turnover rate

[ˈtɚnˌovɚ ret][ˈtə:nˌəuvə reit]


  • Turnover rate of merchandise current capital

    商品流动资金 周转

  • The higher the turnover rate the more liquid the company 's receivables .

    周转 越高,公司的应收账款流动性越强。

  • In order to better manage of the turnover rate this study focus on turnover intention and organizational commitment which are the best predictors to separation .

    研究结果发现,当企业所有权型态为家族企业时,其总经理 流动 较非家族企业低;

  • Schedule of turnover rate of circulating fund

    流动资金 周转 计算表

  • There will be extra cost but also better efficiency as the rise is expected to lower the staff turnover rate Hon Hai said .

    鸿海称:加薪会带来额外的成本,但同时也会提高效率,因为此举预计将降低员工 流失

  • What is the average yearly employee turnover rate for the past two ( 2 ) years as a percentage of company staff ?

    年均员工 流失 在过去两年(2)公司全体员工的比例是什么?

  • Turnover rate to the effect of risks in the extreme and moderate risk preference there obviously is the impact of the moderate risk and will cause extreme risk homonymous expand ;

    交易 变化 对风险的影响在极端和中度风险偏好上没有明显差异,正的冲击将导致中度风险和极端风险同向扩大;

  • Required liquid capital deficit schedule of turnover rate of circulating fund

    规定速动资金短欠数额流动资金 周转 计算表

  • Second without a decent management the turnover rate is rather high .

    其次,没有好的管理, 员工 流转 比率相当高。

  • Churn - The term used to describe turnover rate of subscribers to a service or product .

    订户 流动 -此术语用于说明一项服务或产品的订户 流动 速度

  • If the turnover rate is high the cache is not being used efficiently .

    如果 流通 较高,则表示未能有效地使用缓存。

  • Later after you get past the beginning stage you can worry about stride length or turnover rate .

    最后,在你通过初学者阶段后。你可以考虑 更大的一步,向更 的目标 迈进

  • The turnover rate generally remained stable .

    员工 流失 维持稳定。

  • The data described above for computing the accounts receivable turnover rate and the average number of days to collect accounts receivable can be concisely stated as shown in the following equations

    下列公式详细列明了以上计算应收账款 周转 和收回应收账款所需平均天数的有关数据

  • Capitalization-weighted portfolio have the advantage of low turnover rate but it possibly leads the portfolio to overweight in overvalue stock underweight in undervalue stock .

    市值加权的方式虽然有低 周转 之优点,但其组合也存在加码高估股票、减码低估股票的可能。

  • Hewitt estimates that the average voluntary employee turnover rate for foreign companies in China will this year return to pre-crisis levels of more than 15 per cent .

    翰威特估计,在华外企今年的平均员工自愿 流动 将超过15%,恢复至危机前水平。

  • The high turnover rate of hotel employees is a severe problem in hotels .

    员工 流动 过高一直困扰饭店业。

  • Even at home Uniqlo is sometimes labelled as a black company because of a high by Japanese standards staff turnover rate that sees half of all new recruits leave the company within three years .

    即便在日本,优衣库时常被称为黑工厂。因为按照日本人的标准,它的员工 流失 过高&不到三年,新招募的全部员工就有一半挂职而去。

  • Effective stock control can reduce the operation cost and then raise the turnover rate of the goods could reduce losses caused because of the risk in this way thus make the profit peak .

    有效的库存管理,可降低运营成本,进而提高商品 周转 ,这样才能减少因风险造成的损失,从而使利润达到最高点。

  • Study on the Correlation between Turnover Rate and Earnings-Return in China 's Stock Market

    中国股市 换手 与盈余&回报相关性研究

  • The front desk is one club position with a high turnover rate .

    俱乐部的前台是一个 人员 变动频繁的工作岗位。

  • This accounts receivable turnover rate tells us how many times the company 's average investment in receivables was converted into cash during the year .

    这个应收账款 周转 告诉我们这家公司当年在应收账款中的平均投资 转为现金的 流转次数。

  • On the other hand there exist the phenomenon of internal employee dissatisfaction with the company and hence cause high turnover rate .

    另一方里,企业外部也亡反在员工知脚度底、 上等现象。

  • In the Philippines Siemens says it has a2.5 % monthly turnover rate compared with the20 % turnover it had in its India call center .

    该公司表示,其菲律宾员工的月 跳槽 为2.5%,而它在印度呼叫中心的员工流失率高达20%。

  • Company 's young employee turnover rate is high influence the stability of the work .

    公司年轻员工 流动 高,影响了工作的稳定。

  • We attach importance to the cultivation and growth of each consultant and the company 's development team to share the results with the consultant in order to maintain a low staff turnover rate ;

    我们重视每个顾问的培养和成长,并将公司的发展成果与顾问团队分享,以此保持着较低的人员 流失

  • The management turnover rate in Foreign-owned Enterprises always high has climbed to more than 25 % above the global average . '

    中国外企管理层的 流失 一向较高,目前已攀升至比全球平均水平高出25%以上。

  • EXAMPLE : Salaries were low and working conditions were bad at the company and so the staff always a high turnover rate .

    那家公司的工资低且工作环境差,所以员工的 离职 一直居高不下。