type metal

[taɪp ˈmɛtl][taip ˈmetl]


  • The results show that high performance liquid chromatography chiral stationary phase method is an ideal method for chiral separation of chiral tetrahedrane - type metal cluster .

    结果表明,高效液相色谱手性固定相法是拆分这 化合物的一种理想方法。

  • Zn-Al alloy is widely used as a new type of metal material .

    锌铝系合金是目前应用较为广泛的 新型 金属材料。

  • C-02 type metal gauze packing may be used for rectification separation of products in fine chemicals industry .

    C-02 金属网波填料可用于精细化工产品的精馏分离。

  • Study and Implement on the Special Type Metal Material Welding Techniques

    火电厂 特种 金属材料焊接技术的研究和实施

  • A New Type Metal - b as ed Composite Inert Anode Material for Aluminum Electrolysis

    新型铝电解 金属基复合材料惰性阳极研制与应用

  • Casting Technology of Hand Type Metal Artworks


  • Investigations of electrochemical performance of copper coated AB 5 type metal hydride electrodes

    铜包覆AB5 金属氢化物电极的电化学性能研究

  • C-02 type metal gauze packing and its application

    C-02 金属网波填料及其应用

  • Al_2O_3 is a type of metal oxide support in the preparation of catalysts .

    Al2O3是催化剂制备中大量使用的 典型 氧化物载体。

  • The experimental rules of thickness effect on N type metal oxide gas sensing thin films are presented .

    介绍了N 金属氧化物气敏薄膜厚度效应的实验规律.给出了响应时间和恢复时间随膜厚及气体浓度变化的规律;

  • Knife-edge type metal sealing flange structure ( called knife-edge seal for short ) has a simple constitution and high sealing performance usually used in the metal containers with high tightness requirements .

    刀口 法兰 平面密封结构(简称刀口密封结构)具有构造简单、高密封度等特点,常用于对介质密封性要求较高的金属类包装容器中。

  • Development status of the electrode materials ( carbon type and metal type ) the current collector and the separator film for vanadium redox flow battery were introduced as well as the method of preparing vanadium electrolyte .

    介绍了国内外钒氧化还原液流电池的电极材料(炭素 金属类)、集流板、电池隔膜材料的研究发展状况以及电解液的制备情况。

  • The solution of N type metal oxide crystals Poisson equation

    N 金属氧化物晶体Poisson方程的解

  • And what he found here which is what you can see and we can all see pretty clearly is the slope of all of these lines is the same regardless of what the type of metal is .

    他在这发现,你们也,可以很清楚的看到, 不同 金属直线的,斜率是相同的。

  • Application of the slit type metal filter and completely automatic sand filter in circulating water systems

    缝隙 金属过滤器和全自动砂滤器在循环水系统的应用

  • A New Type Dual Metal Clad Pipe for Exploring Oil / Gas Field

    一种油气田开发用 新型金属复合管

  • Electric Field Analysis of 500 kV Tank Type Metal Oxide Surge Arresters

    500kV六氟化硫绝缘罐 金属氧化物避雷器电场分析

  • The porous aluminum alloy is a new type of metal material . Two production methods on casting porous aluminum alloy are introduced with the related analysis on the influence of pore size and porosity to sound absorbing property and the application in absorbing sound and decreasing vibration .

    多孔铝是一种 新型的多 用途 金属材料,本文介绍了铸造多孔铝合金两种常用的制备方法,分析了孔径和孔隙率对吸声性能的影响及多孔铝合金在吸声、减震方面的应用。

  • Study and Application of Structure Type of Metal Spiral Case for Large-sized Water Turbine

    大型水轮机 金属蜗壳结构 形式的研究与应用

  • Optical properties of a new type metal coordination complex nonlinear optical crystal zinc cadmium thiocyanate ( ZCTC ) are reported .

    报道了 新型 金属络合物非线性光学材料ZCTC(硫氰酸锌镉)晶体的光学性质。

  • New Type Precious Metal Material Technology and Jewelry Manufacturing Industry


  • A type of metal powder-cored wire for submerged overlaying on hot roll is studied in this paper .

    本文研究了一 热轧辊埋弧堆焊用 金属粉型药芯焊丝。

  • Amorphous alloys are a new type of metal material .

    非晶态金属是 新型 金属材料。

  • Batch distillation experiments made to separate the ethanol & water mixture system in a C-02 type metal gauze packing column variable reflux ratio policies have shown that the optimal operation of this column is the constant reflux ratio policy .

    在C&02 金属网波填料塔进行乙醇-水系统间歇精馏实验表明:恒回流操作是该塔的优化操作方式。

  • Influence of Resister Disc 's Capacity to Potential Distribution in Tank Type Metal Oxide Surge Arresters for 500 kV GIS

    电阻片电容量对500kV罐 避雷器电位分布的影响

  • Application of new type metal net support in thick coal seam extraction roadway

    新型 网(索)支护在厚煤层回采巷道的应用

  • A New Type Metal Liner

    新型 金属气缸衬垫

  • Type metal : The alloy for cast type comprising lead tin and antimony .

    活字 金属:铸造活字的合金,由铅,锡和锑组成。

  • Learn how to heat water without a pot or any type of metal or glass container .

    学习一下如果没有水壶或任何 金属或玻璃容器怎样烧 热水

  • Experimental Study on Wash - type Metal Filler Air Filter

    洗涤 金属填料空气过滤器的试验研究