


  • At days 3 to 7 postnatal Tyro 3 was distributed in overall cytoplasmic membrane and cytoplasm of Sertoli cells .

    在出生后3天到1周, Tyro3分布于整个Sertoli细胞胞浆和胞膜;

  • I am a tyro in English .

    我是 英语的 新手

  • Indeed the account of how mathematicians stumbled groped their way through obscurities should give heart to any tyro in research .

    实在说,叙述数学家如何跌跤,如何在 迷雾中摸索前进,应能使 研究工作的任何 新手 鼓起 勇气

  • That of Zimmer is in tyro cord yarn chip ; while that of PE is in the capability of producing middle and high viscosity of PA-6 chips simultaneously and in the world advanced chip for membrane ;

    PE公司的技术优势 主要是可同时生产中、高黏度PA-6切片,且在生产膜用 PA-6切片上世界领先;

  • Tyro 3 Family Receptors and Spermatogenesis


  • Although I am a veritable tyro at the game .

    尽管我玩这个是 新手

  • Tyro 3 was exclusively expressed in Sertoli cells with a varied distribution during testis development .


  • Any tyro collector entering the fray at Frieze should first read The $ 12m Stuffed Shark by economist Don Thompson .

    任何 入门的收藏家 要加入 费雷兹争夺战,都应该先读读经济学家唐•汤普森(DonThompson)的 著作《价值1200万美元的鲨鱼标本》(The$12mStuffedShark)。

  • Delayed after depolarization ( DAD ) was induced by low potassium Tyro 's solution with cesium chloride .

    模拟 缺血 缺血模型以及在低钾 氏液中加入氯化铯灌 诱发延迟后除极(DAD)模型。

  • But the combination of relative tyro Posen and established Turkish luxury brand ( the first such ever ) pushes the idea into an entirely new dimension .

    但是,相对 年轻的波森与首个知名土耳其奢侈品牌的结合,将这种理念推到了一个新的高度。

  • Administration of thiouracil and of small amount of iodine which caused the thyroid gland to show histological picture of hyperfunction considerably reduced the free tyro - sine content per unit weight of the gland and increased its concentration in the plasma .

    在硫 尿嘧啶和小剂量碘的作用下,甲状腺内的游离酪氨酸含量(以每单位组织算)显著减少,而血浆的游离酪氨酸浓度增高。

  • What separates the professional from the tyro is knowing when to apply the power of scripting and when to eschew it .

    专家和 新手的区别在于:知道什么时候运用该脚本,什么时候避免使用它。