type of memory

[taɪp ʌv ˈmɛməri][taip ɔv ˈmeməri]

[计] 存储器类型

  • This parameter indicates whether or not the VMM re-page counts should be considered and what type of memory it should steal .

    这个参数表示是否应该考虑VMM重分页计数,以及它应该偷取什么 类型 内存

  • A new type of shape memory alloy damper

    一种 新型形状 记忆合金阻尼器

  • A type of read-only memory that can be erased thereby returning the device to a blank state .

    只读 存储器,其中的内容可以擦除,使存储器成为空白状态。

  • This is a special type of memory available through the DataBlade API where you give it a name and can retrieve a reference to it by name .

    这是一种通过DataBladeAPI可用的特殊 内存 类型,其中,您向它赋予一个名称,并可以根据名称获取对它的一个引用。

  • Systematic research on this type of memory can be dated back to the 19th century when Galton invented the breakfast questionnaire and the word-cueing method . With the accumulation of related research on autobiographical memory it has become a new focus in recent years .

    自传体 记忆的系统研究可追溯到十九世纪高尔顿发明的早餐问卷和 &线索方法,自此,有关的研究在文献中逐年增多,近年来已成为一个新的研究热点。

  • Children at school need this type of memory on a daily basis for a variety of tasks such as following teachers ' instructions or remembering dictated sentences .

    学校中的孩子每日需要这 记忆来完成各种任务,例如遵从老师的教导,或记住听写的句子。

  • For this type of memory leak case it is important to analyze a heap dump taken within the short span of time the free memory is observed to be dropping quickly .

    对这种 类型 内存泄漏情况,分析短时间内获取的堆转储(heapdump)非常重要,这样可以观察正在快速减少的可用内存。

  • A program used to read a program from an input device and usually into some type of random access memory .

    一种程序,用来把一程序从输入设备读到某种 类型的随机 存储器中。

  • In this paper a new type of downhole memory gauge using USB interface is discussed . It can replace the traditional RS-232 serial port .

    本文将USB接口用于 存储 测井仪器,取代了传统的RS-232串口。

  • Magnetic Shape Memory Alloy ( MSMA ) is a new type of shape memory alloys which posses not only traditional thermoelasticity shape memory effect that can be controlled by temperature but also magnetic shape memory effect that can be controlled by magnetic field .

    磁性形状记忆合金是一类 新型形状 记忆材料,不但具有传统形状记忆合金的受温度场控制的热弹性形状记忆效应,而且还具有受磁场控制的磁性形状记忆效应。

  • Objective To design a new type of shape memory alloy intrasegmental fixation instrument for the treatment of lumbar spondylolysis researching its material mechanical characteristic analyzing the finite element method ( FEM ) and evaluating the ability of the new device to restore the spine stability .

    目的研制治疗腰椎峡部裂的 新型 记忆合金节段内固定器,测试其材料力学特性,并进行有限元分析和生物力学稳定性评价。

  • Confabulation is an important type of false memory .

    虚构是虚假 记忆的重要 类型 之一

  • This study discover lookback of three types : the type of memory comprehension and examination .

    本研究确定了三种回视的类型,即 记忆 、理解型和检查 回视。

  • This type of memory leak will cause your programs to be bloated get slower over time and eventually run out of memory .

    这种 类型 内存泄漏将会导致您的程序越来越大,运行越来越慢,最终耗尽内存。

  • He was particularly interested in a type of memory called episodic memory which relates to specific events places and times .

    他的兴趣点在一 叫做“事件记忆”的记忆上,这种 记忆与时间、地点和次数相关联。

  • The protocol stack can be carried out by means of C language . All the use of pointer explicit the type of memory and system is compiled by the minor mode of Keil C.

    协议栈用C语言实现,指针的使用都明确 存储 类型,并采用keilC小模式下编译。

  • Aim The data type of memory is a very important data type in computer and it is of very importance in the CDT construction .

    目的 存储器 类型是计算机中十分重要的数据类型,因而对其进行CDT构造具有十分重要的意义。

  • This type of memory is closely related to fluid intelligence according to background information in the article and appears to rely on the same brain circuitry .

    根据该文章的相关消息, 这种 记忆 能力与流动智能紧密相关,它似乎依靠相同的大脑循环。

  • This type of a memory leak is referred to as a Java heap memory leak .

    这种 类型 内存泄漏称为Java堆内存泄漏。

  • Former Flextronics boss Michael Marks stood in as interim CEO before the arrival of Ze'ev Drori who made his mark with a company that produced a type of computer memory .

    曾任伟创力公司(Flextronics)老板的迈克尔?马克斯(MichaelMarks)临时出任首席执行官,直到因创立一 电脑 存储器生产企业而名声大噪泽夫?

  • Our memory is a vital part of our personal life but cultures also have a type of @ memory @ .

    人的记忆是每个人生命中的重要部分,而文化同样也有一 记忆

  • Then designed a FIFO type of memory .

    实现了一种FIFO数据 结构 存储器

  • This type of backwards memory task is quite hard because you have to keep track of what is presented to you and reverse it in your head .

    这种 倒序 记忆任务很难,原因是你要在大脑中 记忆所播放事物的同时反向 记忆之。

  • This paper introduces the new type of shared memory interface mode for data exchange between DSP and PC.

    本文主要介绍了 新型DSP与PC机之间的数据交换的共享 存储器接口方式。

  • When you are inside a debugger you can use various Purify API functions to investigate the status and type of various memory locations

    当您在一个调试器中,您可以利用各种PurifyAPI函数来研究各种 内存单元的状态 类型:f

  • Featured as self-reference distinctly autobiographical memory is a type of memory in conformity with the content of personal life events .

    自传体记忆是一 整合 记忆,具有鲜明的自我参照性,其内容主要为个人的生活事件。

  • You can also define limits on the type and amount of memory that a thread can consume such that an OutOfMemoryError is thrown if the thread consumes more than that limit .

    您还可以定义线程所能够使用的 内存 类型和数量的限制,如果超过该限制,则抛出OutOfMemoryError。