Z band

[ziː bænd][zed bænd]


  • Meanwhile Z-lines broke M - lines degraded and I band became white .

    同时 肌原纤维 Z 线断裂,M线降解,I 变白。

  • The Giemsa C-banding is shown that both the long arm and short arm of Z chromosome have telomeric band and W chromosome shows no band .

    GiemsaC-带显示, Z染色体长短臂均具端 ,W染色体不显带。

  • Results The products of PCR in double reporter Z / EG transgenic adult mice were 631 bp band .

    结果双报告Z/EG转基因鼠所获PCR产物为 631bp

  • Based on the effective mass theory with the use of propagation matrix method the band structure and TE mode gain were computed .

    在有效质量理论框架下,采用传递矩阵方法 计算 应变 沿 z 方向 均匀 分布时的量子阱结构的 和TE模光增益。

  • The largest band gap appears when the proportion of length and width of scatterers ' rectangle cross-section is 1.2 for XY mode and is 1 for Z mode ;

    当散射体的截面为长方形时,截面的长宽比为1.2时XY模的 隙最宽,长宽比为1时 Z模的 隙最宽;