

vt.& vi.(心不在焉地)捻弄


  • The Butterfly-Operation units in the conventional FFT are composed of imaginary multipliers and adders . The speed of FFT is constrainted by the complexity of multipliers . Moreover the twiddle factors take up many resources .

    传统FFT算法中蝶形运算单元是通过复数乘法器和加法器实现的,由于乘法逻辑的复杂性,制约了FFT的计算速度,同时 旋转因子的存储也占用较多资源。

  • Twiddle factor merged frequency-decimal FFT algorithm & a new explanation for RCFA


  • Against surface defect of the original pseudo twiddle cup this article analyzed extruding forming technology of pseudo twiddle cup and put forward the optimization measure of die structure . The measure can develop service life of die very much ensure to manufacture qualified part .

    分析了原假 冷挤压成形工艺方案,针对 挤压零件存在的表面缺陷,提出了优化冷挤压成形模具结构的措施,大大提高了模具使用寿命,保证制造出了合格的零件。

  • Merging the widdle factors in two neighbouring stages for frequency-decimal FFT algorithm we can obtain the twiddle factor merged frequency-decimal FFT algorithm .

    对频率抽取FFT算法进行修改,将两级旋转因子进行合并,得到 旋转因子合并的频率抽取FFT算法。

  • In this paper a new algorithm solution for quadratic programming twiddle iteration algorithm was established .

    文章提出求二次规划的最优解的一种算法 & 旋转迭代算法。

  • He twiddle with the control of the radio until he find the station .


  • Twiddle Iteration Algorithm of Quadratic Programming and Its Application in Risk Management

    二次规划的 旋转迭代算法及在风险管理中的应用

  • Sometime I get caught up in the middle of updating one page when I want to move onto the next and twiddle with that and come back to my update later .

    有时当我想继续 浏览下一页然后再回来更新时,却被困在上一页的更新中。

  • When we need you help all you did was sit back and twiddle you thumbs .

    在我们需要你帮助的时候,你却闲坐一旁 抚弄你的大拇指。

  • He arrived early for the meeting so he had to twiddle his thumbs for half an hour .

    他开会来早了,他不得不 等了半小时。

  • Twiddle factors are expressed by 1 / 8 domain so factor utilization increases and ROM area is reduced .


  • The Government cannot expect graduates to twiddle their thumbs on the dole .

    政府不愿意看到毕业生 着救济金 什么也不干。

  • London 's stockbrokers were forced to twiddle their thumbs yesterday as a computer fault shut down trading on the main stock exchange on what would have been one of the busiest days of the year .

    由于电脑故障导致伦敦证交所(LSE)交易中断,伦敦股票经纪人周一只得 无所事事,而当日本应是今年最繁忙的日子之一。

  • Effective algorithm of parallel twiddle factor generation for programmable FFT processing and its implementation

    可变 FFT并行 旋转因子高效产生算法及实现

  • In this paper some fundamental methods of fast Fourier transform ( FFT ) are mentioned with a highly composite twiddle factor FFT : algorithm discussed in particular .

    本文概述了快速Fourier变换(FFT)的基本方法,着重讨论了高合成 FFT 旋转因子算法。

  • He twiddled a knob on the dashboard

    转动 仪表板上的一个旋钮

  • An Application of Twiddle Iteration Algorithm of Simplex Method in Quadratic programming

    单纯形法的 旋转迭代算法在二次规划中的应用

  • I sit twiddle my thumb wait for him to finish using the phone .

    我坐 无聊 旋弄拇指,等候他用完电话。

  • She had sat there twiddling nervously with the clasp of her handbag .

    她坐在那里紧张地 摆弄 手提包的扣钩。

  • Why bother trying to compete for world firsts if the leading guild has to twiddle their thumbs waiting for the next stage to be open watching everyone and his mother catch up .

    世界第一的公会,为什么要自寻烦恼, 下来 玩弄着大拇指等待进入 所谓的“下一阶段”,看着其他人慢吞吞地走上来?

  • The data and twiddle factor address generation hardware is shown to have higher speed than previous methods .

    该算法 易于 硬件实现,其 操作访问地址的产生速度快于已有的算法。

  • This method is called minimum ratio twiddle iteration algorithm ; using this method we can avoid cycling of simples method and get the shadow price easily .

    此方法我们称为最小比值 旋转迭代法,应用此方法还可以避免单纯形法中的循环问题,同时也容易求出影子价格。

  • I 'll probably twiddle with his design .

    我大概会 更改他的设计。

  • Twiddle factor FFT algorithm


  • Fast speed frequency analysis of shock and vibration signal is realized by application of FFT recursion algorithm based on split-radix and twiddle vector .

    系统中分裂基、 旋转矢量FFT的递归算法的应用实现了对冲击振动信号的快速频谱分析。

  • These ladies have nothing to do But sit there and twiddle their thumbs to while away their time But there seemed to be no chance of this so she began looking at everything about her to pass away the time .

    她们都闲的 无聊,只好坐在那里 谈论别人的 私事以消磨时光但是,看来并没有这种 迹象,于是,她只好环视周围的一切来消磨时光。

  • You 're not being paid to twiddle your thumbs all day you know !

    给你 工钱不是让你整天 游手好闲,明白吗!

  • Twiddle the dial of a short-wave radio and you never know what you will get .


  • Now the sudden break makes him uncomfortable having nothing else to do but to gaze at the sky and twiddle his thumbs .

    现在,这个突然的打击使他很不舒服,他除了盯着天空和 无聊 玩弄拇指之外,无事可做。