


  • Objective In order to provide useful information for prevention and control of tsutsugamushi to study its geographical epidemiology .

    目的对 宁德市的 恙虫 进行地理流行病学调查,为 今后防制提供依据。

  • A Observation on Effects of Prevention and Control to Tsutsugamushi disease in a focus Hebei Province

    河北省 疫源 恙虫防制措施效果观察

  • Objective : To understand serological typing of tsutsugamushi disease occurred in Hebei province .

    目的:了解河北省 恙虫病血清学型别。

  • Results : Serological typing of 12 cases of tsutsugamushi disease were identified as Gilliam type .

    结果:对12例 恙虫 病人的血清进行分型,均被证实为Gilliam血清型。

  • Methods Isolation of Rickettsia tsutsugamushi by animal serology indentification rest of virulence and immunity . Prior to the air pressure test a trial test shall be carried out using air or other nontoxic and incombustible gas .

    方法动物分离,血清分 毒力测定及免疫力试验。气体压力试验时,必须用空气或其他无毒、可燃气体介质进行预试验。

  • This study has investigated the region for the epidemic area of tsutsugamushi disease .

    本研究对该地区 恙虫 疫源 进行 全面研究。

  • Methods 54 cases with pulmonary damage due to tsutsugamushi disease from 1991 ~ 2005 were reviewed .

    方法对54例 恙虫病所致肺损害病例进行回顾性分析。

  • Conclusion using micodose of heparin is benefical to terminate the progress of DIC caused by tsutsugamushi decrease the rate of MOF and death shorten the time of rescuing and improve hemoperfusion of organ .

    结论小剂量肝素有利于终止 恙虫 急性弥散性血管内凝血的病理进程、改善器官血流灌注,降低器官功能衰竭发生率、死亡率,缩短治愈时间。

  • Results Three representative types of natural foci of tsutsugamushi disease were demonstrated .

    结果研究证明 恙虫 在三省 存在具有代表性的三型自然疫源地:① 沿海 岛屿 疫源地主要分布于 福建

  • Objective To evaluate the specificity and sensitivity of the newly developed colloidal gold reagent for tsutsugamushi antibody detection .

    目的对新开发的 恙虫 金标试剂做特异性和敏感性的效果测评。

  • Epidemiological Types of Tsutsugamushi Disease in China

    我国 恙虫病的流行病学类型

  • Results Pulmonary complications were present in 21.6 % ( 50 / 232 ) of the patients with tsutsugamushi disease .

    结果肺合并症占 同期 恙虫病患者的21.6%(50例/232例)。

  • Conclusion The Nanao county is the epidemic area of tsutsugamushi disease .

    结论我国南澳县是 恙虫 疫源

  • Typhus tsutsugamushi disease and forest encephalitis have not been found for 10 years .

    斑疹伤寒、 恙虫病、森林脑炎已10a以上无病例发生;

  • Health Education on Tsutsugamushi Disease in Armed Forces Stationed in Xisha Islands

    西沙部队 开展 恙虫病健康教育的探讨

  • A clinical analysis of 40 cases of pulmonary complications associated with tsutsugamushi disease


  • The diagnostic value of Weil-Felix test and colloidal gold immunochromatographic assay for tsutsugamushi disease

    外-斐反应与胶体金免疫色谱法对 恙虫病的诊断价值

  • Using the Molecular Adsorbent Recirculating System in the Treatment of Severe Tsutsugamushi Disease Complicated with Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome

    MARS治疗重症 恙虫病合并多脏器功能障碍综合征的疗效

  • Objective : To understand the vector and host of tsutsugamushi disease ( TD ) in certain village Hebei province .

    目的:了解河北省 恙虫 疫源 传播媒介与宿主。

  • Objective : To evaluate effects of preventive measures to tsutsugamushi disease in an epidemic focus Hebei province .

    目的:评价河北省 恙虫 自然 疫源 预防措施效果。

  • Detection of Rickettsia tsutsugamushi DNA by polymerase chain reaction

    多聚酶链反应检测 恙虫 立克次体核酸

  • Conclusion : Seroepidemiological pattern of tsutsugamushi disease was clarified primarily .

    结论:初步阐明 恙虫病的血清流行病学特点。

  • Investigation on the Vector and Host of Tsutsugamushi Disease in Epidemic Focus Taihang Mountains Hebei Province

    河北太行山 恙虫 疫源 传播媒介与宿主调查

  • Objective : To explore the features of tsutsugamushi disease in children .

    目的:探讨儿童 恙虫 的临床特点。

  • Rattus nitidus would appear therefore to be a natural reservoir for Epidemic haemorrhagic fever ( Korean haemorrhagic fever ) viruses and Tsutsugamushi disease .

    因此大足鼠很显然成为流行性出血热和 恙虫病等病原体的贮存宿主。

  • Epidemiological analysis on the first outbreak of tsutsugamushi disease in Fuyang City of Anhui Province in 2008

    2008年安徽省阜阳市首起 恙虫病暴发疫情的流行病学调查

  • Objective To deepen the understanding of pulmonary damage caused by tsutsugamushi disease .

    目的加深对 恙虫病所致肺损害的认识。