


  • The optimal conditions for aglycone tyrosol extraction from Rhodiola were investigated by using supercritical CO2 extraction technique .

    利用超临界CO2萃取对 进行 精炼,是一 的油脂精炼方法。

  • Simultaneous Determination of Salidroside and Tyrosol in Health-care Food of Rhodiola by Ultra-HPLC

    超高效液相色谱法同时测定红景天保健品中红景天苷和 含量

  • The Influences of Different Preparation Methods on the Content of Tyrosol and Polysaccharide in Fructus Ligustri Lucidi

    不同炮制法对女贞子中 和多糖含量的影响

  • Exploration of Method for Preparing Reference Standard of Salidroside and p Tyrosol

    红景天甙和 红景天标准品的制备方法研究

  • Salidroside was synthesized by first preparing the intermediate salidroside tetraacetate ( using tyrosol as starting material ) and then deacetylizing it .

    红景天甙以 为原料,经制得中间体四乙酰基红景天甙后,再脱乙酰基合成而得。

  • The glycosylation reaction is the last step of biosynthesis salidroside from tyrosol . The reaction was catalyzed by glycosyltransferases .

    在红景天中合成红景天苷的最后一步反应是 糖基化反应,催化这个反应的关键酶是UDP-葡萄糖基转移酶。

  • Objective To detect the DNA strand breaks induced by adriamycin potassium chromate or hydrogen peroxide and to study the effect of p tyrosol on DNA oxidative damage in CHL cells .

    目的检测阿霉素、重铬酸钾和过氧化氢所致中国仓鼠肺成纤维细胞(CHL)DNA的损伤效应及 细胞DNA氧化损伤的 保护作用。

  • The pretreatment of p tyrosol ( 10 μ g / ml or 20 μ g / ml ) markedly decreased the tail length of CHL cells treated by hydrogen peroxide .

    10μg/ml、20μg/ml 的预处理可使过氧化氢染毒细胞的拖尾 百分率 DNA 迁移长度显著降低。

  • Isolated compounds tyrosol and another monomer ( structure to be identified ) .

    分离得到 及另一化合物单体(结构待鉴定)。

  • Enhancement of NADPH : quinone oxidoreductase 1 ( NQO_1 ) gene expression and inhibition of cell proliferation induced by β - tyrosol in human hepatoma SMMC-7721 cells

    诱导肝癌细胞 NQO1酶基因表达增加及细胞增殖的抑制

  • The extracting rates of salidroside and tyrosol is 29.037mg/g and 15.633mg/g respectively .

    提取红景天甙和 的量分别为29.037mg/g和15.633mg/g。

  • The optimal technics of extracting salidroside and tyrosol was as following : dip twice the callus powder in petroleum ether each time for 30 minutes ; ultrasonic extract once with 75 % ethanol and the time of 30 minutes .

    提取红景天甙和 的最佳工艺为石油醚浸泡2次,每次时间为30min;75%甲醇超声提取一次,时间为30min。

  • Crude olive polyphenol in raw materials the application of alumina and silica gel adsorption column chromatography separation methods such as extraction of separation and purification preparation to tyrosol diversity represented by phenolic compounds .

    以橄榄多酚粗品为原料,应用氧化铝吸附法及硅胶柱层析法等分离方法进行提取分离纯化,制备以 为代表的多元酚类化合物。

  • Determination of Protocatechuic Acid Protocatechuic Aldehyde and Tyrosol in Different Seasons Collections of Syringa Oblate Leaves The viability and storage time of the pollen collected from three species of Syringa were studied .

    不同采收期紫丁香叶中原儿茶酸、原儿茶醛和 的含量测定对紫丁香、白丁香、花叶丁香三种丁香花粉进行了生活力测定和贮藏性研究。

  • In this paper preliminary study of the olive polyphenol components such as tyrosol and Purification Technology .

    本论文初步探讨了橄榄多酚中 等成分的分离纯化方法及工艺。

  • 60 mg / kg and 150 mg / kg of tyrosol given to rabbits ( iv ) and 200 mg / kg to rats ( ip ) effected no change in bile excretion .

    红景天 给家兔静脉注射60mg/kg和150mg/kg,给大鼠腹腔注射200mg/kg,对胆汁排泌均无明显影响。