typing of blood

[ˈtaɪpɪŋ ʌv blʌd][ˈtaɪpɪŋ ɔv blʌd]

[医] 血型分类

  • Analysis of O-Group Blood Cell Agglutination in Reverse ABO Typing of Donor Blood

    但对人ABO 血细胞不发生凝集作用; 献血者ABO血型反定型O细胞凝集原因分析

  • The relationships between typing based on differentiation of symptoms and signs and nailfold microcirculation values of TT_3 TT_4 and FT _4I in blood and RAIU in the patients with hyperthyroidism

    甲状腺机能亢进症 辨证 与甲皱微循环及TT3、TT4、FT 4I和吸~(131)碘率的关系

  • On the dialectical typing the most common types are syndrome of intermingled phlegm and Qi syndrome of intermingled phlegm and blood stasis syndrome of Yin injured by heat toxicity deficiency of Qi and blood syndrome .

    辨证 方面,以痰气交阻、痰 互结、热毒伤阴、气血亏虚最为多见。

  • Effect of HLA High-resolution Typing in Relation of Peripheral Blood Hematopoietic Stem Cells Transplantation from an Unrelated Donor

    供、患者HLA-A、B、DRB1高分辨 的无关供者外周 造血干细胞移植32例回顾 分析

  • TCM typing : In the treatment group there were 13 cases of internal block due to phlegm and heat 9 of internal excess due to stagnation of phlegm 7 of internal block due to blood stasis and 4 of deficiency of qi due to blood stasis .

    中医 :治疗组痰热内闭型13例,痰浊内盛型9例,瘀血内阻型7例,气虚 血瘀型4例。

  • On the dialectical typing deficiency of Qi phlegm blood stasis is the most common type .

    辨证 上,以气虚、痰湿、 血瘀证型最为多见。

  • Conclusion The reversed blood typing in neonate can not be neglected because the ABO antibodies in most of them have been formed . It can be expected to replace the traditional anti-H reagents and to be used for clinical blood typing .

    结论新生儿ABO 血型鉴定中大部分已正反定型相符,在新生儿常规血型检查时反 定型的价值不可忽视。可望能取代传统的抗H试剂而用于临床 血型分型。

  • Blood typing : Classification of Blood by inherited antigens associated with erythrocytes ( red Blood cells ) .

    血型 分类:根据由遗传决定的红血球中的抗原来将 血液分类。

  • Typing of ABH blood group on human nails by improved two-dimensional absorption method

    双向吸收-抑制改良试验检测人指甲内ABH 血型物质

  • HLA typing in large scale of cord blood samples with PCR-SSOP

    应用PCR-SSOP技术进行大样本 脐血 HLA基因 的探讨

  • Gene typing of 128 cases of Rh negative blood donors

    Rh(-) 献血者128例基因

  • If bone marrow transplant is to be done HLA typing of the family is done immediately and blood products are used as little as possible to avoid sensitization .

    如果进行骨髓移植,就要马上做人淋巴细胞抗原 血液制品也是用得越少越好,以免致敏。

  • Methods The clinical stage and clinical typing of patients with GBS were observed ; T lymphocyte subsets in peripheral blood of patients with GBS were counted by flow cytometry .

    方法选择临床确诊的 吉兰-巴雷综合征患者进行临床分期与 ,并用流式细胞仪检测其外周 T淋巴细胞亚群的相对计数。

  • A person whose type O blood may be safely transfused into persons with other blood types . Analysis of O-Group Blood Cell Agglutination in Reverse ABO Typing of Donor Blood

    血型是O型能给所有其他血型的人输血的人。献血者ABO 血型反定型O细胞凝集原因分析

  • In eight eases of no exclusion the paternity probability identified by HLA typing was from 90.52 % to 99.8 % much higher than that of other three blood group typing .

    在不能排除的8例中,HLA检测所得的父权概率最低为 90.52%,最高达99.8%,远高于其他三个 血型系统。

  • Objective : To investigate the objective index of traditional Chinese medicine typing by means of analysis bilateral renal interlobar artery blood velocity in diabetic nephropathy patient using colorful Doppler frequency spectrum .

    目的:借助彩色多普勒频谱图,对糖尿病肾病患者肾脏叶间动脉 血流参数进行分析,探索该病中医 的客观指标。

  • The results show that all DNA - typing of the stained smears were consistent with the corresponding blood ; the smear slides stained with hematoxylin-eosic ( HE ) made the samples ' DNA less degraded than stained with the acid fuchsin and methylene blue ( Baecchi );

    结果显示,所有染色涂片DNA 均与对照 血样一致,苏木素-伊红(HE)染色比酸性复红-美蓝(Baecchi)染色对DNA的降解作用要小;