type identifier


  • The page action method then mines the request URL to determine the type of data and the data identifier loads that data and then navigates to the appropriate template .

    然后,该页面动作方法利用请求URL,以判断数据 类型和数据 标识符,加载数据,然后导航到适当的模板。

  • A definition specifies a variable 's type and identifier . A definition may also provide an initial value for the object .

    变量定义指定了变量的 类型 标识符,也可以为对象提供初始值。

  • ' % s ' Is not a type Identifier

    '%s'不是 类型 标识符

  • For a global declaration you need to specify its type ( that is class name ) and the identifier you want to use to refer to it ( that is variable name ) .

    对于global声明,需要指定它的 类型(即类名)和想要用于引用它的 标识符(即变量名)。

  • Class with the specified identity reference access control type property access type property set identifier inheritance type and inherited object type .

    使用指定的标识引用、访问控制类型、属性访问 类型、属性集 标识符、继承类型和继承对象类型来初始化。

  • Tells the parser how to deal with a specific binary file type as well as provides a name and an external identifier for a notation .

    通知分析器如何处理特定的二进制文件 类型,并提供表示法的名称和外部 标识符

  • The string for file namespace or type name must be a valid identifier .

    用于文件命名空间或 类型名的字符串必须是有效的 标识符

  • Investigation into Controlling Scheme for New Type Oscillating Poller & Soil Parameters On-line Identifier

    新型振动压路机控制方案探讨及土体参数在线 辨识器研究

  • Count requests optionally demarcating by HTTP request type ( GET POST and so on ) or Uniform Resource Identifier ( URI ) .

    计算请求数,可以选择根据HTTP 类型(GET和POST等)或统一资源 标识符(URI)来分类。

  • In the shape data window click the name field and then type the area identifier such as office room number .

    在“形状数据”窗口中,单击“名称”字段,然后 键入区域 标识符,例如办公室房间号码。

  • In all cases the identifier type character must immediately follow the identifier name .

    在所有情况下,标识符 类型字符都必须紧跟在 标识符名称之后。

  • The type attribute is a unique identifier that is used for two purposes .

    type属性是惟一 标识符,有两个用途。

  • This new type of controller structure modifies its parameters of the identifier and the controller which is responsible for the advantage of strong adaptability as well as the strong robustness .

    同时这种 新型的控制器结构可以在线调整 辨识 和控制器参数,具有适应性强,鲁棒性强等优点。

  • Based on the routing protocols of structured P2P networks a new type of content-based routing protocol for pub / sub systems is designed which is called Identifier Range Based Routing ( IRBR ) protocol .

    根据结构化P2P网络的路由协议的特点,设计了一种 新型的基于内容的路由协议&基于编码区间的路由(identifierrangebasedrouting,简称 IRBR)协议。

  • Code completion in Eclipse works just the same as it does in Netbeans : after typing the first part of a type or identifier press Ctrl-Space and you see a list of options .

    Eclipse中的代码完成与Netbeans中的作用相同:在键入 类型标识符的第一部分之后,按Ctrl-Space,会出现一个选项列表。

  • A Type is defined by its Uniform Resource Identifier ( URI ) and its name .

    类型是由其统一资源 标识符(UniformResourceIdentifier,URI)及其名称定义的。

  • REFERENCE in turn is a system type that is the data type of the object identifier column of any typed table .

    反过来,REFERENCE是一个系统类型,它是任何类型化表的对象 标识符的数据 类型

  • The arguments of a find () operation for example are the type of entity and its primary identifier .

    例如,find()操作的参数是实体 类型及其主 标识符

  • You can now correct this by clicking Create Document again and this time supplying the correct combination of document type and customer identifier as shown in Figure 12 .

    您现在可再次单击CreateDocument关联此文档,这一次提供正确的文档 类型和客户 标识符组合,如图12中所示。

  • Per this line of thinking a media type is an identifier for message semantics and message recipients use media types to trigger processing code .

    按照这种思路,媒体 类型是一种消息语义 标识符,消息接收者可使用该媒体类型触发处理代码。

  • Whereas MBR provides a1-byte partition type code GPT uses a16-byte GUID ( Globally unique identifier ) value to identify partition types .

    虽然MBR提供1字节分区 类型代码,但GPT使用一个16字节的GUID(Globallyuniqueidentifier,全局唯一 标识符)值来标识分区类型。

  • Enumeration defines the type of subject identifier .

    枚举定义 使用者 标识符 类型

  • Constant or type Identifier expected

    要求常量或 类型 标识符

  • Unrecognized or unsupported type identifier . ( Only references to class objects are allowed )

    无法识别或不支持的 类型 标识符。(仅允许对类别对象进行引用)

  • Type a name for the new application policy and then accept or change the object identifier .

    为新的应用程序策略 键入一个名称,然后接受或更改对象 标识符

  • An alternative to going all the way to URNs might be to make use of the DNS system alone as part of a media type identifier .

    URN的替代方法是仅将DNS系统作为多媒体 类型 标识符的一部分。