

  • Two strains of Bacillus sp. capable of degumming of Ramie have been screened from soil .

    从土壤中分离到两株苎麻脱胶细菌,均系芽孢杆菌,编号GT17和 Yt27。

  • As soon as the postman passed her the letter Mary tore yt open .


  • Drill jig size calculation of the double inclined holes in the handle of YT 24 rock drill The Coordinate Dimensions Calculation and Analysis of Disc Type Component NC Machining

    YT24 凿岩机柄体双斜孔钻模尺寸计算圆盘形零件数控加工的坐标尺寸计算及分析

  • Cider have to ferment for at least ten week before yt is ready to drink .

    苹果酒至少要发酵十周 适合饮用。

  • Being against the research on YT port database the article shows a database methodology .

    文章以 烟台港数据库研制为背景,详细介绍了一种数据库设计方法学。

  • The Optimized Design of Performance Management System of Zhengzhou YT Company

    郑州 YT公司绩效管理体系优化设计

  • A study on the microstructure of YT 15 carbide effecting the thermoelectric


  • The author hopes to set up training system and improve training effect of YT Company through research of training problems in it .

    本文希望通过对 YT企业培训问题的研究,建立YT企业的培训体系,提高员工的培训质量。

  • Must we b ( be ) sbjct ( subject ) to yt ( yet ) another abrv ( abbreviation )?

    我们 非得忍受又一个缩写词吗?

  • Training And author redesigns the training project of YT Company .

    文章从培训系统的 个方面对企业的培训方案进行了重新的规划与设计。

  • However YT finally managed to convince his father to hire the consultants by promising measurable results within a year which he delivered by doubling capacity while reducing the number of workers by a third .

    刘日东 承诺在一年之内 实现 不错的业绩,最终成功地说服了父亲聘请管理顾问。他兑现了自己的 承诺实现 产量翻番,并将工人数量削减了三分之一。

  • The YT foreign trade company in the paper needs to improve and complete the performance system of the sector in practice .

    本文所设计的 YT外贸公司部门绩效管理体系仍需在实践中不断改进和完善。

  • Study on Website Optimization and Management of YT Company Guided by Cyber Marketing

    网络营销导向下的 YT公司网站优化管理研究

  • He really enjoys his hands-on approach to management YT says .

    他真的非常喜欢亲自管理的方式, 刘日东表示。

  • Effect of Heat-treatment on Phase Composition and Structure in YT 14 Carbide Cobalt

    热处理对 YT14硬质合金钴相成分和结构的影响

  • Application of YI Jig at Dongshan Coal Mine Coal Preparation Plant


  • Application in jigging machine conversion from the technology of YT - 14 jig

    YT-14 跳汰机及其技术在跳汰机改造中的应用

  • But YT believes he is winning his father over a sign perhaps that the younger generation of Chinese business owners is beginning to change the way the family traditionally does things .

    刘日东认为,他正在赢得父亲的 赞同或许这个信号表明,年轻一代的中国企业主正开始改变家族的传统经营方式。

  • As one of its main production management & cost control centers the No.2 Oil Production Plant must have an effective internal control system . This is because internal control system is the key to scientific development of an enterprise .


  • Through analyzing the present operation situation of the YT governor the main problems existing in its operational process are pointed out .

    通过对 YT型调速器运行现状的分析,指出了其运行过程中存在的主要问题。

  • Disposal and Improvement for YT-Typed Governor


  • Research on the Physical Properties of Soil Developed from Purple Sandstone ( K_ ( yt ) ~ 2 ) in Meijiang Basin It passes mainly through the purple & color soft sandrock and mudstone in Triassic or Dyas Systems .


  • The $ media - > children () method in conjunction with the yt : namespace returns this node as a SimpleXML object and the object 's attributes () method retrieves the value of the seconds attribute .

    $media->children()方法联合 yt:名称空间以SimpleXML对象的形式返回这个节点,该对象的attributes()方法检索seconds属性的值。

  • Through the explore of this paper can not only solve the problem in the personal financial business marketing strategy of YT bank also can play a reference role on the later research work .

    通过本文的研究探索,不仅能够解决 YT银行在个人金融业务营销策略上的诸多问题,也能对以后的研究工作起到借鉴的作用。

  • Operation Principle of YOT Governing Hydraulic Coupling and YT Hydraulic Governor and Their Application in Power Plant Fluid coupling & Types and basic specifications

    YOT型调速液力偶合器和 YT型液粘调速器工作原理及其在电厂的应用GB/T5837-1993液力偶合器型式和基本参数

  • At this moment in time x of t is here and at this moment in time y of t is here .

    在t时刻,xt在这里,在t时刻, yt则在这里。

  • When YT joined the company his first move was to bring in management consultants to make its factories more efficient .


  • Development and application of YT series naphthenic base rubber oil


  • YT wish you have happy and happiness .


  • Compensation System Design of YT Company of Science and Technology
