twisted-pair cable


  • At present in the complex industrial control field the amount of monitoring information to be collected is becoming more and more traditional twisted-pair cable has not been competent for the task because of its limited capacity poor anti-interference ability large delay of long-distance transmission .

    目前在复杂的工业控制领域,需要采集监控的信息量越来越大,传统的 绞线电缆因为容量有限、抗干扰能力差、远距离传输延时大,已无法胜任。

  • An industrial networking system that uses token-passing peer-to-peer communications at data transfer rates of one megabit per second ( MBPS ) . The network media is shielded twisted-pair cable .

    一种工业网络,它使用令牌环点对点通讯模式传输数据,可达一百万位每秒。网络介质使用屏蔽 绞线

  • This converter is installed in the computer without the system needing to be changed and connected with the existing network connection of the computer via a short twisted-pair cable .

    该转换器被安装到电脑里面,只需要一根短的 绞线 电缆就可以连接到现有的网络,而不需要改变现有的系统。

  • Step Plus Test Method 's Investigation of Subscriber Loop Twisted-pair Cable Fault

    用户环路 绞线 电缆故障的阶跃测试方法研究

  • The 1-wire net is a low-cost bus based on a PC or microcontroller communicating digitally over twisted-pair cable with 1-wire components .

    一线网络是一种基于PC或者微控制器的,通过 绞线与一线元件进行数字通信的低成本的总线。

  • Two types of twisted-pair cable are shielded twisted-pair ( STP ) and unshielded twisted pair ( UTP ) .

    绞线 缆线的二类型是遮蔽双绞线(STP)和无遮蔽双绞线(UTP)。

  • Twisted-pair were in the wire bonding method sometimes used for coaxial cable the method can make it smaller lighter cheaper .

    绞线中黏合导线的方法有时也用于同轴 电缆,这种方法能使其更小、更轻、更便宜。