yellow acid

[ˈjɛlo ˈæsɪd][ˈjeləu ˈæsid]

[化] 1,3-二羟萘-5,7-二磺酸

  • Weedy trailing mat-forming herb with bright yellow flowers cultivated for its edible mildly acid leaves eaten raw or cooked especially in Indian and Greek and Middle Eastern cuisine ; cosmopolitan .

    一种草本植物,具有亮丽的 黄花,其叶 微酸,在印度、中东和希腊烹调中可生食或煮食;遍布全球。

  • The fruit of this tree having a yellow aromatic rind and juicy acid pulp .

    这种树的果实,有 黄色芳香的外皮和多汁的 酸果肉。

  • It mainly grows on yellow soils acid purplish soils and parts of yellow brown soils .

    主要生长在 黄壤 酸性紫色土上,黄棕壤上与有分布。

  • There are many active ingredients in gardenia fruits including gardenia oil gardenia yellow pigment gardenoside and chlorogenic acid .

    栀子果含有栀子油、栀子 黄色素、栀子甙和绿原 等多种活性成分。

  • Research on Separation of Yellow Humic Acid from Coal by Electrophoresis

    用电渗析法分离煤中的 研究

  • The Yellow Paint Effect of Fulvic Acid on Growth Yield and Photosynthetic Characteristic of Tomato


  • This experiment were conducted with 32 growing rabbits to study the effect of Fermented yellow humic acid additive ( FA ) on the gaining of growing rabbits .

    该试验检验了生化 添加剂饲喂生长兔的增重效果。

  • A new kinetic spectrophotometric method for the determination of micro amounts of iodine was developed based on the principle that I - inhibits the discoloration of metanil yellow oxidized by potassium bromate in sulfuric acid medium in the presence of sodium thiosulfate .

    在硫代硫酸钠存在下的 硫酸介质中,碘对溴酸钾氧化间胺 褪色具有抑制作用,建立了测定微量碘的新方法。

  • A study of acid dyes ( milling dyes ) (ⅰ)── yellow red diphenyl-methane acid dyes

    弱酸性染料的研究(Ⅰ)& 、红色二苯甲烷类弱 酸性染料

  • Study on the Procedure of Chromium Yellow Production with Nitric Acid Hydrolysis Solution of Galena

    用方铅矿的硝酸 解液合成铅 铬黄的工艺探索

  • In order to extract valuable components from raw material the paper researched that white carbon black was produced by leaching yellow phosphorus slag with nitric acid solution washing and calcining .

    本论文采用 黄磷炉渣作为原料,以硝酸作为浸取剂,通过 浸、洗涤、煅烧等步骤制得白炭黑产品,从而提取出原料中的有价成份。

  • The order of the maximal amount of Hg ~ ( 2 + ) adsorption was : purple alluvial soil > neutral purple soil > yellow soil > grey-brown alluvial soil > acid purple soil .

    吸附速率顺序为:灰棕潮土>紫色潮土>中性紫色土> 黄壤> 酸性紫色土。解吸动力学规律与吸附过程相类似。

  • A yellow toxic highly explosive strong acid ; used in high explosives and as a dye and in chemical reactions .

    一种 黄色、有毒、极易爆炸的 强酸,用于烈性炸药、染料和化学反应中。

  • The fatty acid composition of yellow catfish was influenced by the dietary fatty acid composition .

    不同油脂和不同磷脂水平各组鱼体脂肪 组成均显著受 饲料脂肪酸组成的影响。

  • The major results were shown in the following : ( 1 ) Saffron yellow was difficult to be hydrolyzed by acid and alkali whereas Gardenia yellow and red rice pigment were easy to be hydrolyzed under alkaline and acidic conditions respectively .

    研究结果表明:(1)红花 不易被 和碱水解,栀子黄易在碱性条件下水解;红米红易在酸性条件下水解。

  • Proposed is a process for purification of yellow humic acid by heterophase cation-exchange membrane . After electrophoresis its purity was up to 95 % and recovery 88.47 % .

    研究了一种新的 腐酸提纯工艺方法,采用异相离子交换膜进行黄腐 的电渗析提纯, 经电渗析后的纯度可达95%,收率为88.47%;

  • Three types of acid soils : acid purple soil ( pH value 5.45 ) acid clay yellow soil ( pH value 4.99 ) and acid sandy yellow soil ( pH value 4.30 ) were used in a pot experiment to study the growth of 6 types of Medicago sativa .

    酸性紫色土(pH值5.45),粘 黄壤(pH值4.99)和砂岩黄壤(pH值4.30)为供试土壤,利用盆栽试验比较分析了6个紫花苜蓿品种的生长表现。

  • The newly produced product is faint yellow powder soluble in water and acid solution and insoluble in alkaline solution .

    新制的CA为淡 黄色粉末,易溶解于水和 酸性溶液,碱性溶液中难溶。

  • Study on Combined Extraction of Gardenia Yellow Geniposide Polysaccharide and Chlorogenic Acid from Gardenia

    从栀子中联合提取栀子 栀子苷多糖和绿原 的研究

  • The main chemical properties of yellow soil and acid purple soil in tea gardens in the west of sichuan province are fully described and analysized .

    本文论述了四川省西部植茶的 黄壤 酸性紫色土的重要化学性质和茶树产量的关系。

  • Study on Dynamics of Yellow Soil Releasing Cadmium at Acid Rain Conditions

    酸雨条件下 黄壤对镉的释放动力学研究

  • A yellow fuming corrosive mixture of nitric and hydrochloric acid that dissolves metals ( including gold ) .

    一种 黄色、气味浓烈、腐蚀性的氮和 盐酸的混合物,能溶解金属(包括金)。

  • Vat Yellow G is conditioned by solvent treating acid dissolving ball milling and leuco-oxidizing .

    对还原 G颜料化采用了溶剂处理法、 溶法、球磨法和隐色体氧化法。

  • The comprehensive influence order was : Handilong > yellow humic acid compound fertilizer > transpiration resistant agent .

    综合影响顺序为:旱地龙> 腐殖 复合肥>抗蒸腾剂。

  • Berries ovate pear-shaped or spherical mature weak yellow or pink taste when slightly acid and special aroma .

    浆果卵形、梨形或球形,成熟时 淡黄或粉红色,味略 而有特殊香味。

  • Extraction and Stability of Natural Yellow Pigments from Acid and Sweet Pomegranate Rinds

    甜石榴皮和 石榴皮中天然 黄色素的提取及其稳定性比较分析

  • An effective procedure for the production of chromium yellow with nitric acid hydrolysis solution of Galena was studied .

    应用方铅矿的硝酸 解液可生产出多种铅产品,其中合成铅 铬黄是比较便捷的一种。

  • Large yellow fruit with somewhat acid juicy pulp ; usual serving consists of a half .

    个头大的、多汁、果肉 微酸 黄色果实;常吃一半。