


  • He was right it seems to worry about the capacity of his police service smaller and less experienced than the Royal Ulster Constabulary that it replaced to contain the situation .

    他是正确的,他似乎正在担忧警察的能力,因为无论是在人数上,还是在经验方面都要比被他们替代的皇家 阿尔斯特 军队 军队要逊色。而 他们 担任维护安全措施 响重责。

  • The Ulster question is the subject of a new feature film 'the outsider ' .


  • The government has to learn the lessons of ulster .

    政府亟须吸取 阿尔斯特的教训。

  • I hardened my heart and took the smoke-rocket from under my ulster .

    我硬下心肠,从我的长外套里取出 烟火筒。

  • Battalion'Royal Ulster Rifles ' part of the9.Infantry Brigade of the3.Infantry Division met snipers early .

    英国第三步兵师第九步兵旅第二皇家 阿尔斯特营也在战斗初期与狙击手遭遇。

  • Yet his light Ulster lilt as he sips water in his offices in Piccadilly makes it hard to imagine him operating with a merciless savagery in the words of one critic .

    不过,当他在位于伦敦皮卡迪利大街的办公室里一边喝水,一边哼着轻快的 阿尔斯特曲调,人们将很难想象他无情与野蛮的管理(某位批评人士的话)。

  • For a time he checked the loss of ulster .

    他暂时止住了 厄尔斯特的丢失。

  • They are the pioneers of contemporary Northern Irish literature and the creators of the so-called Ulster Renaissance .

    他们是当代北爱尔兰文学的先锋人物,是当代北爱尔兰文艺复兴运动的 缔造者

  • It was during years of neglect by all the mainland British press that the seeds of violence were sown in Ulster .


  • The 22-year-old Nevin who played centre for Irish province Ulster played an exhibition game for the Irish senior team against the Barbarians this year .

    22岁的内文斯宾塞是北爱尔兰 阿尔斯特职业橄榄球队的中卫,今年参加了爱尔兰职业球队一场对阵野人队的表演赛。

  • Professor Gerard Parr of the Internet technologies research group at the University of Ulster is part of the first UK-China research network in intelligent automation computing and manufacturing .


  • These newly raised troops just as well complete their training in Ulster as at home and would at the same time become a strategic factor .

    这些新招募的军队可以正如在美国国内一样在 厄尔斯特完成他们的训练,而同时成为一个战略上的因素。

  • Comparative Analysis of the Fiber Testers by Both Ulster and Bremen

    普瑞 与乌斯特纤维测试仪的对比分析

  • And Ulster will be right .


  • On April 30 it will be Ulster ; the following day Arizona ( tribal lands exempted ) .

    4月30日,阿尔斯特( ulster)也将禁烟;次日,美国亚利桑那州禁烟(部落 领域除外)。

  • Ulster County New York he served as Member and served as minority leader .

    他曾担任纽约州 阿尔斯特县议员和少数党领袖。

  • The University of Ulster said having daughters made a family more open and willing to discuss feelings .

    阿尔斯特大学的研究 人员说,家中有女儿有 于家庭 成员 之间敞开 心扉、增进 交流

  • He immigrated from Ulster in 1848

    他1848年从 阿尔斯特移民到 这里

  • From Nigella Lawson 's sultry tones to Liam Neeson 's Ulster brogue and even Gordon Ramsay 's angry rants demand has more than doubled in the past year .

    去年,妮格拉•罗森性感的声音和连姆•尼森的 爱尔兰口音,甚至是戈登•拉姆齐的愤怒咆哮,这些声音的需求量都成倍增长。

  • If you add in Ulster or people from Northern Ireland you have the citizens of the United Kingdom 's four major political entities .

    如果将 阿尔斯特或北爱尔兰人加 上去,就 构成英国四个政治区域的 所有居民了。

  • The province occupies much of the ancient Irish kingdom of Ulster and is often known by that name .

    这个省占据了古爱尔兰 阿尔斯特王国的很大一 部分,并通常因其名而著称。

  • Vyvyan Howard a toxicologist and pathologist at the University of Ulster and a supporter of the reform also reckons that the existing system is not as good as it claims to be .


  • Cloning and identification of the gene encoding haemagglutinin neuraminidase gene of Newcastle disease virus strain Ulster

    新城疫病毒 Ulster株血凝素-神经氨酸酶基因的克隆与鉴定

  • When the Catholic Gaels of Ulster rebelled the British Parliament passed the Articles of Plantation .
