zero suppress

[ˈzɪro səˈprɛs][ˈziərəu səˈpres]


  • However the noise is white and has a zero mean which provides a way to suppress it . That is by arithmetical averaging the noise can be effectively suppressed .

    由于所含噪声是白 噪声,具有统计期望 的数字特征,因此,采用算术平均的方法就可以有效抑制噪声。

  • Set this constant to a non-zero value to enable diagnostic messages to be printed or set it to zero to suppress them .

    将这个常量设置为非零值,以便显示诊断消息;或者将其设置 ,以便 抑制诊断消息。

  • Combination of expanding zero forcing and successive interference cancellation is adopted to inter-cluster users to suppress inter-cluster interference .

    对簇间用户采用扩展的迫 接收与连续干扰消除相结合的方法,对簇间干扰进行 抑制

  • It is found that the conductance exhibits a sharp junction peak at Zero bias and gap while the spin flip scattering increases and rough interface scattering can suppress the Zero bias and gap conductance peaks .

    研究表明,自旋反转效应能使 偏压电导峰和能隙峰变得尖锐,而粗糙面散射能 压低零偏压峰和能隙峰。

  • The spectral center of the weather clutter is not at the zero frequency . The characteristic of the clutter echoes varies with the weather environment etc. Adaptive clutter suppression algorithms have been proposed in order to suppress the weather clutter .

    气象 波的谱中心不在 频,其回波特性随着环境变化而变化。

  • This algorithm adjust the maximum and zero direction of antenna array by adjusting the weights to suppress interference from neighbor cells and improve the SINR at the receiving point .

    此算法可以抑制邻小区的干扰,提高接收点的信干比。主要思想是针对不同的子载波组,调整子载波组的主波束方向和 零点方向, 抑制邻区基站的干扰。

  • At this point it would be time to ask the report author whether or not they actually need the divByZero zero and overflow suppression or whether or not they just wanted to suppress nulls .

    此时,正是时候询问报表创建者是否真的需要divByZero、 zero和overflowsuppression,或他们是否仅想要 抑制nulls。

  • Zero forcing is applied to intra-cluster users to suppress multi-user interference .

    对簇内用户采用迫 线性接收算法, 抑制簇内多用户间的干扰。