


  • Amid china 's uneven 21st century boom that remains an open and for the moment unanswerable question .

    在中国21世纪不平等的繁荣中,这是一个没有答案,而且在此时 无法 回答的问题。

  • As to the question you raised in your last letter I think that it is unanswerable .

    至于你正在上封信中提出的那个标题,我觉得那是 无法 回应的。

  • To solve this unanswerable question ?

    那解 的问题?

  • You know they 're coming : Those seemingly unanswerable questions that pop up during job interviews .

    你知道该来的总会来:那些看起来 无法 回答的问题 总会在求职面试的时候突然冒出来。

  • Of all eloquence a nickname is the most concise of all arguments the most unanswerable .

    绰号是最简洁的雄辩,最 无法 反驳 论据

  • For most of the students the question was unanswerable .

    对多数学生而言,这问题无法 回答

  • It is to be achieved either by gradually acquiring more and more territory and so building up an overwhelming preponderance of power or by the discovery of some new and unanswerable weapon .

    达到最后 胜利的方法,或者是逐步攻占越来越多的领土,确立压倒优势的力量,或者是发明某种 无敌 新式武器。

  • The case against Crenshaw seems unanswerable .

    控告克伦肖的案子似乎 无懈可击

  • This topic is full of unanswerable questions .

    这个题目充满了 无法 解答的问题。

  • I remembered the stories of my mother as a child always asking the unanswerable question and dreaming to be the successful professional .

    我记得有关我妈妈的一个故事是,她小时候经常问 一些别人 无法 回答的问题,并且梦想有一天能成为成功的专家。

  • Although the WHO is stockpiling antiviral drugs there has been no official mention of a vaccine stockpile & partly because that would beg the unanswerable question of what to put in it .

    尽管世界卫生组织正在贮备抗病毒药物,但是并没有任何官方记载提及疫苗的储备&这可能部分上是因为,这样做就要 回答 储备什么疫苗”这一 尚无 答案的问题。

  • How much he still drinks is another unanswerable question though he enjoys wine at official functions .

    尽管他在正式场合喜欢喝葡萄酒,但他目前的酒量也是一个 无法 回答的问题。

  • An admissible excuse His case / defence is unanswerable .

    可以接受的辩解理由他的辩解 无懈可击

  • The world 's ten most unanswerable questions include what is the meaning of life does God exist showed a study made by Ask Jeeves a popular search engine in US .

    美国著名搜索引擎Ask Jeeves最新调查发现,世界上最 回答的十大问题包括生命的意义是什么、有没有上帝等等。

  • The wizard smiled Finally Milon it 's time to take up the unanswerable questions isn 't it ?

    巫师笑着说:“ Milon,终于到了回答 那些 无法 回答的问题的时候了,对吧?”

  • The argument for recruiting McGregor was unanswerable .

    录用 麦格雷戈的主张毋庸 置疑

  • In economic terns the need to reduce inflation is unanswerable .

    从经济来讲,降低通货膨胀的需要是 辩驳的。

  • The case for military intervention said the minister was now unanswerable .

    部长说军事干涉的情况是不容 争辩的。

  • And till now empirical studies on the assumption of the deterrent effect of death penalty do not provide it with unanswerable evidence .

    迄今为止,关于死刑的遏制效果的假定的实证研究,并没有给其提供 辩驳的证据。

  • He actually became convinced that the nurses had an unanswerable case

    他实际上已经相信了护士们的情况 确实如此

  • They would ask their mother unanswerable questions .

    他们会问母亲 一些 无法 回答的问题。

  • Courts are sometimes obliged to seek answers to questions about love that may well be unanswerable .

    有时,法院有义务为关于爱情的问题寻求答案,而这一问题很可能是无法 作答的。

  • To accept that present circumstances ( effect ) are a result of previous actions ( cause ) answers the previously unanswerable question of why do bad things happen to good people ?

    因果的道理 解答了我过去的疑问:“为什么坏事会发生在好人身上?”

  • The unanswerable question is how long this war is going to last .

    无法 答复的问题是这场战争将要持续多久。

  • A brilliant argument which seems to be unanswerable .

    一个看来 辩驳的极妙的论点。

  • Only when the case proceeds to trial does the argument for his departure become unanswerable .

    只有当此案进入到法庭审理阶段后,要求他辞职的论点 才会变得 辩驳