


  • In the case of check-and-balance shareholder ownership that many big shareholders govern the listed company together the total shares they hold is big enough to restrict single-large-shareholder tyrannize the little ones .

    在存在股权 制衡的情况下,多个大股东共同掌握控制权,所持有的足够大的股份足以限制大股东对小股东的侵权行为。

  • At length says rousseau man becomes a tyrant over himself and nature . can you explain this phrase ? Can one tryrannize over oneself ? Can one tyrannize over nature ?

    最后,卢梭说:「人们变成自己和大自然的暴君」。你能加以解释吗?人有可能欺压自己吗?人类有能力 欺压大自然吗?

  • The strong should not tyrannize the weak .

    强者不该 欺压弱者。

  • He used to tyrannize his younger brother .

    他过去常常 欺压自己的弟弟。

  • So it is the nature of such persons to insult and tyrannize over little people ( Henry Fielding )

    如此侮辱和 欺压 弱小的人是这种人的本性(亨利菲尔丁)