ultimate capacity

[ˈʌltəmɪt kəˈpæsɪti][ˈʌltimit kəˈpæsiti]


  • The ultimate capacity of CHS overlapped joints with greater diameter and thickness of through brace is reasonable .

    由分析可知,把直径较大和壁厚较厚的腹杆作为贯通腹杆节点,其 极限 承载 较高且构造较为合理。

  • The relationship of ultimate capacity and support stiffness is analyzed and discussed deeply .

    临界 荷载和支撑刚度的关系进行了深入分析和探讨;

  • Analysis on Optimization Design of Port Plate Pair of Axial Piston Pumps Ultimate Capacity of Axially Loaded Thin-Walled Tapered Columns with Doubly Symmetric Sections

    直轴式液压轴向柱塞泵配流机构优化设计分析双轴对称薄壁锥形柱轴心受压的 极限 承载

  • Study on Ultimate Capacity and Fatigue Performance of Composite Box Girders with Corrugated Steel Webs

    波形钢腹板组合箱梁 承载 能力及疲劳损伤分析

  • But the ultimate capacity can consider the influence of initial imperfection .

    极限 承载 能够考虑初始缺陷的影响,能较好的模拟大桥的真实受力状态。

  • Experimental Study and Ultimate Capacity Analysis on SRC Beam of Chongqing Theatre

    重庆大剧院型钢混凝土梁的试验研究及 极限 承载 计算分析

  • Comparisons between experimental results and theoretical results show that the proposed method is accurate for calculating the ultimate capacity of continuous composite slab .

    与国内外的连续组合板试验结果的对比表明,提出的计算方法能够较为准确地计算连续组合板的 极限 承载

  • The result shows that the main factors affecting the ultimate capacity are the local deformation and instability of the bridge .

    结果表明,桥梁局部变形失稳是影响整体 极限 承载 的重要因素。

  • Design and Construction of Fastener-style High Frame Formwork in Yantai Broadcasting and Television Center A Calculating Method on Ultimate Capacity of High Falsework

    烟台广电中心扣件式高架支模设计与施工高大模板支架 极限 承载 的计算方法

  • Ultimate capacity experiment on reinforced concrete beams strengthened with FRP laminate

    FRP片材加固钢筋混凝土梁 极限 承载 试验

  • Third systemic economic stability and therefore sustainable growth relies on the ultimate capacity of public finances to intervene in difficult circumstances .

    第三,系统性的经济稳定以及由此带来的可持续增长有赖于公共财政在困难环境下进行干预的 极限 能力

  • The structural parameters load parameters construction factors which affect the ultimate capacity of this bridge are analyzed and can be used as the reference of design and construction .

    讨论和分析了结构参数、荷载参数、施工因素等对该桥 极限 承载 的影响,可供设计和施工参考。

  • Due to the relatively high bearing pressures near the panel connections the adequacy and ultimate capacity of panel connections should be determined by conducting pullout and Flexural Tests on full-sized panels .

    由于墙板连接件附近承压应力较大,所以应通过在足尺墙板上进行拉拔和挠曲试验求出墙板连接件的 极限 能力

  • The solutions given can be flexibly used to calculate the ultimate capacity of all kinds of different special properties materials foundations .

    所给出的解可以灵活地适用于各种不同特性材料地基 承载 的计算。

  • When diameter and thickness of lap brace became smaller the ultimate capacity of both CW and TW type overlapped joints decreased compared with symmetrical overlapped joints .

    当搭接腹杆直径变小、壁厚变薄后,CW和唧型搭接节点 极限 承载 均相对对称节点下降。

  • A Calculating Method on Ultimate Capacity of High Falsework Essentials of Control of Spatial Form Scaffolding

    高大模板支架 极限 承载 的计算方法试论高大模板支撑工程施工控制要点

  • Improved design formulae for the ultimate capacity of unstiffened overlapped CHS joints

    圆钢管搭接节点 极限 承载 计算公式的改进

  • Dominant failure modes of a transmission tower and its ultimate capacity under wind load

    风荷载下输电铁塔的失效模式及其 极限 荷载

  • Besides the ultimate capacity and deformability of the beams strengthened by different kinds of FRP are analyzed .

    此外,还对不同纤维布加固的钢筋混凝土梁的 承载 以及变形能力进行了分析对比。

  • Research on forced performance and ultimate capacity of Overlapped Tubular K-joint

    K形圆钢管搭接节点受力特点及 极限 承载 分析研究

  • Technology of Supporting Super High Roadway in Large-height Mining Face A Calculating Method on Ultimate Capacity of High Falsework

    大采高工作面超高巷道掘进支护技术高大模板支架 极限 承载 的计算方法

  • The laws of the ultimate capacity ratio of K-joints and KK joints ( namely multiplanar coefficient ) varying with the main geometrical parameters were obtained .

    研究了KK型节点和K型节点 极限 承载 之比(即空间作用系数)随节点几何参数的变化规律。

  • Elastoplastic Ultimate Capacity Analysis of Long-span Structure

    大跨度杂交结构弹塑性 极限 承载 分析

  • Effect of initial imperfections on the ultimate capacity of steel plated structures

    初始缺陷对板钢结构 极限 承载 的影响分析

  • Analysis and Full Scale Experiment on Ultimate Capacity of Special-shaped Circular Tubular Joints Numerical Analysis on Hysteretic Behavior of Unstiffened Tubular N-Joints by Finite Element Method

    N 圆钢管相 节点滞回性能有限元数值分析

  • Calculation of the ultimate capacity of the concrete colum strengthened with FRP

    FRP加固轴压混凝土矩形截面柱的 承载 计算

  • Science and the power of rational inquiry and in the ultimate capacity

    致文化差异尽失的世界;一个建立在 信仰科学和智力并 相信 人类最大 能力

  • In this paper equivalent method of calculating ultimate capacity was proposed .

    本文提出了一种等效计算方法,给出了等效直径 dl的计算公式。

  • Based on the characteristic that the pile top settlement changes with the load during the single pileplate load test the grey prediction model of the single pile ultimate capacity was established .

    依据单桩载荷试验中桩顶沉降随荷载变化的特征,建立了单桩 极限 承载 的预测模型,并通过工程实例对单桩极限承载力进行了灰色预测。