


  • The two parameters provide basis for the theoretical analysis of the removal of Turbidity Using stub tube fillers .

    两者为短管填料对 浊度去除的理论分析提供了基础。

  • Effects of Turbidity and Low Light Intensity on the Growth of Macrophytes

    水体 浊度和低光条件对沉水植物生长的影响

  • The facies types of the Lower Cretaceous are mainly delta lake and turbidity .

    下白垩统的扎赉诺尔群的沉积相的主要类型为三角洲相,湖相和 浊流相。

  • The main characteristics of maltodextrin include stability hygroscopicity viscosity turbidity and gelation behaviour as well .

    麦芽糊精的主要性质包括麦芽糊精的稳定性、吸湿性、黏度、 浑浊 和凝胶特性等。

  • Conclusion Electromagnetic fields can be used to reduce turbidity value and fluoride in water .

    结论复合电磁场可有效降低 浑浊 去除其中的氟离子。

  • The commodity value of vinegar is seriously influenced by turbidity and precipitation .

    食醋 浑浊与沉淀严重影响了食醋的商品性。

  • The results showed that some organic compounds could be removed from micro-polluted source water by preoxidation with ferrate which had good effect of aid to the coagulation and turbidity removal .

    试验结果表明,对于微污染水源,高铁酸盐预氧化可有效地去除部分有机物,并具有良好的助凝 作用。

  • However the best pre-trip inquiries about the weather windy weather and large waves will cause water turbidity .

    但行前最好打听一下天气,起风和大浪天气会令海水 浑浊

  • Then there is colour and colour is not the same as turbidity .

    其次是颜色,而颜色和 浊度不同。

  • Turbidity is predominantly made colloids .


  • Any turbidity in the drinking water is automatically associated with possible wastewater pollution .

    饮水中的任何 浊度都被自然地联想到可能是废水污染。

  • The method of elimination of the interference of color and turbidity by the colorimetric determination of ammonia in swine wastewater

    色度和 浊度对比色法测定猪场废水中氨氮的干扰及消除方法研究

  • Turbidity maximum in the Changjiang Estuary ii .

    长江河口最大 浑浊

  • The experimental results show that the removal rates of turbidity color and COD are99.2 % 87 % and56 % respectively .

    实验结果表明,微絮凝直接过滤超滤组合工艺对 浊度、色度和COD平均去除率为99.2%、87%和56%;

  • Prediction of River Water Turbidity Based on EMD-SVM

    基于EMD-SVM的江水 浊度预测方法研究

  • Surface water quality during this period of time is at low temperature low turbidity and high chroma conditions .

    结合我国当前低温低 浊度高色度水处理中面临的技术问题,深入探讨低温低浊度水的 处理 机理和影响因素。

  • Active carbon absorption method was used in the treatment of low-alcohol liquor to remove the substances inducing liquor turbidity .

    利用活性炭吸附法处理低度白酒,以去除引起白酒 浑浊的物质。

  • A Recycled Produced Water Treating Technology by Using Turbidity Control


  • Turbidity and color must be low for an attractive appearance of the drink .

    为使饮料具有诱人的外观,其 浑浊 和色泽 也要很低。

  • Coagulation conditions for typical low temperature and low turbidity water

    典型低温低 水体的混凝工艺条件研究

  • These polyelectrolytes were applied to treatment of the high turbidity water of the Huanghe River .

    并将所合成的两性聚电解质作为絮凝剂,首次应用到黄河高 浊度水的处理中。

  • Objective To study the function of electromagnetic fields on decrease turbidity value and fluoride in drinking water .

    目的探讨复合电磁场降低水的 浑浊 和除氟功能。

  • Based on the outlet dust turbidity closed loop control can be achieved to realize the energy management .

    以烟气出口粉尘 浊度 为依据,进行闭环控制,实现能量管理;

  • Membrane separation technology and its application in turbidity removal of low-alcohol liquor

    膜分离技术及其在低度白酒除 中的应用

  • This turbidity is caused by material present in the original black tea .

    这种 浑浊是由存在于原料红茶中的物质所引起的。

  • Simulation Study of IMC-PID in the Turbidity Control of Water Supply Plant

    IMC-PID在水厂 出水 浊度控制中的仿真研究

  • Based on the characteristics of high turbidity mine water quality the coagulation experiment was carried out .

    根据高 矿井水的水质特性,进行了矿井水的混凝实验研究。

  • Drawing work curve digesting time and turbidity compensated are tested as determining total amount of P in surface water by ammonium molybdate tetrahydrate spectrophotometry .

    对用钼酸铵分光光度法测定地表水中总磷时工作曲线的绘制、消解时间和 浊度补偿等进行了试验。

  • The turbidity experiments show that the relative error is not more than 3 % with this turbidity meter .

    通过实验分析,结果表明相对误差不大于 3%