yield deformation

[jild ˌdifɔrˈmeʃən][ji:ld ˌdi:fɔ:ˈmeɪʃən]


  • This suggests that the shear yield is the main deformation mechanism of PPTA fibers in tension and in compression .

    剪切 屈服是其主要 形变机制。

  • The numerical results indicate that when the ferromagnetic plates undergo plastic yield the deformation of ferromagnetic plate becomes larger than that for those with elastic deformation .

    数值结果表明:当铁磁矩形板上的部分区域发生塑性 屈服后,其 变形明显大于相同磁场条件下铁磁板发生的弹性变形值;

  • The results show that yield and plastic deformation take place under tensile stress .

    试验结果表明Ce-TZP陶瓷在应力作用下 产生 屈服和塑性 变形

  • Furthermore the effect of confining coefficient axial load ratio compressive strength of concrete and yield strength of steel on nonlinear deformation ability is analyzed .

    并进一步分析了套箍系数、轴压比、混凝土抗压强度和钢管 屈服强度等因素对钢管混凝土桥墩非线性 变形能力的影响。

  • Strain rate has impact on yield strength and plastic deformation stage but no impact on elastic deformation stage .

    应变率对弹性变形没有影响,但对 屈服强度、塑性 变形有影响。

  • According to the gradient plasticity theory we introduced two - class strain gradient into yield function derived from the formula of deformation localization band width by using Drucker - Prager yield criterion and gave the internal length of coal .

    并通过应变梯度塑性理论,在 屈服函数中引入应变梯度二阶项。采用Drucker-Prager准则解析得出了煤试件的 变形局部化带宽度公式并根据试验确定煤的材料内部长度。

  • It was found that the matrix of the alloy is the first to yield and to undergo plastic deformation .

    试样由基体相首先开始 屈服,承受塑性 变形

  • The stress and strain distribution of concrete and steel are analyzed after applying prestressing force steel yield and ultimate status the development rules of deformation and the interface slip of composite beams are analyzed too .

    计算分析了施加预应力阶段、混凝土开裂、钢梁下翼缘 屈服、极限状态时的混凝土和钢梁的应力与应变状态,以及组合梁的 变形与滑移等发展规律等。

  • In the paper a generalized yield criterion is deduced based on the basic plastic deformation laws for sintered powder metallurgy materials .

    根据粉末冶金烧结材料的塑性 变形规律,推导出了广义塑性 屈服条件。

  • Yield function is introduced to describe the plastic deformation and a new damage function is proposed to describe the additional deformation due to the damage of soil structure .

    塑性 变形常用 屈服函数描述,损伤变形则引入一种类似的损伤函数加以描述。

  • Analysis of yield stress states of fcc metals under plane deformation

    面心立方金属平面 变形 屈服应力状态分析

  • The correlation between cold-rolled reduction and yield strength of the deformation induced in-situ composite ( DISC ) plates produced from Cr-Mo-V steel by appropriate pretreatment and cold-rolling was studied by using hardness tests tensile tests and statistical analysis of these experimental data .

    用硬度和拉伸试验及其数据的统计分析研究了 变形诱发内生复合板(DISC)的强度随冷轧形变率的变化规律。

  • The results show that soils would yield a different expansive deformation in the process of moisture absorption because the expansive soils with different initial moisture content possess a different matrices suction .

    结果表明由于不同初始含水量的膨胀土具有不同的基质吸力值,导致土样在吸湿过程中发生不同的膨胀 变形

  • The conclusion of analyzing model showed that the error of point cloud and surfaces has been defined in the allowable range the allowable stress of model has been measured within the yield limit range ; the deformation vibration frequency has been measured beyond the working frequency .

    模型分析表明点云与曲线、曲面的误差在尺寸误差允许的范围内;模型的许用应力在 屈服极限以下;产生 形变的振动频率在工作频率之外。

  • The lower strain rate and higher deformation temperature decrease the yield strength and then benefit the plastic deformation .

    降低变形速率、提高变形温度有助于降低Ti-Al纳米杆的 屈服强度,使塑性 变形更容易进行。

  • The four phases of metallic contacting deformation which include the phase of elastic contacting deformation the phase of yield deformation plastic contacting deformation and the phase of restoring deformation are investigated in detail .

    对金属材料接触变形过程中的4个阶段:弹性接触变形阶段、 屈服 变形阶段、塑性接触变形阶段、弹性恢复阶段作了深入细致的研究。

  • When the load is applied some local area will yield elastic - plastic deformation .

    在承受载荷时,其局部范围大多 产生弹-塑性 变形

  • Based on different yield criterion the elastoplastic constitutive matrix and large deformation constitutive equation of soil were obtained for numerical analysis .

    本文分析讨论了土体的本构模型,基于不同 屈服准则,推导了用于数值分析的土体弹塑性本构矩阵和大 变形本构方程。

  • On the basis of the fact that the fractional softening can reflect the effect of strain accumulation the effective strain mothod is proposed to calculate the flow stress and the mean yield stress in the multipass deformation .

    基于软化百分数能反映多道次变形 过程中应变累积效应的事实,提出了计算多道 变形时变形 抗力的有效应变法的计算方法。

  • Thirdly the main factors affecting the real contact surface area on condition that the materials under yield deformation are discussed and the theoretical model of the TCC in rolling surfaces is established .

    分析了在材料发生 屈服 变形条件下,影响界面实际接触面积的主要因素,得到了轧制界面接触热导的理论模型。

  • The vascular bundle fracture was brittle fracture ; there was no obvious yield point and plastic deformation .

    毛竹维管束的断裂属于脆性断裂,没有明显的 屈服点和塑性 变形

  • And ultrasonic degradation can lead to a reduction in yield strength and deformation plateau of high elasticity .

    同时,超声降解也会导致DP的 屈服强度和 强迫高弹 形变平台下降。

  • Abnormal Yield Behavior and Deformation Mechanism of Nickel Base Single Crystal Superalloy

    镍基单晶高温合金的反常 屈服行为与 变形机制

  • The paper analyses the problems existed in the current approach for testing the yield stress of the magnetic-flow variation fluid and puts forward a new kind approach for testing the yield stress which applies the shearing deformation among the liquid to measure the yield stress .

    分析了现有磁流变液屈服应力测试方法中存在的问题,提出了一种新的 屈服应力测试方法,该方法利用液体之间的剪切 变形测量屈服应力。

  • Micro - Yield Stress in Surface Layer and Its Deformation Architecture Surface

    表面微观 屈服应力与表面 变形研究

  • A generalized yield criterion is proposed by means of the plastic deformation mechanism and the theory of plasticity and the reasons for the difference between the Tresca and Mises yield criteria are analyzed with the results given by the generalized yield criterion .

    根据金属塑性 变形机理及有关弹塑性理论的基本公式,提出了一种广义 屈服条件,并用所得结果分析了Tresca条件和Mises条件与实验结果不完全一致的原因。

  • The expressions for the elastic modulus and the yield strength of the composite were derived based on the deformation model and the results of the stress analysis .

    基于文献〔1〕提出的 变形模型和获得的应力分析结果,推导出了短纤维增强金属基复合材料弹性模量和 屈服强度理论表达式。

  • Through the repeat impact test of coating workpieces and comparison between the changes of coating and base thickness under different impact times it is finded that under impact stress even less than yield limit material of workpieces appeared macroscopical plastic deformation .

    通过对带涂层试样的多冲试验,对不同冲击次数下涂层和基体的厚度变化进行对比,发现即使在低于材料 屈服极限的冲击应力下,材料也会产生宏观塑性 变形