


v.调整调音( tune的现在分词 )(给收音机、电视等)调谐使协调

  • Tuning and optimization tips were provided and demonstrated through the use of sample case studies .

    本文还通过一个案例研究示例来提供并展示了一些 调优和优化技巧。

  • PID parameter tuning is performed based on attenuation curve to achieve the best control state .

    采用衰减曲线法对被控对象进行PID参数 ,以达到最佳的控制状态。

  • Using this utility you explored tcp and udp workload tuning while also learning some other noteworthy parameters .

    您使用这个实用工具研究了tcp和udp工作负载 优化,同时还了解了一些其他值得关注的参数。

  • This is measured by a tuning fork .

    通过 音叉进行检查。

  • The plant features plant parameter tuning and optimization productivity and quality updating are introduced .

    介绍了工厂的特点、工厂参数的 精确 调试和优化、产量和质量的提升。

  • A simple and practical gain tuning method for AC servo system speed controller was presented .

    介绍了一种简便可行的交流伺服系统速度控制器参数 方法。

  • If you have an RF probe or oscilloscope you can use them for a more exact tuning adjustment .

    当然如果你有射频探头和示波器的话,你可以用他们获得更精确的 调节

  • Fortunately proper system tuning and monitoring can point to problems in the application .

    幸运的是,正确的系统 调优和监视可以指出应用程序中的问题。

  • The orchestra are tuning up .

    管弦乐队在 定弦

  • Change between communication systems or operating bands is achieved by tuning the resonant frequency of an antenna element .

    之间的通讯系统或工作频段 调谐的变化是通过了一个天线单元的谐振频率。

  • Your piano is flat ; it needs tuning .

    你的钢琴的音低了,该调 了。

  • This questionnaire is administered to the fatigue-limit testing system by using the theory of tuning fork .

    研究了利用 音叉原理自制的激振式疲劳极限测试系统。

  • A PID tuning method is proposed for inverse response processes .

    提出了一种针对反向响应过程的PID控制器 方法。

  • The analytical expression of tuning bandwidth and the design of oscillator circuit are given .

    给出了 调谐带宽的解析表达式和振荡器电路的设计。

  • In radiocommunications the simultaneous tuning of two or more circuits .

    无线电通信技术中同时 调谐两个或多个电路的过程。

  • Finally you studied specific methods of tuning your VMM specific to handle paging and swapping .

    最后,学习了 优化VMM以处理分页和交换的特定方法。

  • Database System Design Implementation and Administration Query Optimization and SQL Performance Tuning .

    数据库系统设计,实施,管理,查询优化和SQL性能 调优

  • I could hear the sound of a band tuning up .

    我能听到乐队 调音的声音。

  • This article introduced DB2 UDB performance monitoring and tuning fundamentals using a sample Java program ( PERFORMER ) .

    本文使用Java示例程序(PERFORMER)介绍了DB2UDB性能监控和 调优基础。

  • The assembly of tuning fork and optical fiber probe is used to perform the shear force distance control .

    粘接 音叉和光纤探针的胶粘剂对由石英音叉和光纤探针构成剪切力控距体系的 品质因数有明显的影响。

  • In this paper a self tuning control problem of transpiration ablation system with moving boundary is discussed .

    对发汗烧蚀问题的自 校正控制进行了讨论;给出了一个基于实际观测的自 校正控制算法。

  • As the incubator temperature control system with large time delay and nonlinearity conventional PID control parameters tuning difficult .


  • This article shows how to implement the new performance tuning enhancement in the CLI .

    本文展示了如何在CLI中实现新的性能 调优增强。

  • This article introduces a systematic approach to performance testing and tuning the new ClearQuest Web7.1 architecture .

    本文介绍了性能测试及 调试新RationalClearQuestWeb7.1架构的系统性方法。

  • This feature allows for easy analysis of SQL statements for performance and tuning purposes .

    该特性为分析SQL语句以提高性能和进行 调优提供了便利。

  • It enables the unlimited tuning and improvement of a software product .

    它促进了软件产品的无限 优化和改进。

  • In this paper the computer-aided diagnosis and tuning method for cross-coupled resonator cavity filters is the key factor .

    这篇文章主要研究了交叉耦合谐振腔体滤波器的计算机辅助失谐诊断与 调谐的方法。

  • When he was tuning his violin one of the strings snapped .

    他给小提琴 调弦的时候,一根弦断了。

  • With DB2 Express-C9.7.4 there have been further improvements in the areas of performance configuration and tuning .

    在DB2Express-C9.7.4中,进一步改进了性能、配置和 调优

  • Network tuning settings in sysctl are complete .

    已经在sysctl中完成了网络 调优设置。