


  • Secondly the current policy on religion and nationality must be implemented seriously and firm effort should be made to strike ultranationalism big power 's interference and infiltration must be guard against ;

    二是要认真贯彻落实国家民族、宗教政策,坚决打击 民族极端主义,不使大国干涉、渗透有 可乘之机

  • The author explores reasons for the rising of Japanese ultranationalism in recent years from three aspects : some weakness in the national characteristic of Japan ;

    本文从三个方面探析近年来日本 极端 民族 主义 思潮 抬头的原因:一是由于日本民族性中的一些弱点;

  • Whereas the low-quality nature of Yamato such as narrow nationalism national selfishness and ultranationalism becomes its root shackle in the process of globalization . Hospital culture is an important position in hospital .

    但大和 民族的劣根性 狭隘国家主义、民族利己 主义以及 极端 民族 主义 成为其文化国际化走向中的根性桎梏。

  • Abstract The US maintains that no major power will be able to pose direct military threats on the US before 2010 but the US is confronted with realistic non symmetric threats terrorism ultranationalism and hackers .

    美国认定,2015年前不 任一大国的直接军事威胁,无主要 对手,但面临现实的非对称性威胁, 亦即恐怖主义、 极端 民族 主义和电子黑客的威胁。