Turner's syndrome



  • This paper describes a race mosaic Turner 's syndrome .

    本文描述了一种少见的嵌合型 Turner s 综合

  • Analysis of three cases of turner 's syndrome mosaicism with molecular genetics

    3例嵌合型 Turner 综合 的分子遗传学分析

  • Turner 's syndrome ( TS ) is a relatively common chromosomal disorder caused by complete or partial X monosomy in some or all cells with or without cell line mosaicism .

    脱纳 综合 Turner sSyndrome,TS)是比较常见的染色体疾病,性染色体X的部分或完全缺失或镶嵌型是本病的基本病因。

  • Clinical analysis of Turner 's syndrome with mental disorder

    伴精神障碍的 Turner 综合 临床分析

  • Conclusion : Turner 's syndrome is the most common abnormality of sex chromosome in children .

    结论: Turner 综合 是儿童性染色体异常中最常见的类型。

  • Turner 's syndrome is the most frequently occurring type of gonadal dysgenesis . Its main manifestations are primary amenorrhea short stature streak gonads sexual infantilism webbed neck cubitus valgus specific facial features and various somatic anomalies .

    Turner 综合 的典型临床表现有原发闭经、身材矮小、条索状性腺、性幼稚、蹼颈、肘外翻、特殊面容祀其他身体异常。

  • Male Turner 's Syndrome 1 case 45 XO / 46 XY ;

    男性 Turner 综合 1例,核型为45,XO/46,XY;

  • STUDIES ON TURNER 'S SYNDROME ASSOCIATED WITH PRI - MARY HYPOTHYROIDISM Relationship between hypertension with hyperuricemia and coronary artery disease

    Turner 综合 伴原发性甲状腺机能减退症的研究伴高尿酸血症的原发性高血压与冠心病的关系

  • The X-ray Changes of the Skeleton in Turner 's Syndrome ( Report of 2 Cases )

    Turner 综合 X线的骨骼改变(附二例报告)

  • Turner 's syndrome with xo / xy karyotype report of two oases

    XO/XY型 Turner 综合 &两例报道

  • One Case on Turner 's Syndrome With the Mosaic 45 XO / 46 X I ( Xq ) and Cytogenetics Analysis

    一例45,XO/46,X,i(Xq)嵌合型 Turner′s 综合 及其细胞遗传学分析

  • It has been demonstrated that patients with turner 's syndrome usually have a single X chromosome and the chromosome constitution is 45 XO .

    已证明 吐纳 综合 的病人通常只有一条X染色体,其染色体组成是45,XO。

  • Clinical and Cytogenetic Studies on a Turner 's Syndrome with 45 X / 46 XY Mosaicism

    一例45,X/46,XY嵌合型 Turner 综合 的临床和细胞遗传学研究

  • Laboratory and clinical investigations on six cases of turner 's syndrome

    六例 性腺 发育 实验室及临床研究

  • Detection of small marker chromosome in patients with Turner 's syndrome by flourescence in situ hybridization

    荧光原位杂交法检测 特纳 综合 患者的微小标记染色体

  • Mosaicism XO / XY ia not so common in Turner 's syndrome .

    XO/XY嵌合体者在 Turner 综合 中并不多见。