ultraviolet filter

[ˌʌltrəˈvaɪəlɪt ˈfɪltɚ][ˌʌltrəˈvaiəlit ˈfiltə]

[医] 紫外线滤器

  • Al . Observation of surface sunny ultraviolet radiation is mainly done by the UV spectroradiometer and filter ultraviolet radiation meter .

    紫外线辐射强度的观测主要使用紫外光谱辐射计与 滤光片 的紫外辐射表。

  • A Feasible Vacuum Ultraviolet Filter for Intersatellite Optical Communications

    卫星间光通讯中一种可行的 滤波 元件&真空 滤光片

  • This article confirms that ultraviolet was mostly directly reason of the low color fastness to light of nylon fabric dyed with Telon turquoise blue M-5G by using ultraviolet filter disk experiment and studying spectrum curve of Telon turquoise blue .

    本文采用 紫外线 滤光片试验和研究Telon翠蓝M-5G的光谱曲线证实:紫外线是造成Telon翠蓝M-5G对锦纶织物染色试样耐光色牢度低下的最直接的原因。

  • Study on Ultraviolet Spectrum Property of Ultraviolet Filter

    有机 滤波 材料的紫外光谱性质研究

  • However ultraviolet system must install proper beforehand a carbon filter unit alone to the taste and smell of the problem will only in usable power supply .

    不过, 紫外线系统必须安装适当的预 过滤,一碳单位单独解决的味道和气味问题,将只在有可用的电源。

  • Design ultraviolet germicidal device multiple point hot wire type air-flow meter self-cleaning plate type high-efficiency filter and optimize automatic control function of air-conditioning system to solve the prolong problem of air-conditioning design in cigarette industry .

    通过 采用 紫外线杀菌装置、多点热线式风量计、板式自清洁中高效 过滤器等新技术和优化空调系统的自动控制功能,解决长期困扰烟草工业空调设计的难点问题。

  • The blind type of high ultraviolet filter in the ultraviolet detection system ultraviolet warning system has become an indispensable key device .

    日盲型 滤光片在紫外探测系统、紫外告警系统等领域已经成为不可或缺的关键元件。

  • In this series of experiments I discover the relation between the ultraviolet dose and the DNA cross-linking degree through DNA filter elution method .

    实验通过DNA微孔 滤膜碱洗脱法测得了不同 紫外光照射时间与DNA交联度的关系。