ultrasonic therapy

[ˌʌltrəˈsɑnɪk ˈθɛrəpi][ˌʌltrəˈsɔnɪk ˈθerəpi]


  • Conclusion : Ultrasonic therapy can improve the recovery of motor function of patient with acute cerebral infarction when it is used at the early stage .

    结论:早期应用 超声 治疗对急性脑梗塞患者的肢体运动功能恢复有利。

  • Influence of ultrasonic therapy on nitric oxide and alpha granule membrane protein 140 in patients with coronary heart disease

    超声 治疗对冠心病患者血中一氧化氮和α颗粒膜蛋白140的影响

  • Study of Brain Paralysis Ultrasonic Therapy Instruments Based on Dolphin Therapy Theory

    基于海豚治疗机理的脑瘫 超声 治疗仪研究

  • In this paper it is first to introduce the elements of the ultrasonic therapy system then summarize the appli ˉ cations of ultrasonic therapy in clinic .

    本文介绍了 超声 治疗设备的组成及原理,并简述了超声治疗在临床上的主要应用。

  • Changes of NO GMP-140 and vWF in Patients with Coronary Heart Disease before and after Ultrasonic Therapy

    冠心病患者 超声 治疗前后NO、GMP-140和vWF水平变化及其临床意义

  • Methods 70 cases of cerebral infarction were divided into two groups control group and ultrasonic therapy group respectively .

    方法将确诊为脑梗死的初发病例70例分为两组& 超声波 治疗组和对照组。

  • Clinical observation of pyrexia and gore dispersal method combined with early cerebral ultrasonic therapy on cerebral hemorrhage

    清热祛瘀法并早期脑 超声 治疗脑出血临床观察

  • Objective To evaluate and compare the effect of Cluster needling of scalp point therapy and cerebral ultrasonic therapy in stroke patients and to explore the curative mechanism of former method .

    目的比较研究 超声 治疗与头穴丛刺治疗脑梗死恢复期运动功能障碍的疗效。

  • Objective To investigate the effect of the ultrasonic therapy on the neurological function after cerebral infarction .

    目的观察颅脑 超声 治疗脑梗死的效果。

  • Doctor : No problem we can invite the oculist to see you and a simple operation ( laser beam or ultrasonic therapy ) will enable you to see light again after the blood glucose is well controlled .

    医生:可以治好,只要血糖得到控制,我们就可请眼科医师来给你会诊,一般只需做一个简单的手术就能帮你 重见光明。

  • Objective : To study the effect of acupuncture combined with the ultrasonic therapy instrument for treating intracerebral hemorrhage .

    目的:探讨针刺结合脑 超声 治疗仪对脑出血恢复期的疗效。

  • With the appearance and development of ultrasonic surgical installation ultrasonic therapy enters on a new epoch .

    超声 治疗技术在近年来进入了一个突破性发展的历史时期,其核心在于超声外科手术装置的出现和发展。

  • Besides the design principle and system scheme the mechanism and application of ultrasonic therapy together with the key techniques such as wave-form producing power adjusting and load coupling are analyzed .

    在阐述设计思路与系统结构的同时,介绍了 超声 治疗的机理和常规应用手段,详细说明了发生器波形产生、功率调节、负载匹配等关键技术。

  • The Main Mechanisms & Applications of Ultrasonic Therapy

    超声 治疗的主要机理及应用

  • Some new methods and equipments of medical ultrasonic therapy are stressed and the future development of medical ultrasound is also analyzed .

    着重分析了目前国内外在 超声 治疗技术中的一些新方法和新设备,并对超声治疗技术的发展趋势进行了展望。

  • Methods 60 cerebral infarction patients with motor dysfunction were equally randomized to two groups & cluster needling of scalp point therapy group and Cerebral ultrasonic therapy group .

    方法本课题观察60例脑梗死恢复期运动功能障碍患者,根据随机分组原则分为头 丛刺组、脑 超声波组。

  • Objective : To observe the effect of ultrasonic therapy on plasma contents of GMP-140 and vWF and hemorheology and the recovery of neurological function in patients with acute cerebral infarction ( ACI ) .

    目的:观察 超声 治疗对急性脑梗死患者血浆α颗粒膜蛋白-140(GMP-140)、血管性血友病因子(vWF)含量及血液流变学的影响和促进神经功能恢复的作用。

  • Recent domestic advances in clinical practices on ultrasonic therapy

    我国 超声波 疗法临床应用的近期进展

  • Observation of the curative effect of ultrasonic therapy on cerebral infarction

    超声波 治疗脑梗死疗效观察

  • Conclusion The ultrasonic therapy and psychological care can significantly promote the rehabilitation of the cerebra infarction patients paralytic extremity motor function and improve the ADL integral .

    结论配合 超声波 治疗和心理护理能明显促进脑梗死患者偏瘫肢体运动功能的恢复,有助于患者ADL能力的提高。

  • The ultrasonic therapy instrument is aim to cure infant 's brain paralysis .

    课题研制 超声 治疗仪器就是针一对治疗小儿脑瘫而专门设计的。

  • Medical ultrasonic therapy and its applications

    医学 超声 治疗技术研究及其应用

  • The Effect of Ultrasonic Therapy on the Motor Function of Patients with Acute Cerebral Infarction

    超声 治疗对急性脑梗塞患者肢体功能的影响

  • The control group : The same ultrasonic therapy was done as the therapy group .

    对照组: 超声波 疗法同治疗组;

  • Variable pulse ultrasonic therapy apparatus

    脉冲 核磁 共振 波谱仪可变脉冲 超声波 治疗

  • Study on ultrasonic therapy instrument based on traditional needling method

    基于传统针刺规律的 超声波 治疗仪研究

  • Results : The recovery of motor function of patients treated with ultrasonic therapy was better than the control group ( P0.05 ; P0.01 ) .

    结果: 超声 治疗组患者的肢体运动功能恢复优于对照组(P<0.05或P<0.01)。

  • Objective To observe the effect of small dosage ultrasonic therapy on cerebrovascular disease and to know the nursing measures for such patients .

    目的观察小剂量 超声波 治疗脑血管病的效果,了解其护理措施。

  • Some traditional ultrasonic therapy applications and their present research state are elucidated . The biological effects of ultrasound and their role in ultrasonic therapy are analyzed .

    阐述了 超声 治疗技术的应用现状,分析了超声波的生物效应及其在治疗疾病中的作用。

  • Effect of ultrasonic therapy on plasma levels of GMP-140 and vWF and Hemorheology in patients with acute cerebral infarction

    超声 治疗对急性脑梗死患者血浆GMP-140、vWF含量和血液流变学的影响及其疗效观察