yellow root

[ˈjɛlo rut][ˈjeləu ru:t]

[医] 北美黄连[根]

  • Root nodules are diverse in morphology and light yellow or pink in colors and the size of root nodules ranging from 1 to 10 mm in the general condition .

    采集到的 根瘤形态多样,大小多在1-10mm之间,以 淡黄和淡红色居多。

  • Uses tong four foot cones to reinforce the Yellow River dam shore root stone to suggest

    采用砼四脚锥体加固 黄河坝岸 石的建议

  • The bud is the highest in the content of yellow Ketone in all organs of Gingko plants leaf followed secondly root branch conducted the lowest .

    银杏植株各器官中 黄酮合量以芽最高,叶次之, 枝较低。

  • Asian American images in American history are reflected in two opposite periods from 1870s ' Yellow Peril to 1960s ' Model Minority Myth the similarity of which finds its root in Anglo-Saxon people 's subjective recognition and their practical consideration of economic political benefits .

    美国历史上的亚裔形象经历了从 黄祸论到模范族裔这两个截然相反的阶段,二者共同之处在于都只是盎格鲁-撒克逊民族出于自身利益对亚洲民族的主观界定。

  • The variety has characteristics such as high yield stability good quality wide adaptation tolerance to cold and drought resistance to yellow rust snow mould root rot etc.

    该品种高产稳产,品质好,适应性广,耐寒耐旱,兼抗条 、雪霉、 腐等多种病害。

  • Grass from the withered and yellow dead mother side drill out the body-it green shallow short and thin like a few root is very short green silk thread cluster into .

    小草从那 枯黄、死去的母亲身边钻了出来,嫩嫩的、绿绿的、浅浅的、又短又细、像是几 很短的绿丝线簇成的。

  • Large yellow root of a rutabaga plant .

    芜青植物大的 黄色

  • At 15 weeks after operation the tibial and peroneal nerve trunks were labeled by being injected with fast blue and nuclear yellow respectively . The labeled cells in the dorsal root ganglia ( DRG ) were observed by fluorescence microscopy .

    术后15周对胫神经和腓总神经分别用快兰和核 作神经干注射标记,取背 神经节(DRG)荧光显微镜下观察被标记细胞;

  • It is reported that micronucleus test technique of vicia faba root tips has been used in detection the pollution of the Yellow River in Lanzhou City . The micronucleus rates of vicia faba root tip cells ( MCN ‰) and pollutant indexes ( PI ) for five water samples .

    应用蚕豆根尖细胞微核技术对 黄河兰州段水质进行了检测,测定了兰州段5个水样点的蚕豆 根尖细胞微核千分率(MCN‰)及污染指数(PI)。

  • A natural yellow pigment was extracted from the root of R. confertus for the first time .

    首次从糙叶酸模的 中提取一种天然 黄色素,用乙醇水溶液提取,并用离子交换树脂进一步纯化。

  • The citrus root rot disease causes leaf yellow fallen growth weak and root rot of citrus plants .

    柑桔根腐病症状主要表现为 黄叶、落叶、树势衰弱及 根系坏死、腐烂。

  • Widely cultivated plant having a large fleshy edible white or yellow root .

    被广泛种植的一种植物,具有一个巨大的肉质的,可以食用的白色或 黄色

  • Under yellow LED the fresh mass of hypocotyls was increased significantly . Aboveground fresh mass and root length and were increased remarkably .

    光显著增加了地上部鲜质量,使下胚轴有显著的伸长,并能显著增加 长。

  • Plant with a thick bulbous edible yellow root ; used as food and animal feed .

    有一个球根状的,可食的 黄色 的植物;通常被用作食物和动物的饲料。

  • In the hairs of yellow weasel Arctic fox and leopard cat the proportion of the hair 's top without medulla and the proportion of the hair 's root without medulla have the correlativity the coefficient is 0.67 0.56 0.65 ;

    黄鼬、北极狐和豹猫的上毛中,毛尖无髓段比例与毛 无髓段比例存在相关关系,相关系数分别达到0.67、0.56、0.65;

  • Effect of Amaranth and Sunset Yellow on Micronucleus Rate in Root Tip Cells of Vicia faba

    苋菜红和日落 对蚕豆 根尖细胞微核率的影响