


  • With his trademark black turtleneck shirt and jeans Jobs was known a charismatic business leader and an innovator .

    身穿他的标志性黑色 高领衫和牛仔裤,乔布斯以其 超强的企业管理能力和创新精神名闻 天下

  • Just remember : the turtleneck is enough of an accessory so just keep it simple !

    只需牢记: 高领 毛衣配饰 有限,简洁 至上

  • In the early1970s Skrebneski photographed celebri-ties each wearing the same oversized black turtleneck .

    在70年代早期,斯克雷纳斯基所拍摄的名人,每一个都是身穿宽松的黑色 套领 毛衣

  • Sweatshirts and sweaters with a turtleneck and a lighter jacket are a good option .

    圆领运动衫和毛线 ,以及轻型夹克都是不错的选择。

  • But sometimes because we get into the habit like always wearing dark clothes always wearing a turtleneck then depressed just stay there don 't move don 't change .

    不过偶尔辰我们囿于 风尚风俗, 喻常穿深色的衣服、总是穿套 毛衣,是以 感受很沮丧,像 乌龟一样总是待在那儿那里,一动也不动,一成不乱。

  • The turtleneck covers the neck so tucking your hair up is a great idea if you wanna reveal your face a little more while letting the turtleneck become the focal point of your look .

    高领 毛衣 包裹住了脖子,所以如果你想要多暴露脸部一点,就把你的头发扎起来,要让你的高领毛衣成为你打扮的重点。

  • The Oversized Turtleneck sweater : If the piece you own is oversized and could be worn as a tunic why not do it the 60 's way and wear a pair of tight over the knee boots with it ?

    大尺寸(宽松) 高领毛衣:如果你的毛衣是大尺寸的,而且能当作长袍穿,那为什么不穿出60年代的味儿,配上一双紧身的长统靴呢?

  • Reportedly Jobs thought the ER actor did a fantastic job donning the turtleneck .

    据说乔布斯认为演员穿上 毛衣 这块 处理得棒极了。

  • St Croix black cashmere / silk turtleneck sweatshirt

    StCroix黑色羊绒/蚕丝 翻领运动衫

  • If you need me I 'll be in my fuzzy turtleneck with a bowl of cereal staring out the kitchen window .

    如果你需要或是想起我,我会穿着我 粗糙的 毛衣,端着一碗麦片,站在厨房的窗边向外凝视。

  • Jobs looked frail as he appeared in his signature black mock turtleneck blue jeans and wire-rimmed glasses .

    乔布斯以他标志性的黑色高领 毛衣,蓝色牛仔裤和白边眼镜的打扮亮相,显得很虚弱。

  • Yes you red-eyed with horn-rimmed glasses and a black turtleneck .


  • He was wearing green army pants and a turtleneck and a leather jacket .

    他穿了一条军绿色的裤子,高领 毛衣,皮夹克。

  • I wore a turtleneck to keep my neck warm .

    我穿了一 高领 毛衣来温暖我的脖子。

  • Steve Jobs in1993 in what became his characteristic outfit : a black turtleneck shirt with jeans and sneakers .

    1993年,乔布斯的标志性装扮: 高领黑色 休闲衫搭配牛仔裤,运动鞋。

  • Any old sneakers or sandals ; a denim shirt or a black turtleneck like Steve Jobs '; a zip-up fleece ; or a roomy ( not baggy ) pair of jeans .

    一双旧球鞋或凉鞋、牛仔衬衫或者斯蒂夫•乔布斯式的黑色 高领 毛衣、拉链羊毛衫或者宽松牛仔裤(并非松垮肥大的那种)。

  • The turtleneck dress is belted and in jersey for a feminine and casual look complemented by the thin multicolour stripes .

    有腰带的 翻领针织连衣裙因彩色细条纹设计而尽显独具女人味的休闲情趣。

  • Clad in a checked coat and turtleneck sweater Mr Ma looks more like a middle-ranking official than a top banker earning – according to the Chinese media – as much as $ 1m a year .

    身穿花格外套和 翻领毛衣的马蔚华,看起来更像一个中层官员,而不是(据中国媒体透露)年薪100万美元的顶级银行家。

  • His uniform of Levi's501s and a black turtleneck was synonymous with innovation in the '90s ; now in the tech world dressy pants can be viewed with suspicion .

    他那身李维斯501牛仔裤配黑色 高领 套头衫的经典着装在上世纪九十年代就是创新的同义词;如今在科技领域,穿着西裤会引来怀疑的目光。

  • Erica : Well I guess I 'm just a turtleneck kind of gal.

    艾丽克:好吧我猜我只是有一 大约一加仑的 套领 毛衣

  • ( Management Innovation exchange ) if you think creativity is the province of a privileged few the proverbial black turtleneck and pony tail crowd think again .

    管理创新交流项目(ManagementInnovationExchange)如果你认为创造力只是少数人 比如 穿着 标志性黑色 高领 毛衣、扎着马尾辫的家伙们的 专利,那么你可能 想错了。

  • She wore a blue turtleneck jersey blue jeans and brown work boots .

    她身着蓝色 高领 紧身衫、蓝色牛仔裤和棕色工作靴。

  • He was removing a light beige leather jacket now ; underneath he wore an ivory turtleneck sweater .

    他正在脱下来的是一件浅米黄色的皮夹克,里面穿着一件象牙白色的 高领毛衣。

  • No matter the type of jacket you choose just make sure that it 's loose enough around the neck so that it 's not clashing with the turtleneck below .

    无论你选什么样的夹克,要确保领子宽松,这样和内 高领 毛衣才不会冲突。

  • But the screen door to the main building sprang open and a tiny woman in a blue turtleneck and jeans appeared . A hammer hung on her belt .

    但主楼的纱门 依旧敞开着,一个 穿着蓝色的 高领 紧身 和牛仔裤的瘦小妇人出现了,腰间 仍然挂着锤子。