tube pass

[tub pæs][tju:b pɑ:s]

[化] 管程

  • Application of Pollen Tube Pass Method to Transgenic Technology of Cotton

    花粉管 通道法在棉花转基因上的应用

  • And the tube DVP pass ratio values were between 0 % and 57.1 % for 3-chloro-1-propene methylene chloride 1 1-dichloroethane 1 and carbon tetrachloride and 71.4 % to 100 % for the other 14 halohydrocarbons .

    3-氯-1-丙烯、二氯甲烷、 1二氯乙烷、 1三氯乙烷和四氯化碳的采样 DVP 合格率为0%-57.1%,其他14种化合物为71.4%-100%。

  • The thought of balance between channels through properly regulating the negative high voltage on the photomultiplier tube provided by every channel pass the change of amplificatory multiple of the photoelectric conversion to make the precision of every channel be at the best state .

    提出了通道平衡的思想,通过适当调节各 通道施加在光电倍增 上的负高压,改变光电转换的放大倍数,使各通道的精密度都处于最佳状态。

  • An Investigation on the Reasons and Improvement of the Tube Explosion in Back Pass Cage


  • The system allows metal tube bar and wire to pass through the eddy current probe with variable high speed and defects can be accurately located marked and recorded .

    该系统的特点是允许被测样品高速、变速 通过 涡流传感器,并能对缺陷进行准确定位、打标及记录。

  • X-rays from cathode-ray tube contain continuous photons and characteristic photons . Continuous photons are composed of photons with different energies . Different attenuations will happen in photons with different energies when they pass through objects . It is called beam-hardening effect .

    X光 出来的X射线由连续谱和特征谱组成,连续谱是由一系列能量连续分布的光子组成,不同能量的光子 穿过物质时会发生不同的衰减,称为射线的硬化。

  • According to the relationship between the logarithmic mean temperature difference correction factor and the inlet and outlet temperatures of the exchanger the maximum temperature cross extent of the exchanger which has single shell and even tube pass at the operable condition is pointed out .

    根据换热器对数平均传热温差校正因子与换热器进出口温度之间的关系,指出了单壳程偶数 换热器在可操作条件下的最大温度交叉程度。

  • It is effective to wash its tube pass with some solution and its shell pass with acid .

    为此,配制一定浓度的溶液分别对表面冷凝器壳程进行药洗、 进行酸洗,取得了良好效果。

  • In order to investigate the performance of heat transfer and flow resistance of a rod-support heat exchanger a set of variable structural parameter experimental apparatus for liquid flow and heat transfer analysis with air in shell pass and vapor in tube pass is designed and made .

    为研究杆式支撑换热器的传热和流阻性能,设计制造了壳程为空气、 为水蒸气且可变结构参数的流体流动和传热性能热模实验装置。

  • Therefore it is necessary for the working fluid to redesign the liquid-vapor separation baffle tube pass and length of tube .

    故需要针对工质重新设计气液分离隔板、 以及管长。

  • Design method for square tube inscribed pass

    方矩形 内接 孔型设计方法

  • A vacuum tube in which a hot cathode emits a beam of electrons that pass through a high voltage anode and are focused or deflected before hitting a phosphorescent screen .

    阴极射出一束电子 通过高压正极的真空

  • Both three dimensional displacement and the strain function of metal in the deformation zone of continuous tube rolling under the condition of straight line and circular arc side wall pass were confirmed by Ritz 's method to solve the minimum energy equation .

    本文按Ritz法求解最小能量方程,确定在直线及圆弧侧壁 圆孔型中轧 时,变形区内金属的三维位移和应变函数。

  • The tube DP pass ratio values were 28.6 % to 57.1 % for 3-chloro-1-propene methylene chloride and 1 and 71.4 % to 100 % for the others .

    3-氯-1-丙烯、二氯甲烷和 1二氯乙烷的采样 DP 合格率为28.6%-57.1%,其他16种卤代烃为71.4%-100%。

  • The System of the Roll Configuration Design of Steel Tube Three Roll Cold Cross Rolling and Roll Pass Cad

    钢管三辊冷斜轧的轧辊 型设计

  • With a rectangular tube rolled through a 4-roll pass ( 1 ) the hardest bite angle is taken difficultly in the bite stage : β≥α _i-Q / n ;

    在四辊组合 孔型中轧制矩形 管材,最难咬入角是在咬入阶段:β≥αi-Q/n;

  • It is a major subject in the technological advance of heat exchanger design regarding how to raise the exchanger 's heat transfer coefficient K and the coefficient of heat convection α for vapor liquid heat exchange with vapor in the tube pass .

    如何提高换热器的传热系数K、提高气液热交换气体 热系数α,是换热器技术进步的一大课题。

  • Rectangular Tube Pass by Computer-aided Design

    计算机辅助设计矩形 孔型

  • Vacuum brazing for flame tube rear pass assembly

    火焰 后段 通道组件真空钎焊

  • Described in the article is the method for desing of square tube pass in the rounding & squaring process .

    介绍了在先成圆再变方这种生产方式下的方矩形 孔型设计方法。

  • Presented in the article are the features of pass curves for W forming in the welded steel tube manufacture and the calculation for pass parameters being valuable as reference for design of W forming pass .

    介绍了 焊管生产中W成型孔型曲线的特点及 孔型参数的计算,对W成型孔型设计有一定参考价值。

  • Application of Pollen Tube Pass Method to ADP-ribosylation Factor 1 Gene ( arf1 ) from Gossypium hirsutum 's Promoter

    花粉管 通道法在转化棉花腺苷酸核糖基化作用因子1(arf1基因)启动子中的应用

  • In response to this problem Professor Zhang Shaofeng of Hebei University of technology presented a new type evaporator with multi-separation chamber and double tube pass heater .

    对于粘度随浓度变化较大的物料,在目前的工业蒸发操作中普遍存在传热系数低的问题,对此,河北工业大学张少峰等提出了一种新型多室 双管 蒸发器。

  • Determination of neutral section in deformation zone and working diameter of rolling tube with round pass

    圆孔型轧 变形区中性面及轧制半径的确定

  • In case when the GC entered the tube first then the VN must have a positional shift in order to pass over the GC .

    因此,在生殖细胞先进入 花粉管的情况下,VN必然 越过GC而使位置发生变换。

  • Strength calculation for channel flange of multipass shell / tube heat exchanger using steel pipe sealing at pass partition groove

    隔板槽处采用钢管密封的 多管壳式换热器管箱法兰强度计算

  • Influence of Tension on Wall Thickness Distribution during Stretch Reducing of Seamless Tube A NEW DESIGN METHOD OF FINISHING PASS OF TUBE STITCH REDUCER

    无缝 钢管张减过程张力对壁厚分布的影响一种设计张减机精轧 孔型的经验方法