


  • Eurasian primrose with yellow flowers clustered in a one-sided umbel .

    欧亚报春花,花黄色,丛生于单侧的 伞形 花序

  • This genus ' evolutionary direction : the number of winter bud scale is from many to two inflorescence : compound raceme → compound corymb → corymb → umbel .

    本属的进化趋势为冬芽芽鳞由数枚减少到2枚,花序由总状圆锥花序→复伞房花序→伞房花序→ 伞形 花序

  • Blooming of coriander took 44 days to complete and 41 days from the bud appearance of compound umbel to shed .

    单个伞形 花序从现蕾到谢花41天,在 栽培 群体中,初花到 花44天。3、芫荽花芽分化分为 花序分化期和单花分化期。

  • The molecular trees show the species is a basal group in Smilax phylogenetic tree and is of a parallel origin with other groups : some species with single umbel and most species with raceme of umbels .

    在分子树上,它是处于菝葜属内基部的一个类群,与其它类群(包括部分单 花序的种及大部分圆锥花序的种)是平行起源的。

  • HPLC is used to set up the determine method of Osthol in Tetrandra Root and umbel lectone .

    采用HPLC法对独活中蛇床子素和 伞形花内酯建立含量测定方法;

  • A secondary involucre as at the base of an umbel within a compound umbel . Chinese herb with palmately compound leaves and small greenish flowers and forked aromatic roots believed to have medicinal powers .

    次总苞,小总苞次级花被,如处于复合伞形花序中一个 伞形 花序基部之花被中国的一种草本植物,小叶,花小,淡绿色, 伞状 花序,结成 鲜红 浆果

  • It was expressed with fcu which has double genetic effects including fasciated culm and umbel .

    fcu基因具有使茎带化和 产生 伞状 花序的双重遗传效应。