type of database

[taɪp ʌv ˈdetəˌbes][taip ɔv ˈdeitəbeis]

[计] 数据库类型

  • A great number of information resources existing in the electronic or digital type of database hypertext and multimedia are gradually playing a leading role in the Internet times .

    海量 迅捷是因特网迅速发展和被广泛 应用的根本原因,同时也导致了一个严峻的问题一网络信息资源的无序性。

  • SOA an important part is : it is no longer focus on technology as the center of the fine particles entities such as the type of database or Java objects ; SOA to focus on business-centric services there are business-class size matters .

    SOA的一个重要之处在于:它不再重点考虑以技术为中心的细颗粒度实体,如 数据库 类型或Java对象;SOA专注于以业务为中心的服务,这些服务就有业务级的事务粒度。

  • You can choose what type of database you are connecting to and visual database tools selects the most likely provider as the default .

    可以选择将要连接的 数据库 类型,可视化数据库工具会选择最可能的提供程序作为默认值。

  • This paper first introduces the need of technology that connects the database server based on dynamic IP address then give an approach of how to connect that type of database server and realize this approach by Delphi .

    本文首先介绍目前对连接动态地址 数据库服务器技术的需求,接着给出一 连接构架于动态地址上的数据库服务器的实现方法,并用Delphi实现通过。

  • Select the type of database from the list of drivers on your system .

    “请从列表中选择系统中已有的 数据库驱动程序”

  • It goes further by mentioning that it could be any type of database : relational ( object-relational ) or non-relational .

    并且还进一步提到可以是任何 类型 数据库:关系(对象-关系)或非关系的。

  • To actually use SQLObject you need to set up a database package and the Python interface to that type of database .

    要实际使用SQLObject,需要设置数据库包以及 这种 数据库的Python接口。

  • By default the selected parser is based on the type of database that the script is connected to .

    默认情况下,所选择的解析器是基于脚本所连接的 数据库 类型

  • Select the type of the database to create for the test datastore and click Next .

    选择 输入 数据库为测试数据仓库进行创建,并点击Next。

  • Performance is one of the most important factors in any type of database system .

    在任何一 数据库系统中,性能是最重要的因素之一。

  • When employees of a company use online data banks either those that are free or those available through subscription fees only they are using which type of database ?

    当员工的一家公司使用网上银行的数据,无论是那些免费或可通过向用户收取费用,只是,他们正在使用何种 类型 数据库

  • The second type of database configuration scoping is the application-scoped data source .

    第二 数据库配置范围是应用程序范围的数据源。

  • The following applications and their associated databases will be deleted Select the type of database from the list of drivers on your system .

    下列应用程序及其关联数据库将被删除“请从列表中选择系统中已有的 数据库驱动程序”

  • Why would you use this type of database configuration scoping ?

    为什么要使用 此类 数据库配置范围?

  • These variables have been implemented in DB2 as a new type of database object whose definition is stored in the database catalogs .

    在DB2中,这些变量被实现为一种 新型 数据库对象,其定义保存在数据库编目中。

  • Thus JSE_MVC is brought forward . In this architecture EJB is used in model level and entity bean is used to connect database . If the type of database is changed there is only a little change in the program .

    因此在本文中提出了改进的JSEMVC结构,JSEMVC结构的Model层采用EJB技术,连接数据库主要采用EntityBean,如果 数据库 类型更改,不需要大幅度修改应用程序,增强了系统的可移植性。

  • You may want to validate a script against a different type of database for example if you are planning to export the script for use in another type of database .

    您可能希望在不同 类型 数据库上验证脚本,例如,您可能准备将脚本导出为另一种类型的数据库。

  • To fulfill this requirement you must have some UI elements such as a text box a Save button and a way to save the information for retrieval later which implies some type of database .

    为了满足此需求,必须有一些用户界面元素,比如一个文本框、Save按钮以及保存信息的方法,这需要使用 某种 数据库

  • Within this type of database data is hashed for storage location to identify which database partition will store the data .

    在这种 类型 数据库中,数据被根据存储位置进行散列,以标识哪个数据库分区将存储数据。

  • The setup between IDS and any other type of database would follow the same basic procedure .

    IDS和其他任何 类型 数据库的基本设置过程是相同的。

  • Suitable type of database was selected and background database was built .

    选用合适 类型 网络 数据库方案,建立后台数据库;

  • In this study taking Database of accident case and coal mine safety and Mineral rock database as exemples the bases for designing the metadata of special type of database are explained .

    本文以《煤矿安全与事故案例数据库》和《矿物岩石数据库》为例,说明了 特种 数据库的元数据的设计依据。

  • And then it is a brief introduction of the model in LAN . Afterward it demonstrate the choice of the type of the database structure according of the characteristic of the system .

    然后对局域网模型进行简单的介绍,然后针对系统的特点对 数据库结构 类型的选择进行了论证分析,最后对 用户注册、登录及管理员帐户 管理 模块的设计过程进行了详细的介绍。

  • In order to create database connections for non-IBM databases data server drivers for this type of database need to be defined first .

    要为非IBM数据库创建数据库连接,需要先定义 此类 数据库的数据服务器驱动器。

  • A certain type of database connectivity only exists / doesn 't exist on specific Dispatchers .

    某种 数据库连通性 类型只在特定Dispatchers上存在/不存在。