell and Hela cell treated by the compound were observed by TRYPAN-Blue assay .

    在倒置显微镜 应用 染色法观察 蟾酥氯仿 提取物对T淋巴瘤细胞及Hela细胞的生长抑制作用。

  • The proliferation of lymphocytes was tested with trypan-blue stain .


  • Fuel cells METHODS : The cytotoxic effect of anti-EB virus delicious on B lymphocytes from umbilical cord blood was assayed by using the trypan-blue trophochrome method .

    方法:用 拒染法检测抗EB病毒口服液对脐带血B淋巴细胞的细胞毒作用;

  • Methods Growing inhibitory test was used in vitro living cells were counted by trypan-blue staining method and calculating inhibitory percentage .

    方法采用体外生长抑制实验, 染法计数活细胞,计算抑制百分率;