twin port

[twɪn pɔrt][twin pɔ:t]


  • Parameter Characterization Method and Its Significance of Linearity Twin Port Network

    线性 端口网络的参数表征法及其意义

  • Mass storage control twin port

    海量存储控制器 端口

  • China has agreed to provide Pakistan with a $ 6.5bn loan to construct twin nuclear power stations in the southern port city of Karachi the largest ever Chinese financing deal for a single project in the country .

    中国同意向巴基斯坦提供65亿美元贷款以便在其南部 港口城市卡拉奇( Karachi)建造 座核电站,这是中国迄今为巴基斯坦单一项目提供的最大融资交易。

  • Scientists are uncovering the secrets of twin port cities lost under the waters of the Mediterranean Sea a researcher said recently .

    一名研究人员近日透露说,科学家正在揭开出 港口城市消失在地中海水下的谜底。

  • The data exchange between the DSP and MCU is by twin port RAMs .

    DSP与单片机间通过 RAM进行数据交换。

  • A Discussion on Orientation and Pattern to Construct Ningbo Port an ITH as a Twin Port of Shanghai International Shipping Centers

    宁波建设上海航运中心 南翼国际枢纽 的定位与模式选择

  • Theoretical and experimental results suggest that the engine performance at low load can be improved with the variable swirl twin inlet port .

    理论计算与试验结果证明,采用 进气道可控进气涡流系统是改善大功率柴油机低负荷性能的一个有效途径。

  • The results show that the twin intake port gives lower swirl ratio than that of helical port under low load condition but higher than that of directed intake port .

    研究结果表明:在低负荷工况下, 气道 进气时的涡流强度小于螺旋气道,大于直流气道;