


  • I am the child in Uganda .

    我是 乌干达的小孩。

  • Museveni said the Bank has been a partner as Uganda made progress in growth education and health .

    穆塞韦尼表示,在 乌干达经济、教育和卫生发展的过程中,世行一直是其合作伙伴。

  • Increasing number of cases are being reported from Cameroon Congo Gabon Sudan Togo and Uganda .

    喀麦隆、刚果、加蓬、苏丹、多哥和 乌干达正在报告越来越多的病例。

  • The other is sub-Saharan Africa most importantly Ghana Uganda Tanzania Kenya Mozambique and Nigeria .

    二是撒哈拉以南非洲地区,最重要的是加纳、 乌干达、坦桑尼亚、肯尼亚、莫桑比克和尼日利亚。

  • In Africa the same thing is true as in Uganda and Kenya .

    在非洲也有同样的情况,例如 乌干达和肯尼亚。

  • It is more about popular culture and conflicted identities-his father was Kikuyu his mother from Uganda and Rwanda .

    而他心中的非洲更多的是关于流行的文化和身份的冲突&他的父亲是肯尼亚吉库尤人而母亲则来自 乌干达和卢旺达。

  • Countries with policies and even legislation include India Kenya and Uganda .

    拥有集雨政策甚至法律的国家包括印度、肯尼亚和 乌干达

  • Armenia Ghana the Philippines Kenya Uganda and South Korea are all recent reformers .

    亚美尼亚,加纳,菲律宾,肯尼亚, 乌干达和韩国都在最近改革了国籍政策。

  • The IGAD region covers Djibouti Eritrea Ethiopia Kenya Somalia Sudan and Uganda .

    伊加特所辖区域包括吉布提,厄立特里亚,埃塞俄比亚,索马里,苏丹和 乌干达

  • They therefore collected and analysed placentas on site in Uganda .

    因此他们收集并研究了 乌干达地区的胎盘。

  • China and Uganda have been bonded together for a very long time .

    中国与 乌干达已经建交很长时间了。

  • A recent study conducted in Rwanda and Uganda showed that HIV positive mothers may breastfeed without infecting their infants .

    最近在卢旺达和 乌干达进行的研究表明,感染了艾滋病病毒的母亲可以哺乳而不把病毒传染给她们的婴儿。

  • Uganda and Tanzania are following Kenya 's lead to draft their own anti-counterfeiting legislation .


  • Landlocked Uganda and Rwanda are being hurt .

    内陆的 乌干达和卢旺达都被这个所伤害。

  • CLAUDIA HAMMOND : Elizabeth lives in Uganda with her four children .

    克劳迪娅•哈蒙德:伊丽莎白和她得四个孩子居住在 乌干达

  • The best soils are in Rwanda Burundi and Uganda .

    卢旺达、布隆迪和 乌干达有最好的土壤。

  • Two cases of Marburg virus infection have recently been reported in Uganda .


  • It was with some trepidation that I viewed the prospect of cycling across Uganda .

    我带着些许惶恐考虑了一下骑自行车周游 乌干达的可能性。

  • Uganda 's beautiful highlands are host to a wide range of wildlife .


  • The study took place in Uganda .

    这项研究在 乌干达进行。

  • Uganda 's MSI loan uses a different approach .


  • This is bad news for most Somalis - and for Uganda .

    这对多数的索马里人都是不好的消息,对 干达人来说也不妙。

  • I 'm going to work for an aid organization in uganda .

    我要在 乌干达的一个资助机构工作。

  • Most African nations including Ethiopia Liberia Mali and Uganda will benefit from voting share increases .

    大部分非洲国家,包括埃塞俄比亚、利比里亚、马里和 乌干达,都将从投票权增加中获益。

  • The cultural art and creative youth centre is based in Kampala Uganda with a representative office in Congo .

    青少年文化艺术和创意中心位于 乌干达的坎帕拉,在刚果有一个代表部门。

  • The operation involved police customs and drug regulatory authorities across Burundi Kenya Rwanda Tanzania Uganda and Zanzibar .

    布隆迪、肯尼亚、卢旺达、坦桑尼亚、 乌干达和桑给巴尔的警察、海关和药品管理部门参与了这次行动。

  • But Uganda 's problems were also highlighted .

    但是与会者也强调了 乌干达的问题。

  • The study was sponsored by CONRAD and conducted in Benin India South Africa and Uganda .

    该项研究由避孕研究与开发规划(CONRAD)发起,在贝宁、印度、南非和 乌干达开展。