type of name

[taɪp ʌv nem][taip ɔv neim]


  • The third part gives the detailed analysis of the causes and the type of conflicts of domain name which is the theoretical basis of the research .

    第三部分具体分析了 域名冲突的产生原因及 类型,这是研究域名冲突问题的理论基础。

  • In connection with integrated circuits ( ICs ) pertaining to a specific type of construction . The general name applied to ICs that use bipolar transistors .

    在集成电路(ICs)中,用来修饰一种特定的结构 类型,是对使用双极晶体管集成电路的 总称

  • Too many names have been found in the directory service or the server has exceeded its time limit for searching . Type more letters of the name and try again .

    目录服务中发现太多名称或者服务器已超出其搜索时间限制。 键入更多 名称的字母,然后再试。

  • This interface represents a type definition as a pair consisting of a name and a namespace URI .

    这个接口代表一个 类型定义,由 名称和命名空间URI成对组成。

  • The type of setup you choose determines the name and format of the resulting answer file .

    您选择的安装 类型决定结果应答文件的 名称和格式。

  • The required type attribute should declare the type of property as the fully qualified name of a Java class .

    必需的type属性应该将属性 类型声明为一个Java类的完全限定

  • The society is sure to register item to basically include : type of unit name abode management place unit legal representative or chief .

    社会保险登记事项主要包括:单位 名称、住所、经营地点、单位 类型、法定代表人或者负责人。

  • However the Java language also offers an alternate syntax in which the array brackets are placed after the type instead of after the variable name

    但Java语言也提供了一种替代性的语法,将数组复括号紧接于 类型之后,而不是变量 之后

  • That indicates the type of the host name .

    指示主机 类型的。

  • We adopted a three-stimulus oddball paradigm . The big circle was regarded as the standard stimuli the small circle was regarded as the object stimuli the three type of name stimulus ( self mother caregiver / grandmother Luxun ) was regarded as distractive stimuli .

    实验采用Oddball范式,大圆是标准刺激,小圆是目标刺激,四 名称刺激(自己、母亲、看护人/奶奶、鲁迅)为分心刺激。

  • A path must be supplied for this type of virtual name .

    必须为此 类型 虚拟 名称提供路径。

  • Passing the type of the object to override and the name of the member being overridden .

    并传递要重写的对象的 类型 被重写的成员的 名称

  • A new type of pulse which the suggested name was Trembling Pulse ( TP ) was found by the author .

    作者发现一种新的脉象,即诊脉时指下有震颤感,这是一 独立脉象,建议 命名为震颤脉。

  • Type all or part of the name of an item that you want to locate and then click go to start the search .

    键入希望查找的项的 全名或部分 名称,再单击“转到”以启动搜索。

  • The formerly teaching material paid attention to remain the full-grown type of syndrome and change name of partial type of syndrome by adjusting the record entity and enhance clinical differentiation of symptoms and signs research .

    在以往基础上历版教材都注意保留了较为成熟的证 ,并随着收载病种的调整以及临床辨证研究的日渐深入,细化或 更名了部分证型。

  • Then you can just type the first few letters of the name and choose from a list .

    之后,您就可以 输入开始的几个 字母并从列表中选择。

  • Required attributes ( title for a person ) or parts of attributes ( type of an organization within its name ( such as IBM or IBM Corporation )

    所需属性(人员的职位)或属性部分( 名称内所带的组织 类型,如“IBM”或“IBMCorporation”)

  • On the other hand a possessive type of love proclaimed by narcissistic types does indeed grant freedom to rationalize any type of behaviour in the name of love .

    相反的,一 占有性的,自私的爱显示为时时以自我为中心,总是强调‘自由’,却把自己的种种自私 行为冠以“爱”的 名义

  • Type the name of the exception in the name box .

    在“ 名称”框中 键入异常的名称。

  • A new type of tool name as multi-tooth tool that can produce many pieces of long metal fibres simultaneously is developed .

    研制了一种能同时加工出 多根微细金属长纤维的 新型刀具&多齿刀具。

  • Specifies the full type name of the object and the assembly name of the type implementation .

    指定对象的完整 类型名和类型实现的程序集 名称

  • In sum : There is an object called $ name it has an SDO type of Name and it is assigned to a property of $ author called name .

    总之,有一个名为$name的对象,其SDO 类型Name,此对象被指派给名为name的$author属性。

  • The item that register includes : type of unit name abode management place unit legal representative or chief open an account the any other business that bank account and labor safeguard service set .

    登记事项包括:单位 名称、住所、经营地点、单位 类型、法定代表人或者负责人、开户银行帐号以及劳动保障行政部门规定的其他事项。

  • Color by relationship ( all elements related by a specified relationship type to a class of a certain name )

    根据关系来着色(所有根据一个指定的关系 类型与特定 名字的类相关的元素)

  • Literature review : By reading a lot of literature mainly elaborates the relationship and treatment of ancient TCM literatures about the neck type of cervical spondylosis disease name etiology and pathogenesis clinical manifestation and the relationship of zang-fu organs and meridians .

    文献综述:通过阅读大量文献,主要阐述了古代中医文献关于颈 颈椎病的病 、病因病机、临床表现与脏腑经络的关系及治疗。

  • The type of the host name is not supplied .

    不提供主机 类型

  • Type the meaning of your English name in the third place .

    在第三行, 填写你的英文 名字的含义。

  • Gets a type of the specified name .

    获取指定 名称 类型