


  • Lutein & Zeaxanthin can reduce the oxidation of LDL cholesterol thereby reducing the risk of artery clogging .

    叶黄素和 玉米 也能通过减少胆固醇的氧化而减少动脉堵塞。

  • Choline has been shown to protect your memory while two proteins in eggs lutein and zeaxanthin protect against vision loss .

    胆碱已被证实能提高记忆力,而鸡蛋里的两种蛋白质&叶黄素和 玉米 ,有 保护视力。

  • The pigment fraction was lutein zeaxanthin beta-cryptoxanthin and beta-carotene analysed by HPLC chromatograph .

    HPLC分析得到 玉米色素主要由 叶黄素玉米 、β-隐 和β-胡萝卜素组成。

  • To study the mechanism of the zeaxanthin and lutein from corn gluten meal inhibiting the growth of human oral cancer cell KB .

    研究玉米蛋白粉中 叶黄素 玉米 黄素对人口腔癌KB细胞的作用机制。

  • Macular pigment density reduction and lutein and zeaxanthin concentrations decline is associated with .

    黄斑色素密度的降低与叶黄素和 玉米 的浓度下降相关。

  • Broccoli contains lutein and zeaxanthin ( phytonutrient antioxidants in the carotenoid family ) .

    西兰花含有叶黄素和 玉米 黄素(类胡萝卜素食物中所含的抗氧化植物营养素)。

  • Two fairly consistent findings of the study indicating that AMD and lutein and zeaxanthin intake are directly related .

    两项研究调查的结果相当一致,表明AMD与叶黄素和 玉米 黄素的摄入量有直接关系。

  • Two antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin are present in eggs and have been linked to protecting eyes from damage related to UV exposure .

    鸡蛋含有两种抗氧化剂, 叶黄素 玉米 ,可以保护眼睛免受紫外线的伤害。

  • Lutein and zeaxanthin are both dihydroxy-carotenoids with the ionone ring systems distributed widely in nature .

    叶黄素和 玉米 是含紫罗酮环的二羟基类胡萝卜素,在自然界广泛存在。

  • Zeaxanthin and lutein from corn gluten meal could lead to DNA damage of KB cell and inhibit proliferation of tumor cells .


  • A material used for encapsulating . collodion embedding Application of multiple-microencapsulated technology in zeaxanthin

    多重包埋技术在微囊化 玉米 中的应用

  • A rich source of lutein and zeaxanthin in the American diet is the yolk of chicken eggs .

    鸡蛋蛋黄是黄素和 玉米 的主要来源在美国饮食结构中。

  • This proved that the degree of photoinhibition sensitivity were associated with the transient amount of zeaxanthin formed in the leaves during treatment .

    这说明对光抑制的敏感性大小与处理期间叶片内 玉米 形成的量有关。

  • Envelope isolated from illuminated chloroplasts had much more orange zeaxanthin .

    从照光的叶绿体分离出来的套膜有很多橙色的 玉米

  • Lutein and zeaxanthin that help promote sharp and detailed eye vision .

    叶黄素和 玉米 质有助于促进敏锐的视觉。

  • The Zeaxanthin Trade Association has developed and published a new analytical method to test the purity of zeaxanthin used in foods and dietary supplements the association has said .

    玉米 贸易协会发展和发布了一个新的分析方法,这是用来检验在食品和食品补充剂中使用的玉米黄质的纯度和天然性立体结构的分析方法。

  • This paper suggested that the carotenoids & lutein and zeaxanthin existed in corn gluten meal had the potential function of inducing KB cell apoptosis .

    研究结果表明:玉米蛋白粉类胡萝卜素提取物 叶黄素 玉米 黄素具有明显抑制口腔上皮癌细胞增殖、并诱导其凋亡的作用。

  • This study was aimed at investigating the relationship between lutein and zeaxanthin structures and their anti-tumor effects .

    目的:探讨叶黄素、 玉米 黄素的结构与抗肿瘤效果之间的关系。

  • Dong Yong makes it to the celestial palace but falls after a push from the imperial emperor . Lutein and zeaxanthin that help promote sharp and detailed eye vision .

    董永 千辛万苦终于来到玉帝的 面前,却被玉帝一把推下天庭。叶黄素和 玉米 质有助于促进敏锐的视觉。

  • Research advances on lutein and zeaxanthin for age-related macular degeneration

    叶黄素及 玉米 黄素与老年性黄斑变性的研究进展

  • Lutein Zeaxanthin are antioxidants found in many plants and vegetables including red pepper and cabbage etc * Lutein Zeanxanthin are yellow pigment belongs to the carotenoid family .

    叶黄素 玉米 是在很多植物中存在的抗氧化剂,它们属于黄色素中的胡萝卜素家族。

  • This opinion was also supported by the increased content of xanthophyll cycle pigment zeaxanthin .

    玉米 黄素含量的迅速上升也证明了这一点。

  • Zeaxanthin is natural pigment existing in yellow corn green vegetables red yellow fruit it has good application value and development prospects .

    玉米 黄素是一种存在于黄玉米、绿色蔬菜、红色、黄色水果中的天然色素,具有很好的应用价值和开发前景。

  • Furthermore there was less zeaxanthin content and as a result more net loss of D1 protein in the leaves treated with dithiothretol ( DTT ) than those in control leaves under midday strong light .

    叶黄素循环抑制剂DTT使午间强光下 玉米 质的含量明显降低,结果导致D1蛋白更多地降解。

  • Egg yolk color is coming from zeaxanthin in the consumption feed .

    鸡蛋的蛋黄颜色,是从饲料里所食用的 玉米 中来的。

  • Contains beta-carotene alpha-carotene lutein and zeaxanthin all of which help to relieve tired and dry eyes at the same time strengthening and protecting the eye cells .

    含多种胡萝卜素、 叶黄素玉米 ,保护及强化眼球细胞,改善眼睛疲倦、眼乾等情况。

  • Anti-tumor effect of lutein and zeaxanthin from corn protein powder on proliferation of mammary cancer cell was investigated .

    研究玉米蛋白粉中黄体素、 玉米 黄素对乳腺癌细胞增殖的影响。

  • Plus Kale contains calcium iron and vitamins A C and K and two nutrients that are great for the eyes including zeaxanthin .

    此外,甘蓝含有钙,铁和维生素A,C和钾,和对眼睛极好的营养物,包括 玉米

  • The study found a similar beneficial effect for people with cataracts who don 't normally get a lot of lutein and zeaxanthin in their diet .

    该研究发现,这些营养素对那些日常饮食中缺乏叶黄素和 玉米 的白内障患者有着相似的积极作用。