ultra-violet lamp

[ˈʌltrə ˈvaɪəlɪt læmp][ˈʌltrə ˈvaiəlit læmp]


  • They lie still under an ultra-violet lamp tempting fate with skin cancer .

    他们冒着患皮肤癌的危险,躺在 紫外线 下。

  • The relationship between distance in ultra-violet short wave ( UVC ) lamp and intensity of illumination

    短波 紫外线 光源 距与照射强度的关系

  • When the sample solution was irradiated with an ultra-violet lamp the deeoloration rate of the methyl orange solution was directly proportional to the concentration of nitrate and nitrite .

    紫外光 照射下甲基橙退色程度与硝酸盐和亚硝酸盐含量成正比。