


vt.& vi.打字


  • The latest Japanese vacuum cleaners contain sensors that detect the amount of dust and type of floor .

    日本的最新真空吸尘器配有可探测灰尘多少和地板 类型的传感器。

  • It 's the first time I a fair-skinned freckly type have sailed in the sun without burning

    身为 那种皮肤白皙而又长雀斑的人,这是我第一次在阳光下航行而没有被晒伤。

  • With this type of camera the shutter speed is fixed

    对这 相机而言,快门的速度是固定的。

  • He is a man of Lei Feng type .

    他是一个雷锋 的人物。

  • Look at the people above you in the positions of power and see what type of characters they are .

    审视一下权位高于你的那些人,看他们具有哪 类型的性格。

  • I was rather an outdoor type

    我是 那种特别喜欢 户外运动的人。

  • You type things in and it responds .

    你把东西 输入进去,它就会作出反应。

  • several types of lettuce

    几个 不同 品种的莴苣

  • The correction had already been set in type .

    那处修正已经出现在 铅字纸上。

  • Rates of interest for this type of borrowing can be high

    这种 类型的借款利率可能会很高。

  • Which type of transport do you prefer ?

    你更喜欢哪 类型的代步工具?

  • Please type or write clearly in double spacing on one side of A4 paper only .

    请用A4纸、以双倍行距单面 打印或誊抄,字迹务必清晰。

  • I can type your essays for you

    我可以帮你把文章 出来。

  • At first I thought he was rather ordinary looking a little chubby not my type

    刚开始我认为他相貌很普通,有点胖乎乎的,并非我喜欢的 类型

  • The Chinese also eat a type of pasta as part of their staple diet

    中国人也把一 面食作为他们的主食之一。

  • I am a very determined type of person .

    我是 那种非常坚决的人。

  • There are various types of the disease

    该疾病有各种 类型

  • Have you done this type of work before ?

    你以前做过 这种活儿吗?

  • The letter consists of six closely typed pages .

    那封信有密密麻麻 打印 出来的6页。

  • The soldiers have stripped the civilians of their passports and every other type of document

    士兵们已经夺走了平民的护照以及所有其他 类型的证件。

  • In 1990 25 % of households were of this type .

    1990年,25%的家庭属于这种 类型

  • Choosing the right type of paint for the job is half the battle .

    选对了 涂料,这项工作就成功了一半。

  • I had never really learnt to type properly

    我从来没真正学会怎样正确 打字

  • You have to type in commands such as ' help ' and ' print '

    你必须 输入命令,例如“帮助”或“打印”。

  • Incidents of this type cause irreparable damage to relations with the community


  • Write down the following information : name of product type date purchased and price

    请写明如下信息:产品名称、 类型、购买日期和价格。

  • I 'm not his type . I am probably too strong a character .

    我不是他喜欢的 类型。大概我性格太要强了。

  • I am not an emotional type and so cannot bring myself to tell him I love him

    我不是一个感情 外露的人,因此不会主动告诉他我爱他。

  • She was certainly not the type to murder her husband .

    她绝不是 那种会谋杀亲夫的人。

  • He became a skid row type of drunkard .

    他变成了 那种贫民区里 常见的醉鬼。