ultrashort pulse

[ˌʌltrəˈʃɔrt pʌls][ˈʌltrəˈʃɔ:t pʌls]


  • The propagation properties and beam quality of the chirped pulse in the ultrashort pulse system are always the interested problems .

    超短 脉冲系统中啁啾脉冲的传输特性和光束质量一直是人们所关心和重视的问题。

  • Investigation of parameters in a ultrashort pulse dye laser amplifier

    超短 脉冲染料放大器中的参数研究

  • So NLTL can be used as ultrashort pulse generator to generate sub-picosecond pulse .

    因此NLTL可作为 超短 脉冲生成器来产生亚皮秒级脉冲。

  • Theoretical and Experimental Study of Ultrashort Pulse Laser Amplification

    超短 脉冲激光放大理论与实验研究

  • The article theoretically analyzes the impact of self phase modulation caused by nonlinear refractive index on ultrashort pulse .

    从理论上分析了非线性折射率引起的 脉冲自位相调制对 超短 脉冲的影响。

  • We theoretically investigate the non-resonant interaction between ultrashort pulse laser and para-nitroaniline molecule medium by solving the full Maxwell-Bloch equations without approximation .

    通过严格求解麦克斯韦&布洛赫方程,研究了 超短 脉冲激光与硝基苯胺分子材料的非共振相互作用。

  • Semiconductor photoelectronic switch is widely applied in photoelectric technology of producing optical ultrashort pulse and photoelectric synchronization etc.

    半导体光电子开关在 超短脉冲的产生、光电同步等光电技术中,已有广泛的应用。

  • The result shows that two projects can be used to retrieve amplitude and phase of the ultrashort pulse but the PCGP algorithm requires less iteration time .

    结果表明,两种方法都能很好地回归 超短 脉冲,但基于矩阵的广义主元素投影法运算时间短。

  • An HPGe detector was used to measure the hard X-ray energy spectrum produced by the interaction between the ultrashort pulse laser and copper solid target .

    本实验使用高纯锗探测器,运用单光子法,对 超短 脉冲激光与固体铜靶相互作用产生的硬X射线能谱进行测量。

  • Aiming at the ultrashort pulse laser systems we study the generation and evolution of femtosecond pulses in detail both experimentally and theoretically .

    本文主要针对 超短 脉冲激光器系统,分别从实验上和理论上对超短脉冲的产生及演变做了较为详细的研究。

  • Propagation Property of Ultrashort Pulse in Negative Refractive Media

    负折射介质 中超 脉冲传输特性研究

  • A ultrashort pulse fiber laser with graphene as saturated absorber has been presented .

    设计了基于基于石墨烯可饱和吸收体的 超短 脉冲光纤激光器的结构图。

  • More and more studies have been given to the interaction of ultrashort pulse with matter .

    这使得 超短 脉冲与物质相互作用的研究随之兴起, 光子 电离 现象是其中一个重要的研究内容。

  • Studies on Steering of Optical Beams in Nonlocal Media and Properties of Ultrashort Pulse Trains in Fibers

    非局域介质中光束的传输控制与光纤系统 中超 脉冲串的传输特性研究

  • Measurement and analysis of high speed high voltage ultrashort pulse on capacitive load

    高速高压 超短 脉冲在容性负载上的测量及分析

  • OKEM finds a lot of important applications in the generation of ultrashort pulse and pulse compression .

    OKEM在产生 超短 脉冲 激光及压缩脉冲方面有许多重要的应用。

  • The impulse radar launches the extremely narrow pulse width of ultrashort pulse whose magnitude usually is ns or ps. This paper mainly studies the technology of the radar signal generation and emission as well as the emission signal encoding .

    冲击雷达发射脉冲宽度极窄的 超短 脉冲,多为连续波,通常是ns或者ps量级。本文主要研究了冲击雷达UWB信号的产生和发射技术,以及对发射信号的编码。

  • Nonlinear processes in strong ultrashort pulse pumped semiconductor optical amplifier

    超短 脉冲抽运下半导体光放大器中的非线性过程

  • Propagation of ultrashort pulse laser in nonlinear medium

    非线性介质中 超短激光 脉冲的传播

  • We experimentally study the ultrashort pulse output from a figure-8 Erbium-doped fiber laser based on nonlinear amplifying loop mirror .

    对基于非线性放大环形镜的8字形光纤激光器 产生 超短 脉冲输出进行了实验研究。

  • Femtosecond laser has two characteristics : ultrashort pulse length and ultrahigh electric field intensity .

    飞秒激光具有 超短 脉冲和超高电场强度两个特征。

  • In femtosecond laser system dispersion compensation is a key technique to the generation of the ultrashort pulse .

    在飞秒激光系统中,色散补偿是一项极为关键的技术,它 直接 制约飞秒 脉冲的产生。

  • Ultrashort laser pulses include picosecond ultrashort pulse femtosecond ultrashort pulse and attosecond ultrashort pulse .

    超短激光脉冲指 脉冲宽度为皮秒、飞秒或阿秒量级的激光脉冲。

  • Research on fiber-based ultrashort pulse laser has great significance .

    因此,对光纤 超短 脉冲光源的理论和实验研究具有非常重要的意义。

  • The angle distribution and plane distribution of the diffraction tomography with ultrashort pulse incident wave was simulated .

    模拟计算了 超短 脉冲波场入射下其衍射层析的角分布与面分布。

  • In this paper a technology on generation of ultrashort pulse with high extinction ratio is studied .

    实验研究了一种高消光比 脉冲的产生技术。

  • Finally several new fiber lasers producing ultrashort pulse and infrared radiation are discussed .

    最后,在光纤放大器的基础上讨论产生 超短 脉冲和红外辐射的几种新型光纤激光器。

  • Wide specrtum laser due to the different spectral components in the instantaneous case is different from the ultrashort pulse .

    宽谱激光由于瞬时情况下具有不同的频谱成分而不同于 超短 脉冲