twisted pair


  • The current access network technologies mainly include xDSL access technology based on metal cable Cable Modem access technology based on HFC Ethernet access technology based on five twisted pair optical fiber access technology and broadband wireless access technology .

    目前的接入网技术主要有基于金属线缆的xDSL技术、基于HFC的CABLEModem技术、基于五类 绞线的以太网接入技术,以及光纤接入技术和宽带无线接入技术等。

  • Any well insulated twisted pair is sufficient for operation hundreds of feet from the receiving circuitry .

    任何绝缘良好的 绞线都适用,与接收电路的距离可达到数百英尺。

  • Different alternative solutions have been presented to realize a broadband interactive access network such as installing optical fiber or upgrading the existing copper network with ADSL for twisted pair or hybrid fiber coax for CATV networks .

    实现宽带交互接入网有各种不同的解决方案,如建立光纤网, 绞线对的ADSL对现有铜线网络进行升级,或在有线电视网中采用光纤同轴混合电缆。

  • For telecommunication lines when its outside part uses optical fiber cable and at the entrance of building it is then changed to metallic line such as twisted pair or coaxial cable .

    关于电信线缆,当它的外部使用光纤电缆,而在建筑的入口处改成了金属电缆,如 绞线或同轴电缆。

  • Finally the influence of pulse voltage with different parameters on PD activities and mechanism of nano-polyimide film common polyimide film and twisted pair of stator winding was mainly researched .

    最后重点研究了不同参数的脉冲电压对纳米、非纳米聚酰亚胺膜和电机定子绕组的 绞线 试样的局部放电行为和机理的影响。

  • Every unit model and upper PC is connected with STP ( shielded twisted pair ) .

    各单元模块与上位机之间仅用屏蔽 绞线连接;

  • Optical fiber communication mode is adopted in main channels RS-485 communication mode using shielding twisted pair lines is employed in branch channels and detailed description of network architectures is described .

    在系统主干线通道上采用光纤通信方式,对于分支通信采用屏蔽 绞线以RS-485方式通信,并对网络体系结构作了详细的描述。

  • Research on Transmission Mode of Long-range Supervision and xDSL Technology Group Based on Twisted Pair Lines

    基于 xDSL技术群与远程监控传输方式的研究

  • The Effect of Medium Length on Electric Performance of Unshielded Twisted Pair

    介质长度对五类非屏蔽双 绞线电气性能的影响

  • The twisted pair line is often used to transmit the video picture signal in monitoring system but the signals in the terminal of a receiver are often dropped .

    论述了监控系统图象信号传输中 同轴电缆、 绞线 光纤的特点和传输特性,并对其技术性能进行了分析。

  • XDSL technology group based on twisted pair lines is a transmission technology of higher feasibility in long-range supervision system .

    实践表明:在现行条件下,基于普通铜质 绞线的xDSL技术群是远程监控更为现实、可行的传输方式。

  • Calculation of Mine Twisted Pair Channel Capacity Based on Water-filling Algorithm

    基于注水算法的矿用 绞线信道容量计算

  • Connected with the practice of design on the integrated wiring system this thesis will discuss three problems : the difference between frequency bandwidth and transmitted velocity the selection of shield and non shield twisted pair the design of systematical protection on electricity .

    结合综合布线系统设计实践,论述了频率带宽与传输速率的区别,屏蔽与非屏蔽 绞线的选择及系统电气防护设计三个问题。

  • This is easily accomplished with a twisted pair or at least a tightly cabled pair of conductors .

    采用 绞线或者将导线成对紧扎成线束,可以很容易地达到这个要求。

  • Development of broadband twisted pair telecommunications cable for outside plant

    市内宽带 通信电缆技术发展

  • The approximate expression of parasitic inductance of flat line and twisted pair line is proposed after the study of parasitic inductance in the AC bus .

    通过 母线的寄生电感分析,给出了扁平线和 绞线寄生电感的近似表达式。

  • With increased transmission rate of LAN communication it is necessary to use shielded horizontal twisted pair category cables .

    随着局域网通信传输速率的提高,传输介质必须使用屏蔽型数字通信用水平 电缆。

  • Input Power Distribution of DMT Modulation over the Copper Twisted Pair Channels

    DMT调制在铜 绞线信道上的输入功率分配

  • A device that connects different transmission media ; for example from twisted pair to fiber optic .

    连接不同传输介质(如 绞线和光纤)的设备。

  • The cheap twisted pair is used as a carrier to transmit the base band video signal which reduces the installing and using costs of security surveillance system and is convenient for using the jumper method to change and add surveillance site in future .

    利用低成本的 绞线作为传输基带视频信号的载体,降低了安防监控系统的安装和使用成本,同时也便于今后用跳线方法改变与增加监控点。

  • By using the twisted pair wire the additive EMF in the circuit of the electrode leads is reduced to 10 % of that of before and the accuracy of the system is improved .

    通过采用 双绞引线电极和 垂直引线技术,使引线回路中的附加感生电动势仅为未绞合前的10%,提高了系统的总体精度。

  • In network creation process Not only the twisted pair line wiring quality can affect the network performance .

    在网络组建过程中,不仅 绞线的接线质量会影响网络的整体性能。

  • In this case the sensor covers up choose the output signal transmission with shielded twisted pair cable its performance will be better .

    在这种情况下,将传感器罩起来,输出信号选择带屏蔽的 双绞线缆传送,其性能会好一点。

  • HDSL is a new technology provided broadband service for user by using copper twisted pair of telephone network . HDSL system architecture frame format and way of implementation are described as well as a practical scheme of design is given in this paper .

    HDSL是利用现有电话网的铜 绞线为用户提供宽带业务的一种新技术,本文介绍了HDSL的系统构成、帧格式以及线路编码,并且给出了一种实用的设计方案。

  • Analysis of Twisted Pair Transmission Applied in CCTV Monitoring System


  • An extra twisted pair must be specified to have enough conductors to run a signal ground .

    必须预定有额外的 双绞 ,以有足够的导线作为信号地的通路。

  • This text which is based on the quality of the wire layout discusses the influences that come from the choice of the switch the choice of the optical fiber the twisted pair wire and the anti-electromagnetism interference and finds out a viable project .

    本文立足于综合布线质量,从交换机的选择、光纤的选择、 绞线的处理及抗电磁干扰四个方面讨论了它们对综合布线质量的影响并给出可行的方案。

  • Information processing systems Data communication Twisted pair multipoint interconnections

    GB/T15127-1994信息处理系统数据通信 线多点互连

  • VDSL is a new technology which transmits high-speed digital via unshielded twisted pair wire .

    超高速数字用户环路(VDSL)是利用无屏蔽铜芯双 绞线传输高速数字信号的新技术。

  • Two types of twisted-pair cable are shielded twisted-pair ( STP ) and unshielded twisted pair ( UTP ) .

    双绞线缆线的二类型是遮蔽双绞线(STP)和无遮蔽双 绞线(UTP)。