type procedure

[taɪp prəˈsidʒɚ][taip prəˈsi:dʒə]


  • Cannot convert parameter ' % ls ' to % ls data type expected by procedure .

    不能将参数''%1!''转换为 过程所需要的%2!数据 类型

  • The timely transfer of the equipments and good cooperation with surgeon play an important role in this type procedure .

    中及时的器械传递和与术者良好配合是 手术成功的关键。

  • Regardless of the type of breast augmentation procedure chosen it is likely that women with implants will need to have one or more additional surgeries ( reoperations ) over the course of their lives .

    不论 何种 程序选择隆乳,很可能将需要植入妇女有一个或更多的额外手术过程(术)活。

  • However the associations between complications and mortality and age primary diagnosis and type of surgical procedure are not well described using population-based data .

    然而,并发症和死亡率与年龄、初始诊断和 手术 类型之间的相关性尚没有基于总体资料的较好的描述。

  • An identifier created by the programmer to denote a program constant type variable procedure or function .

    一种由程序员建立的标识符,用以指明程序、常数、 类型、变量、 过程或操作功能。

  • Combining traditional lumped-element network synthesis method and distributed-element transmission line theory the thesis present a new type of design procedure and principle for LTCC multi-layer filter based on the study of LTCC multilayer inductor and capacitor .

    本文在对LTCC多层结构电感和电容元件研究的基础上,结合经典的集总参数元件网络综合法和分布参数传输线理论,给出了 新型LTCC多层滤波器的设计 方法和原理。

  • This paper constructed FTA for a HFC1061 type automobile and depicted procedure of FTA for universal joint and indicated FTA applied to automobile reliability design .

    建造了 HFC1061汽车故障树,并详细阐述了万向传动装置故障树分析 过程,以此来说明FTA在汽车可靠性设计中的应用。

  • The thesis start with an overview of corporate division and then by using the method of comparison makes a comparative study on corporate division system of the cross-strait from the aspect of corporate division type procedure and legal effect .

    文章首先对公司分立制度进行简要概述,其后利用比较分析法,从公司分立 类型程序和法律效果三个方面,对两岸公司分立制度进行比较研究。

  • To evaluate the associations between complications and mortality and age primary diagnosis and type of surgical procedure .

    评价并发症和死亡率与年龄、初始诊断和 手术 类型等的相关性。

  • Type your procedure name in the Name field such as MyStoredProcedure .

    在Name字段, 输入程序的名称,比如MyStoredProcedure。

  • Descriptions focus on the structural type construction procedure of steel sheeting cofferdam and steel casing cofferdam as well as major equipment used .

    重点阐述钢板桩围堰、钢套箱围堰的结构 型式、施工 程序及主要机具设备等。

  • Selection of type operation procedure and training of maintenance man are discussed .

    提出了我国石油部门采用管外 超声波流量计应注意 选型选点及操作、维修人员的培训问题。

  • With the development of economy the quantity and type of civil procedure increase rapidly the society that the court system should settle disputes economically and rapidly but the current civil procedure system can 't meet the needs of the society .

    随着经济的发展, 诉讼的数量和 诉讼 类型与日俱增,社会对于法院解决纠纷的要求不断高涨,原有的诉讼制度已无法有效的满足新的社会需求。

  • According to the important examples state the designing method type and procedure of geography experiment .

    借助案例重点阐述了地理实验设计的方法和 类型及地理实验 步骤的设计。

  • The limit load of a defective cylinder is a very important input in a structural integrity assessment of a pressure vessel or pipe using R6 type procedure .

    在使用 R6 方法的压力容器和管道结构完整性评估 过程中,含缺陷圆筒的极限载荷是一个非常重要的输入参量。

  • The difficulties and countermeasures of quality control in operational type working procedure

    操作 工序质量控制的难点及对策

  • Is the type of custom stored procedure or script being registered .

    注册的自定义存储 过程或脚本的 类型

  • Automation of Burden Charging in Bell - type Furnace and Procedure Design

    罩式炉装配炉的自动化与 程序设计

  • This paper discusses and explores preliminarily the ground temperature troubleshooting on several aspects such as the ground temperature gathering principle of automatic stations the breakdown reasons the type and the checkout procedure and so on .

    从自动站地温采集原理,引发故障的原因、 类型及检查 步骤等几个方面对地温故障进行初步探讨。

  • You may not select this type of document for this procedure . Please select one of the appropriate document types based on the File Type Drop Down list .

    您不能为该 过程选择此 类型的文档。请从基于文件类型下拉列表的适当文档类型中选择一种。

  • Research on the Method of Fault Diagnosis in New Type Electric Equipments Operational Procedure

    新型电子装备 软件故障诊断方法研究

  • The type of stored procedure being started .

    正在启动的存储 过程 类型

  • And it is introduced into the straight line type design procedure which is consistent to follow . Which is improved so we establish the circular type design procedure .

    并把其引入到我们原来一贯遵循的直线 设计 程序,将其完善后,建立环型设计程序。

  • The value of the input parameter ' % 1 ' cannot be converted to the type of the stored procedure parameter .

    无法将输入参数'%1'的值转换为存储 过程参数的 类型

  • By an Applet combination of RMI realizing network calculating the convenience has emerged using pure Java development distribute type network computing procedure and its vast business foreground can be forecasted .

    通过一个Applet结合RMI实现网络计算的实例,展现了用纯Java开发 分布式网络计算 程序的便捷性,也预见其有着广阔的商业前景。

  • Simultaneously considering current situation of popularization of computer software and hardware in the field of architecture designing in our country the main type method and procedure of architecture scene of virtual reality are investigated designed and made .

    同时结合我国建筑设计领域计算机软硬件普及的现状,探讨设计制作虚拟现实建筑场景的主要 类型、方法和 步骤

  • Instead take a look at a simple example that illustrates arrays in SQL PL. Listing 1 shows an array data type and a procedure that uses it .

    相反,看一个对SQLPL中的阵列进行说明的简单示例。清单1显示了一个阵列数据 类型和使用该 类型 过程