



  • ' That is not possible ' she said . ' Oh yes it is ! ' Mrs Gruen insisted

    “那不可能,”她说。“ 可能!”格伦太太坚持道。

  • I said yes . I can 't very well say no.


  • ' A lot of people find it very difficult indeed to give up smoking . ' — 'Oh yes . I used to smoke nearly sixty a day . '

    “很多人觉得戒烟真的非常困难。”——“ 确实如此,我以前每天抽将近60根香烟。”

  • Yes I 'll be going right away .


  • The no-votes are leading the yeses

    反对票领 先于 赞成票。

  • ' Was it strange for you going back after such a long absence ? ' — ' Yes and no. '

    “那么长时间不在,然后又回来,你会觉得陌生吗?”—— 陌生又不陌生。”

  • ' I don 't know what you 're talking about . ' — ' Yes you do . '

    “我不知道你在说什么。”——“ ,你知道。”

  • Yes of course my darling .


  • ' Can I ask you something ? ' — ' Yes of course . '

    “我能问你点儿事情吗?”——“ 当然 可以。”

  • Yes I want to share my life with you


  • Yes I 'm coming .


  • ' There was no way to stop it . ' — ' Oh yes ? Well here 's something else you won 't be able to stop . '

    “没法阻止它。”——“ ?哼,那这还有些别的事也是你没法阻止的。”

  • ' You actually wrote it down didn 't you ? ' — ' Yes . '

    “你的确把它写下来了,对吗?”——“ 的。”

  • Ah yes but think of all the family life they 're missing .


  • Will she say yes when I ask her out ?

    我约她出去,她会 答应吗?

  • Yes I know who you mean . Yes now I 'm with you


  • Um-hum Uh-huh Yes w_1799 I see .


  • ' That 's a type of whitefly is it ? ' — ' Yes it is a whitefly . '

    “那是一种粉虱,对吗?”——“ 的,是粉虱。”

  • Yes Pop I made a big mistake — you and Mark made me realize that .


  • Yes ? What did you say ?


  • ' She is entitled to her personal allowance which is three thousand pounds of income . ' — ' Yes but she doesn 't earn any money . '

    “她享有的个人所得免税额是3英镑。”——“ 的,但是她一分钱都不挣。”

  • He pushed a button on the intercom . ' Yes ? ' came a voice

    他按了内部对讲机上的一个按钮。“ 什么事吗?”一个声音问道。

  • Yes can I help you ?


  • I cannot say yes to your view here .

    在这一点上我不 同意你的看法。

  • ' More wine ? ' — ' Yes please . '

    “再来点酒?”——“ 的。”

  • He collected the £ 10 first prize . Yes £ 10 .

    他领取了1万英镑的头奖。 ,是1万英镑。

  • ' Well I suppose it is based on the old lunar months isn 't it . ' — ' Yes that 's right . '

    “噢,我想这是按照旧制阴历来算的,是吧?”——“ ,是的。”

  • The noes have 50 percent the yeses 35 percent and the rest are undecided .

    反对者 50%, 赞成 35%,其余人尚未决定。

  • ' Will you take me there ? ' — ' Yes I will . '

    “你可以带我去那儿吗?”——“ 可以。”