

  • The study of vasoactive of pungent herbs ' chemical constituents in Umbelliferae

    伞形 辛味中药主要化学成分对 血管作用研究

  • A study of Chinese drugs of umbelliferae & vii . chemical constituents of the roots of Heracleum candicans wall ( 1 )

    伞形 中药的研究&Ⅶ.白亮独活根的化学成分(1)

  • Any of various mushrooms in the genus Amanita many of which are extremely poisonous . ( botany ) relating to or belonging to plants of the family Umbelliferae .

    天狗菌属,毒伞肽菌属一种天狗菌属,毒伞肽菌属属蘑菇,很多都有剧毒(植物学)关于或属于 伞状 花科植物。

  • Objective : To probe a molecular marker method of accrediting fingerprinting of 27 kinds of common Umbelliferae Chinese herb medicinal plants by sequencing rDNA .

    目的:探讨 伞形 27种常用中药指纹图谱鉴定的分子特征标记,探索筛选标记方法。

  • Species and 2 varieties of Umbelliferae are new medicinal resources 1 variety is new record species of geographic distribution .

    伞形 药用植物新记录1变种,贵州药用新资源 6种2变种;

  • The Zi Jinsha alias white root angelica turns the celery for umbelliferae when the ownership plant turns the celery Angelica polymorpha Maxim . dry root .

    紫金砂别名白根独活、拐芹,为 伞形 科当归属植物拐芹AngelicaPolymorphaMaxim.的干燥根。

  • Quality Evaluation and Extraction Process Studies of Chuanxiong and Angelica from Umbelliferae

    伞形 植物川芎、当归的品质评价和提取工艺研究

  • A member of the parsley family . the study of the Chinese drugs of Umbelliferae ⅳ . the structure of apaensin

    香芹,欧芹,荷兰芹 伞形植物中的一 伞形 中药的研究Ⅳ.法落海素的结构

  • Inhibitory Effect of 11 Umbelliferae Plant Extracts on 7 Plant Pathogens

    11 伞形 植物提取物对7种植物病原菌的抑制作用

  • Many plant species with antimicrobial activities are mainly among the families Compositae Labiatae Leguminosae Liliaceae Polygonaceae and Umbelliferae .

    这些抗菌植物主要分布在菊科、唇形科、豆科、百合科、蓼科和 伞形

  • Open field investigation consulting relevant documents and specimens identification were employed . Making a textual research on the species Latin names and geographical distribution of medicinal plant of Araliaceae Umbelliferae and Cornaceae in Guizhou recorded in Medicinal Material Resources of Guizhou .

    采取查阅文献、标本鉴定与野外调查相结合的方法,对《贵州中药资源》收载的五加科、 伞形 和山茱萸科药用植物的种类、拉丁学名及地理分布进行考订。

  • RAPD Analysis on Ten Species of Tartary Buckwheat Microscopic and TLC Identification on the Fruits of Ten Species Plants for Umbelliferae

    十种栽培苦荞麦的随机扩增多态性DNA(RAPD)研究 伞形 十种果实的显微与薄层色谱鉴别

  • The phytoagglutinin in 16 species from Carrot Families ( Umbelliferae ) were screened .

    本文对 伞形 16种植物(药用部分)是否存在凝集素进行了筛选。

  • More than 500 spices of about 90 genera Umbelliferae plants are grown in China .

    我国 分布 伞形 植物约90个属,500余种。

  • Study on Insecticidal Activity and Action Ways of the Plant of Umbelliferae

    伞形 植物杀虫活性及作用方式研究

  • Insecticidal Activity of Extracts from Ten Umbelliferae Plants against Panonychus citri Inhibitory Effect of 11 Umbelliferae Plant Extracts on 7 Plant Pathogens

    伞形 草药 乙醇提取物的杀螨活性 评价11种伞形科植物提取物对7 植物病原菌的抑制作用

  • Umbelliferae plants mainly contain essential oil coumarin chromone and glycoside .

    伞形 植物的成分主要有挥发油、香豆素、色原酮及其苷类。

  • The study of the Chinese drugs of Umbelliferae ⅳ . the structure of apaensin

    伞形 中药的研究Ⅳ.法落海素的结构

  • Wild Umbelliferae Chinese Herb Medicinal Plant Resources and Evaluation in Taihang Mountain Area of Henan Province

    河南太行山区野生 伞形 中草药植物资源与开发利用

  • Umbelliferae plants are annual or perennial herb and distributed temperate to tropical zone .

    伞形 植物为一年生或多年生草本植物,分布在北半球的温带至暖带,有 30030000 多种中国分布有 94570

  • Structural Modification and Cytotoxicity Evaluation of Oridonin Insecticidal Activity of Extracts from Ten Umbelliferae Plants against Panonychus citri

    冬凌草甲素结构修饰和细胞毒活性评价十 伞形 草药 乙醇提取物的杀螨活性 评价

  • The Umbelliferae flora of Hunan seems related to the adjacent provinces while all carried their own characters .

    湖南与邻近省份的 伞形 植物区系 联系又有各自的特点。