tube amplifier

[tub ˈæmpləˌfaɪɚ][tju:b ˈæmpləˌfaɪə]


  • During the experiments we found the acoustical pressure amplifier tube fail to amplify the pressure amplitude as the acoustical impedance connecting to the acoustical amplifier tube is not appropriate .

    实验中,发现当 声压 放大器末端的阻抗不匹配时,将出现压力波动幅值缩小而不是放大的现象。

  • The Design and Manufacture of 2 × 40W Class A - tube - amplifier

    2×40W甲类纯电子 功放的设计与制作

  • An Analysis of the TOSHIBA Graphic Solution to the High Frequency Tube Amplifier

    电子 高频 功率 放大器东芝图表算法分析

  • The output of photomultiplier tube need to be transformed into voltage signal and then was entered into the lock-in amplifier for phase detection . That is because the output of the photomultiplier tube was current signal .

    因为光电倍增 输出的是电流信号,所以要将电流信号转换成电压信号后再输入锁相 放大器进行相位检测。

  • TWTA ( Traveling-wave tube amplifier ) is one of the most important HPA components in satellite communication system . The nonlinear feature of TWTA results in the creation of intermodulation which can cause intermodulation distortion adjacent channel interference and affects the performances of communication system .

    行波 功率 放大器(TWTA)是卫星通信星载系统中重要的高功放元件,TWTA的非线性特性会使多载波信号产生交调成份,导致交调失真、邻道干扰,影响通信系统的性能。

  • A New Calculation Method for the Vacuum Tube High Frequency Power Amplifier

    电子 高频功率 放大器的新算法

  • Threshold analysis for the limit cycle and chaotic oscillation of the radiation field in a traveling wave tube amplifier

    行波 放大器中场极限环和混沌行为的阈值分析

  • Based on look-up table ( LUT ) and indirect learning architecture a baseband predistorter was proposed for travel wave tube amplifier ( TWTA ) .

    提出了一种基于查询表和非直接学习结构的适用于行波 放大器(TWTA)的基带预失真器。

  • Harm of survival gas and minute particle to communication satellite travelling wave tube amplifier

    残存气体和材料的气化微粒对通信卫星用行波 放大器的危害

  • Traveling wave tube ( TWT ) is a kind of high power high gain and broad-band microwave millimeter wave amplifier which is one of the most important electricity vacuum devices .

    行波 具有高功率、高增益、 高效率、宽频带等优点,是电真空器件中最重要的器件之一。

  • In this paper the evolution of the radiation field from frequency bifurcation to chaos and the temporal and frequency characteristics of the nonlinear unsteady states are investigated based on the threshold analysis of nonlinear instability for the radiation field in a traveling wave tube amplifier .

    以行波 放大器中辐射场的非线性不稳定阈值分析为基础,对辐射场从频率分叉到混沌的演化过程和不同区域这些非线性不稳定态的时间特性和频率特性进行了研究。

  • This tube is used as the final amplifier of microwave power in the power synthetic interference source of the YUN ⅷ type aircraft .

    用于运八飞机功率合成干扰源作微波功率末级 放大管。

  • The Design of Ka-band Coupled-cavity Traveling Wave Tube Amplifier

    Ka波段耦合腔行波 放大器设计

  • Based on the analysis of vacuum tube slight variation equivalent circuit a headphone amplifier is designed to drive high fidelity headphone .

    以电子 微变等效电路分析为基础,设计了一款以驱动高保真耳机为目的的耳机 放大器

  • Dispersion analysis of three-fold helical rippled waveguide for 8 mm gyro-TWT and gyro-BWO Gyrotron Traveling Wave Tube Amplifier with the Helical Wave Guide

    8mm回旋行波管和返波 三折螺旋波纹波导色散分析

  • High-voltage insulators for space application is the key components affecting the reliability of power transmission of the travelling wave tube amplifier ( TWTA ) .

    空间用高压绝缘组件(简称高压组件)是行波 放大器功率传输的关键部件。

  • In this subject vacuum tube is used as the switching component in the Class E power amplifier to get higher output power with higher frequency .

    本课题的E类功率 放大器用电子 作为开关元件,目的是提高 放大器的效率和频率,同时获得较大的功率输出。

  • Traveling wave tube which is the core-unit of electronic system such as electronic countermeasure decoy phase-array radar and satellite communication is a very important microwave power amplifier . It is of significant and special use in military of electronic warfare .

    行波 是一种极为重要的微波功率 放大器,是电子对抗、电子诱饵、相控阵雷达、卫星通信等电子系统的核心部件,在军用电子战装备中具有十分重要的作用。

  • The mechanism of suppressing mode competition in gyrotron traveling wave tube amplifier with helical corrugation is illuminated .

    阐述了螺旋波纹波导 回旋行波 克服模式竞争的机理。

  • At present travelling wave tube amplifier ( TWTA ) has particular advantages in these areas .

    目前,行波 发射机在这些方面具有独特的优势。

  • Method for Precise Design of the Electronic Tube Power Amplifier With High Fidelity

    高保真电子 功放 输出变压器的精确设计计算法

  • Keeping the electron tube amplifier in a good state can reduce the maintenance costs prolong TV transmitter lifetime promote the quality of the screen at the same time it can also secure the safety of the broadcasting .

    使用、维护好电子 放大器能大大降低维修成本、延长发射机寿命、提高画面质量,确保安全播出。

  • Influence of Ne pressure input voltage wall temperature and discharge tube atmosphere on optimal delay of the CVL oscillator - amplifier chain is studied .

    本文研究了氖气压、输入电压、管壁温度和放 电管气氛对铜蒸气激光器振荡& 放大链最佳延时的影响。

  • Large beam bunching and gain in a gyrotron traveling wave tube amplifier

    回旋 行波 放大器中的电子束群聚与增益

  • Chaotic electron motion in a traveling-wave tube amplifier

    行波 放大器中的电子混沌现象

  • Limit cycle oscillating and chaos of the radiation field in a traveling wave tube amplifier

    行波 放大器中辐射场的极限环振荡和混沌