tuberculin reaction

[tʊˈbɚkjəlɪn riˈækʃən][tju(:)ˈbə:kjulin riˈækʃən]


  • Human body affects n / med tuberculosis bacterium after period of time tuberculin can show positive reaction .

    人体感染结核菌一段时间后, 结核菌素即可显示阳性 反应

  • Methods Students were asked to take tuberculin test and their 72 h reaction to the test was observed .

    方法学生 统一 结核菌素试验,72h观察 反应,以 硬结 最大直径 mm 记录。

  • Prospective cohort study of chemoprophylaxis on crowd with tuberculin skin test strongly positive reaction

    结核菌素皮肤试验强 阳性人群化学预防的前瞻性定群研究

  • The positive rate of PPD test was no significant difference among each year . Clinical and Epidemiological Significance of Tuberculin Reaction

    各年度结核菌素阳性率差异无显著性; 结核菌素试验的临床与流行病学意义

  • The excessive positive rate of tuberculin reaction at stage ⅱ silicosis was higher than that of non-silicosis group 22.7 % and 8.3 % respectively .

    Ⅱ期矽肺组 结核菌素 反应强阳性率为22.7%,高于对照组的8.3%。

  • It was found that the average diameter of tuberculin test reaction of the BCG vaccinated at 3 to 6 months of age was obviously bigger than those within 3 days and 2 to 3 months .

    发现出生后3~6个月的婴儿,接种后其 结素 反应平均直径明显大于 出生后3天内和1~3个月的 婴儿 P<0.01