


  • B-Type ultrasonoscope was applied to clinical diagnosis firstly in the early 1960s . In the last forty years or so the B-Type ultrasonoscope has been developing rapidly .

    60年代初,国际上首次将 B超 诊断 应用于临床诊断,40多年来B超诊断仪的发展极为迅速。

  • A Portable Warehousing Management Terminal System Based on RFID of UHF Application of Mobile Ultrasonoscope in Earthquake Rescue

    基于超高频RFID的便携式仓储管理终端系统 便携式 超声 诊断 在抗震救灾中的应用 价值

  • CGZXP 22.26 g / kg per day could ameliorate the index of reconstruction of left ventricle with ultrasonoscope to different degree . Some indexes even nearly recovered to the normal level at day 14 after operation .

    从肝治心方 22.26g/(kg·d)剂量组对 超声心动图所有左心室重构指标均较模型组有不同程度好转,某些指标甚至在术后14d恢复到接近正常水平。

  • Advanced epithermal thorium reactor pulsed echo ultrasonoscope

    改进型超热钍反应堆回波 反射 超声 诊断

  • Consecutive polarity coincidence based SSP to ultrasonic reflected signal pulsed echo ultrasonoscope

    超声回波信号的连续极性一致法 分离 处理回波反射 超声 诊断

  • Application of Mobile Ultrasonoscope for Fracture in Earthquake Rescue

    抗震救灾 时期 超声 检查在骨折 诊断中的应用

  • Objective To evaluate the application of mobile ultrasonoscope in earthquake rescue .

    目的:探讨 便携式 超声 诊断 在抗震救灾中的应用 价值

  • Mobile diagnostic X-ray apparatus pulsed echo ultrasonoscope

    移动式诊断X射线机回波 反射 超声 诊断

  • Clinical significance of color Dopper ultrasonoscope in the lower limb angiopathy in patients with type 2 diabetic mellitus

    彩色多普勒 超声 检查对2型糖尿病患者下肢血管病变的临床意义

  • Advance in Diagnosis of Small Hepatocellular Carcinoma with Color Doppler Ultrasonoscope

    小肝癌彩色多普勒 超声诊断进展

  • Pulsed echo ultrasonoscope Express the factors resulting in the attenuation of acoustic waves .

    回波 反射 超声 诊断 陈述导致超音波衰减的各项因素。