your worship

[jʊr ˈwɚʃɪp][jɔ: ˈwə:ʃip]

[法] 裁判阁下

  • If you ever forget the LORD your God and follow other gods and worship and bow down to them I testify against you today that you will surely be destroyed .

    你若忘记耶和华 的神,随从别神, 事奉 敬拜,你们必定灭亡。这是我今日警戒你们的。

  • And now why are you waiting ? get up and have baptism for the washing away of your sins giving worship to his name .

    现在你为什么耽延呢?起来, 求告他的名受洗,洗去 的罪。

  • Gold Your Worship sweet yellow gold .

    金子的, 陛下,可爱的黄金啊。

  • Yes your worship he said to the judge .

    “是, 阁下,”他对法官说。

  • It is so much easier to offer cliches in worship instead of making the effort to honor God with fresh words and ways . This is why I encourage you to read Scripture in different translations and paraphrases . It will expand your expressions of worship .

    人很容易在敬拜当中使用陈腔滥调,而不愿花心思以新的词汇与方式去荣耀神,这就是为什么我鼓励你们多读不同的圣经译本的原因,这样可扩展 你们敬拜时的表达。

  • If you want to be sure that you will be spiritually compatible with the person you want to meet go to a church synagogue temple or wherever your religion has for a place of worship .

    假如你想确认你和他是否在精神信仰上一致,那么去基督教堂,犹太教堂,寺庙等能 祭拜 宗教信仰的地方。

  • Is it prophet let a person be loaded mesh tongue speechless put your worship in high esteem say you vivid immortal .

    真是可谓“未卜先知”,让人膛目结舌、目瞪口呆,把 崇拜得五体投地,称你做活神仙。

  • At present Brond Land comes to China It inherits the most strict hand work single-minded board style your worship and moral 's conduct will be made to measure by it .

    目前,博恩·兰迪来到中国,沿袭最严谨的手工专版风格,量身定制出 尊崇品位。

  • My parrots will teach your parrots to stop saying that terrible phrase and your female parrots will learn to praise and worship .

    我的鹦鹉将教你的鹦鹉学习 祈祷 礼拜,不再说可怕的话语。

  • Camouflage through your life is worship ; Being cheated through your life is satisfaction ; The really lonely moment of one 's life is the moment when he loses himself .

    辈子的伪装是 虔诚;一辈子的被骗是满足;人真正孤独在,连自己都失去的时候。

  • The haberdasher presented a cap saying here is the cap your worship bespoke .

    帽匠拿出一顶帽子来说:“这就是老爷 定做的那顶。”

  • Yea ye took up the tabernacle of Moloch and the star of your god Remphan figures which ye made to worship them : and I will carry you away beyond Babylon .

    你们抬着摩洛的帐幕,和理番神的星。就是 你们所造为要 敬拜的像。

  • When Jesus said Love God with all your heart and soul he meant that worship must be genuine and heartfelt .

    当耶稣说:「要 尽心,尽性爱 的神。」

  • Your worship is thinking of shall we say .


  • No I think he really is ill your worship .

    不,我想他是真的病了, 阁下

  • Child of God if you would meet your Father in secret bow low and worship Him in the glory of His holiness .

    神的儿女,如果你要在隐密处遇见天父, 就要在他圣洁的荣耀里,低头俯伏 敬拜他。

  • You are carrying your worship from an hour on Sunday morning to every hour of every day motivated by the mercy of God .

    我们 周日上午一小时对 敬拜带到了每一天的每一个小时,就是因为被神的恩赐打动了。

  • Another challenge is that if your members respond with interaction you can get off track from the main points of your sermon and lose some control in a worship atmosphere .

    另一个挑战是如果信众进行互动, 可能会游离讲道的要点,在 敬拜的气氛中失去控制局面。

  • Your biggest distraction in worship is yourself-your interests and your worries over what others think about you .

    敬拜中最令 分心的,往往是你自己&你的兴趣以及你忧虑别人对你的看法。

  • As your worship shall know by this honest old man .

    这位 老实的老人家可以告诉

  • As pharaoh you can free your people worship whatever gods you please .

    当上法老后, 就能释放他们 崇拜任何神。

  • Scripture says you shall do homage to the LORD your God and worship him alone .

    经书上讲‘你要敬拜 的天主上帝,而且只是 崇拜他。’

  • And those rights include the freedom to speak your mind to worship your God and to choose your leaders .

    这些权利包括表达意见、 信奉 神明、选择领袖的自由。

  • Before you echo Amen in your home or place of worship think and remember . A child is listening .

    在家里或 礼拜之所诵念阿门之前,请想起并记清,有个孩子一直在倾听。

  • Nay if your worship can accomplish that answered Master Brackett I shall own you for a man of skill indeed !

    嘿,要是 老先生能够做到这一条, 布莱基特看守回答说,我可要承认你真是手到病除了!

  • Your daily worship of God is irrevocably tied to your faith in god .

    对神的信心与你每天对神的 敬拜是密不可分的。

  • So you too have it here your various temples and all the puja and worship and all that triviality ; all that is really nonsense .

    而且,你们这儿也有, 你们各种各样的寺庙,所有的礼拜仪式, 崇拜和所有那些琐事,所有这些都是地地道道的愚蠢行为。

  • You might find it stimulating to use the first four commandments in your private worship times this week .

    习作:试在这星期的 个人 敬拜中使用十诫。