turn a blind eye to

[tɚn e blaɪnd aɪ tu][tə:n ə blaind ai tu:]


  • But you turn a blind eye to see it .

    然你 熟视 睹。

  • The House bill does not even make an attempt to unravel the conflict of interest that led credit ratings agencies to turn a blind eye to the risks the Street was taking on .

    众议院法案甚至没有试着解决评级机构与华尔街之间的利益冲突,正是这种利益冲突导致前者 后者背负的风险 视而不见

  • Why did the officials turn a blind eye to the crime ?

    为何官员 对此罪行 视而不见

  • I can 't just turn a blind eye to what they 're doing .

    我不能 他们的所作所为 坐视不管。

  • Journalists will struggle to turn a blind eye to attacks as spectacular as the one in Kabul yesterday when three men had a shootout with police in the city 's downtown .

    记者们要努力 攻击为 物, 昨天发生在喀布尔的攻击当作一 大戏,当时在市中心3人和警察发生枪战。

  • Most parish priests now turn a blind eye to the circumstances of a death to perform a funeral service .

    目前,大部分教区牧师在提供葬礼服务时都 死者的死因 不闻不问

  • No one really expects the music industry to turn a blind eye to illegal downloading .

    没有人希望乐界 非法下载 视而不见

  • You also have a strong sense of justice and can 't turn a blind eye to someone in trouble .

    你有很强的正义感,绝不 别人的麻烦 视而不见

  • Also just like cars this thing is very complicated even though it is still easy to use but we are behind in its turn a blind eye to the tens of thousands of working hours .

    还有,就像汽车,这东西尽管很复杂但依然容易使用,但是我们却 对于它背后数以万计的工时 视而不见

  • In many ways the government has allowed the real estate industry to turn a blind eye to the source of money used to buy luxury properties .

    在很多方面,政府允许房地产行业对购买豪华房地产的资金的来源 不闻不问

  • The new authority closes gaps that have posed a challenge to US law enforcement such as cyber threats from countries that do not have extradition treaties with the US lack strong cyber security laws or turn a blind eye to such attacks .

    这项新的权力弥补了对美国执法部门构成挑战的空白,比如网络威胁的发源地国家与美国没有引渡条约,缺乏强有力的网络安全法律,或者 此类攻击 视而不见

  • Kelso says donors need to monitor aid money carefully and foreign businesses and investors should not turn a blind eye to corruption by agreeing to pay bribes .

    凯尔索说,援助国必需对援助款项进行谨慎的监督,而外国企业和投资商不应当 无视腐败现象而同意支付贿赂。

  • Some nations may be able to turn a blind eye to atrocities in other countries .

    有的国家 其他国家的暴行可能会 视而不见

  • Don 't turn a blind eye to matters that concern the people 's welfare .

    不要 民众的利益 漠然置之

  • The entire health research community has a duty to not turn a blind eye to the forum 's failure .

    整个卫生研究界有义务 直面这个论坛的失败。

  • Indifferent though we may be to starvation elsewhere we cannot turn a blind eye to theprecarious nature of Britain 's food supply .

    虽然我们可以对别的地方的饥饿漠不关心,但我们 英国自身不稳定的食物供应则不能 视而不见

  • Foreign observers should not turn a blind eye to these flaws in the Chinese system or allow themselves to be swept up into a propaganda exercise .

    对中国体制上的上述缺陷,外国观察人士不应 ,也不应被宣传所迷惑。

  • But we are the United States of America and we cannot and must not turn a blind eye to what happened in Damascus .

    但我们是美利坚合众国,绝不能 大马士革发生的一切 视而不见

  • It will even turn a blind eye to sexual deviancy .

    它们甚至 性变态 视而不见

  • Faced with criminals some people are so frightened that they shamelessly give up the fight and other people turn a blind eye to them .

    面对罪犯,好些人因为过于害怕而无耻地放弃了斗争,和其他人一样, 只眼 只眼

  • However do not turn a blind eye to severe knocking .

    但是,不要 只眼 严重敲门。

  • Why does the US turn a blind eye to the facts that certain countries opened a number of oil and gas blocks and issued domestic laws illegally appropriating Chinese islands and waters ? Mr Qin said .

    美国为什么 有的国家 南海划出大批油气区块、出台 中国的岛礁和海域划为己有的国内立法 视而不见,秦刚表示。

  • Whichever camp you belong to you cannot turn a blind eye to its renovated Le Bar a collision of styles so violent that it leaves the visitor with visual whiplash .

    游客不管属于哪一阵营,都不可能 翻修 新的LeBar酒吧 视而不见,它 各种风格的激烈碰撞,给游客以强烈的视觉震撼感。

  • If you happen to go window-shopping in time to see a thief committing a crime would you catch him red-handed or turn a blind eye to it ?

    如果你碰巧逛商店从而看见一小偷在作案,你是当场抓住他,还是 只眼 只眼

  • Then hand to me and I turn a blind eye to cry .

    说着把手伸给了我,而我 视而不见 继续哭。

  • People usually are busy of short-term benefit but turn a blind eye to around transformation .

    人们往往来去匆匆奔流于眼前的利益,而 身边的变化 熟视无睹