


  • Conduct unBecoming an officer . live according to one 's condition

    符合官员 身份的行为过适合自己 身份的生活

  • Stop dishing the dirt sally . it 's really quite unbecoming .

    萨利,别讲人家的闲话吧,那是很 体面的。

  • They plead guilty we drop the conspiracy and conduct unbecoming .

    他们认罪,就网开一面 他们共谋及行为 不当

  • An unbecoming dress style colour .

    合适 连衣裙、样式、颜色。

  • Rockwood was charged with conduct unbecoming an officer .

    洛克伍德被指控有与官员 身份 相称的行为。

  • His conduct was totally unbecoming to an officer in the British armed services

    作为一名英军军官,他的行为极 得体

  • Despite pleading innocence the images of Dominique Strauss-Kahn in handcuffs was unbecoming of the leader of the global banking institution .

    尽管一直声称自己是无辜的, 然而,作为全球银行机构的负责人,卡恩戴着手铐的形象 得体

  • Don 't you think it would be unbecoming to our queen .

    你不认为皇后这样做不 适合

  • Maria such thoughts are unbecoming to you .

    玛丽亚,这样的想法跟你是 相称的。

  • She felt that tears were unbecoming and foolish .

    她觉得流泪是 恰当的,是愚蠢的。

  • The secret of remaining young is never to have an emotion that is unbecoming .


  • Solution : Wearing your breakfast lunch or dinner on your shirt is unbecoming .

    是否 看看你的衬衫就能猜 早点或者午餐吃了 什么呢?

  • Those involved had performed acts unbecoming of university students .

    那些参与者的所作所为 大学生的 体面

  • It was thought unbecoming for young ladies to smoke .

    年轻女子吸烟被认为 斯文

  • Not unbecoming men that strove with gods .

    使 我们 配称为与神斗争的人。

  • If he had been forgotten it had been a gap in our great feast and all things unbecoming .

    如果他被忘记,那是我们的盛宴的一大缺陷,一切都 象样了。

  • She had on an unbecoming hat .

    她戴了一顶 相配的帽子。

  • However the strange phenomenon of few readers and low utility of foreign books in university library is unbecoming for a place full of talent .

    然而高校图书馆外文图书却普遍存在读者少、利用率低是的问题,这种怪现象 人才密集的高校是 相称的。

  • King believes that the problem in a hurry in the deal is technically wrong Gillian will be very unbecoming which leads to the public did not accept .

    英皇方面认为,问题出在匆忙中技术上处理错误,阿娇的发言很 得体,才导致公众不接受。

  • Such honour is unbecoming to for w_97 him .

    这种荣誉对他 相称

  • Conduct unbecoming to an officer and a gentleman

    与官员和绅士 身分 相称的行为

  • He was accused of conduct unbecoming to an officer .

    他被谴责行为 官员 身份

  • He was drummed out of the service for conduct unbecoming of an officer . He was dismissed from the army last year .

    他因行为 军官的 身份 相称而被部队开除。

  • Nothing unbecoming tinged the pride ; it was a natural and worthy one ;

    那是一种理所当然的高尚的自豪, 沾染 不当的色彩。

  • It is utterly unbecoming of him to do such a thing .

    干这种事 他的 身分 相称

  • Conduct unbecoming to an officer .

    军官 体面的行为。

  • Although not illegal his conduct was unbecoming for a lawyer .

    他的行为虽不违法,却 与其律师 身份 相称

  • The colours are unbecoming to her complexion .

    这些颜色 她的肤色 相配

  • And conduct unbecoming a United States marine .

    以及对一名陆战队员行为 不当

  • He ultimately came clean admitted he lied to his coaches and was fined $ 500000 while sitting out almost two months as his shoulder healed the extension of an already unbecoming first season with the lakers .

    最终他还是站出来澄清,承认他对教练撒谎,被处以50万的罚款,并且还因为肩伤在板凳上坐了2个月,就这样度过了他在湖人第一个 怎么 光彩的赛季。