


  • Conclusion : Acidic extracts of Chinese materia medica can inhibit melanin synthesis which mechanism was related to the inhibition of tyrosinase activity .

    目的:证实中药酸性成分对黑素的产生具有 抑制作用。

  • Chitosan - ( 4-tert-butylcatechol ) Catalyzed and Grafted by Tyrosinase

    壳聚糖-(4-叔丁基邻苯二酚)的 酪氨酸酶催化接枝初探

  • AME Cream : Formulated with botanical extract this cream works to inhibit tyrosinase activity reduce melanin production and improve skin 's clarity and evenness .

    叶杜果乳液:天然植物臻白乳液,有效抑制 酪氨酸酶的活性,大幅降低黑色素的形成,提高肤色调的透明度和均匀性、令肌肤白亮、通透;

  • Study on the Effect of Dimethyl Sulfoxide on the Activity of Tyrosinase

    二甲基亚砜对 酪氨酸酶活性影响的研究

  • Effect of Extracts from Bamboo Leaves on the Tyrosinase and Melanoma Cells

    竹叶提取物对 酪氨酸酶和黑色素瘤细胞的影响

  • Kinetics of the inhibition of methyl cinnamate on tyrosinase catalyzed reaction

    肉桂酸甲酯抑制 酪氨酸酶催化反应的动力学研究

  • Studies on inhibition of Agaricus bisporus browning by antisense tyrosinase gene

    反义 酪氨酸酶基因抑制双孢蘑菇褐变的研究

  • Study on Antioxidation Inhibition on Tyrosinase and Primary Separation of Marine Active Collagen Peptides

    海洋活性胶原肽的抗氧化性及对 酪氨酸酶的抑制作用与初步分离研究

  • Bioactive assay showed that some triterpenoids have antitumor and antiviral activities while phenolic glycosides displayed stronger antioxidant activities and inhibitory activity on tyrosinase .

    对分离得到的大多数化合物进行了抗病毒、抗肿瘤、抗氧化以及 酪氨酸酶抑制活性研究,部分化合物显示较好的生理活性。

  • CONCLUSION : The inhibition of extract from mulberry leaves on tyrosinase activity is similar to that of kojic acid .

    结论:桑叶提取物对 酪氨酸酶活性起到了与曲酸相似的抑制作用。

  • Study on inhibition of ethanol extract from nymphaea hybrid on the activity of tyrosinase

    香水莲花醇提取物对 酪氨酸酶抑制作用的研究

  • Ethanol extracts of schisandra wild ageratum pollen had the stronger inhibitory activity of tyrosinase to oxidize diphenol .

    五味子和野藿香花粉醇提物对 酪氨酸酶二酚氧化 活性有较好的抑制作用。

  • Inhibition of reduced glutathione and antiscorbutic acid on tyrosinase activity

    还原性谷胱甘肽、抗坏血酸对 酪氨酸酶的抑制作用

  • Inhibitory Effects of 4-Aminobenzoic Acid on Mushroom Tyrosinase

    4-氨基苯甲酸对蘑菇 酪氨酸酶的抑制作用机理研究

  • The Inhibition Effect of Ammonium Chloride on Potato Tyrosinase

    氯化铵对马铃薯 酪氨酸酶的抑制作用

  • Determination of the Tyrosinase Activity in Potato with Spectrophotometric Method

    分光光度法对马铃薯中 酪氨酸酶活性的测定

  • The synergistic effect of psoralen cooperated with substrates on tyrosinase which is a major enzyme to control the speed of melanin biosynthesis was studied .

    研究其与助剂的复配物对黑色素形成过程中主要限速酶 酪氨酸酶的协同激活作用。

  • Inhibitory Effects of Ethanolic Extracts from Ten Kinds of Bee Pollen on the Activity of Tyrosinase to Oxidize Diphenol Synthesis of Novel Arbutin C-glycoside Derivates and Their Inhibition to Tyrosinase

    十种蜂花粉醇提物对 酪氨酸酶的二酚氧化活性抑制作用研究新型碳糖苷类熊果苷类似物的合成及其对酪氨酸酶的抑制活性

  • Regulation of Antidepressants on the Hippocampal Cytoskeleton ; Transcriptional Regulation of Tyrosinase by α - synuclein and Inhibitors

    抗抑郁剂调控海马细胞骨架的功能研究α-synuclein蛋白及抑制剂 酪氨酸酶的调控机制

  • ResultsProved recipe Quban soup had the effects of inhibiting the proliferation and decreasing tyrosinase activity and melanin content of A375 human melanoma cell in vitro .

    结果验方祛斑汤对体外培养的A375人黑素瘤细胞具有抑制细胞增殖,降低 酪氨酸酶活性和黑素含量作用。

  • Prevents melanin from forming by way of adjusting calcium ion density to keep the tyrosinase in inactive state .

    藉由调整钙离子浓度,让 酵素处于非活性状态,避免黑色素生成。

  • Inhibition Effects of 4 kinds of Ethanol Extracts from Teas on Activity of Tyrosinase in Potato

    4种茶叶醇提物对 酪氨酸酶的抑制作用

  • In human being tyrosinase is the key enzyme for melanin biosynthesis and is associated with melanin hyperpigmentation such as melasma freckles ephelide senile lentigines .

    在人体中, 与色素障碍性疾病及恶性 色素肿瘤的发生与治疗有关。

  • Vitamin E - β cyclodextrin inclusion on the inhibition of tyrosinase

    维生素E-β环糊精包合物对 酪氨酸酶的抑制作用

  • ObjectiveCompare with and study on tyrosinase inhibition activity of fish collagen peptide and other similar products from market .

    目的:比较研究鱼胶原肽与市场上同类产品抑制 酪氨酸酶活性的能力。

  • Constructing the Pharmacophore Models of Tyrosinase Inhibitors by DISCO Method

    距离比较法构建 酪氨酸酶抑制剂的药效团模型

  • Inhibitory Effect of Ginkgolic Acids GA_1 on Mushroom Tyrosinase and B-16 Cell

    银杏酸GA1对 酪氨酸酶和黑色素瘤细胞的作用

  • It inhibits the action of tyrosinase an enzyme that plays an important role in the production of melanin .

    它抑制 酪氨酸酶 活性的行动,一种酶发挥著重要的作用,在生产黑色素。